Re: Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

2003-03-02 Thread Nomen Nescio,6903,905899,00.html

 Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

 Secret document details American plan to bug phones and emails of key Security 
 Council members

 Read the memo,12239,905954,00.html

 The memo is directed at senior NSA officials and advises them that the agency is 
 'mounting a surge' aimed at gleaning information not only on how delegations on the 
 Security Council will vote on any second resolution on Iraq, but also 'policies', 
 'negotiating positions', 'alliances' and 'dependencies' - the 'whole gamut of 
 information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable 
 to US goals or to head off surprises'.

 Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's chief 
 weapons inspector Hans Blix produced his interim report on Iraqi compliance with UN 
 resolution 1441.

 It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets' section of the 
 NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as strategically important for United 
 States interests.

Do you think Mr. Koza would answer questions about it? The pre-
Total Information Awareness system seems to indicate he can be 
reached at 410-964-3814 in Columbia, MD, a 25 minute drive from 
Fort Meade. If he's encouraging tapping people's home phones, 
surely he can't object to a phone call simply asking for 
information. Learning more about this is clearly in the public 
interest. He should be given an opportunity to explain this 
disturbing news.

 Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' - Quick Response 
 Capability - 'against' the key delegations.

Re: Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

2003-03-02 Thread Nomen Nescio,6903,905899,00.html

 Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war

 Secret document details American plan to bug phones and emails of key Security 
 Council members

 Read the memo,12239,905954,00.html

 The memo is directed at senior NSA officials and advises them that the agency is 
 'mounting a surge' aimed at gleaning information not only on how delegations on the 
 Security Council will vote on any second resolution on Iraq, but also 'policies', 
 'negotiating positions', 'alliances' and 'dependencies' - the 'whole gamut of 
 information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favourable 
 to US goals or to head off surprises'.

 Dated 31 January 2003, the memo was circulated four days after the UN's chief 
 weapons inspector Hans Blix produced his interim report on Iraqi compliance with UN 
 resolution 1441.

 It was sent by Frank Koza, chief of staff in the 'Regional Targets' section of the 
 NSA, which spies on countries that are viewed as strategically important for United 
 States interests.

Do you think Mr. Koza would answer questions about it? The pre-
Total Information Awareness system seems to indicate he can be 
reached at 410-964-3814 in Columbia, MD, a 25 minute drive from 
Fort Meade. If he's encouraging tapping people's home phones, 
surely he can't object to a phone call simply asking for 
information. Learning more about this is clearly in the public 
interest. He should be given an opportunity to explain this 
disturbing news.

 Koza specifies that the information will be used for the US's 'QRC' - Quick Response 
 Capability - 'against' the key delegations.