Re: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-09 Thread Bill Stewart
At 07:05 PM 08/06/2003 +0100, Adam Back wrote:
The problems with closed lists relying on a single human for
forwarding and filtering...
Couldn't he just let people post in his absence?  It kind of detracts
from a list if it disappears for weeks at a time on a regular basis.
Also there are delays, and then there's Perry decisions that a
discussion is no longer worth persuing when contributors are still
interested to discuss.
If it's too quiet on Perry's list, you can always overflow discussions
back to the Cypherpunks list or sci.crypt.

Re: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-08 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:49 AM 8/6/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 11:05  AM, Adam Back wrote:
>> Couldn't he just let people post in his absence?  It kind of detracts

>> from a list if it disappears for weeks at a time on a regular basis.

He moderates it.  His choice.  Single point of failure, regrettable.

>I enjoyed interacting with Perry about 10-11 years ago, mostly on the
>Extropians list. Perry was a major political ranter (even if it is not
>true that he coined the phrase "Utopia is not an option").

Amusing!  Because he keeps cryptography@ politics free, for the most
part.  Which seems to be why some knowledgable people post there
and do not bother with this group.  Specialization is fine.  I find it
that both tech and techsocially clueful folks post here.

>I despise people's private fiefdoms, whether Dave Farber's "Interesting

>People" list or Lewis McCarthy's "Coderpunks" list or any of Bob
>Hettinga's various "BearerBunks" and "Phisodex" lists. And Perrypunks,
>with its quixotic policy about politics (politics banned, except when
>Perry wanted to rant), was just another private fiefdom.

A problem with editors in a free market?   That's a bit
reflexively-anarchic, no?   One man's "chafing" is another's
"straying off topic" I guess.

>I don't dispute their property right to do with their machines as they
>wish, absent contracts, but being in their fiefdoms chafes very

Reputation/editing is useful for keeping S/N high, not that one can't
personally (eg in kill files) to do this.

The distributed-CP remailing architecture is interesting, and enforces
anarchic (editor-free) forum, which is a good thing, but as a result has
S/N that deters some folks who are worth listening to, who do post
in the other, moderated forum.

"Thus ends, at least in Italy, the absurd anarchy that permits
anyone to publish online without standards and without restrictions,
and guarantees to the consumer minimum standards of quality in all
information content, for the first time including electronic media."
-Italian govt

Re: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-07 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 9:55 AM -0400 8/6/03, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>Perry got sick a while back, and, if he's not in jail or something, :-), I bet that's 

Let me clarify that. A while ago, Perry got sick. The list was down for quite a while. 
Then he got better, and the list came back. I bet that's what's happening now. If he's 
not in jail. :-).

But, seriously, folks...
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

RE: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-07 Thread Rayburn, Russell E.
For what it's worth, I had the same experience and would like to know what
happened to the wasabisystems list... 

Anyone out there know?

-Original Message-
From: R. A. Hettinga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 2:01 PM
Subject: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

--- begin forwarded text

Status:  U
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 02:02:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

Kind sir:

As the subject says...  All of a sudden mail just stopped.

Figuring that I had, somehow, become unsubscribed from the list, I
tried to re-subscribe.  This resulted in an "Unknown list" message from

Any ideas?  could assist please?  I know that you are not the list
owner, but you, at one time, seemed to be active on the list.

Gregory Hicks

--- end forwarded text

Re: What happened to the Cryptography list...?

2003-08-06 Thread Bill Stewart
Bob - Perry's cryptography list moved from wasabisystems to
a few months ago.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] says:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] serves the following lists:
  bsd-api-announceThe BSD APIs Announcement Mailing List
  bsd-api-discuss The BSD APIs Discussion Mailing List
  cryptographyThe Cryptography and Cryptography Policy Mailing 
  spkiThe Simple PKI Mailing List

Use the 'info ' command to get more information
about a specific list.
 info cryptography
"Cryptography" is a low-noise moderated mailing list devoted to
cryptographic technology and its political impact. Occasionally,
the moderator allows the topic to veer more generally into security
and privacy technology and its impact, but this is rare.
  "On topic" discussion includes technical aspects of cryptosystems,
  social repercussions of cryptosystems, and the politics of
  cryptography such as export controls or laws restricting cryptography.
  Discussions unrelated to cryptography are considered off topic.

  Please try to keep your postings on topic.

  In order to keep the signal to noise ratio high, the mailing list
  is moderated. The moderator does not forward off topic messages,
  messages that have substantially the same content as earlier messages,
  Please not that the moderator does not always have the time to send an
  explanation of why a message was not forwarded.
TO POST: send mail with your message to
TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send mail to
  with the line
 unsubscribe cryptography
  in the body of your mail.
 info spki
 No info available for spki.