ASIO could detain and strip-search children as young as 10 under sweeping 
new powers proposed for the domestic spying agency, a parliamentary 
committee heard yesterday.
It could also interrogate detainees for up to 48 hours straight without 
providing access to a lawyer.
Law Council of Australia spokesman Michael Rozenes QC told the committee 
that changes to ASIO's governing legislation, prompted by the events of 
September 11, could lead to unprecedented abuses of power.
The Law Council and civil liberties groups say the Australian Security 
Intelligence Organisation is in danger of becoming a secret police force.
But ASIO director-general Dennis Richardson said changes were needed to 
fight international terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda.
Under the new rules ASIO could detain not only terrorist suspects but 
anyone suspected of knowing about a possible terrorist threat.
On a lighter note a P.I.Gs went under a horse yesterday...,5478,4236739%255E421,00.html

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