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2004-11-20 Thread Victoria Fowler

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Tiny Antennas to Keep Tabs on U.S. Drugs

2004-11-14 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The New York Times

November 15, 2004

Tiny Antennas to Keep Tabs on U.S. Drugs

he Food and Drug Administration and several major drug makers are expected
to announce an agreement today to put tiny radio antennas on the labels of
millions of medicine bottles to combat counterfeiting and fraud.

 Among the medicines that will soon be tagged are Viagra, one of the most
counterfeited drugs in the world, and OxyContin, a pain-control narcotic
that has become one of the most abused medicines in the United States. The
tagged bottles - for now, only the large ones from which druggists get the
pills to fill prescriptions - will start going to distributors this week,
officials said.

 Experts do not expect the technology to stop there. The adoption by the
drug industry, they said in interviews, could be the leading edge of a
change that will rid grocery stores of checkout lines, find lost luggage in
airports, streamline warehousing and add a weapon in the battle against
cargo theft.

 It's basically a bar code that barks, said one expert, Robin Koh,
director of applications research at the Auto-ID Labs of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. This technology is opening a whole series of
opportunities to make supply chains more efficient and more secure.

 Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense have already mandated that their
top 100 suppliers put the antennas on delivery pallets beginning in
January. Radio tags on vehicles and passports could become a central tool
in government efforts to create a database to track visitors to the United
States. And companies are rushing to supply scanners, computer chips and
other elements of the technology.

The labels are called radio-frequency identification. As in automated
highway toll collection systems, they consist of computer chips embedded
into stickers that emit numbers when prompted by a nearby radio signal. In
a supermarket, they might enable a scanner to read every item in a shopping
cart at once and spit out a bill in seconds, though the technology to do
that is still some distance off.

 For drug makers, radio labels hold the promise of cleaning up the
wholesale distribution system, where most counterfeit drugs enter the
supply chain - often through unscrupulous employees at the small wholesale
companies that have proliferated in some states.

 Initially, the expense of the system will be considerable. Each label
costs 20 to 50 cents. The readers and scanners cost thousands of dollars.

 But because the medicines tend to be very expensive and the need to ensure
their authenticity is great, officials said, the expense is justified.
Costs are still far too high for individual consumer goods, like the amber
bottles that pharmacies use to dispense pills to individuals. But prices
are expected to plunge once radio labels become popular, so drug makers
represent an important set of early adopters.

Privacy-rights advocates have expressed reservations about radio labels,
worrying that employers and others will be able to learn what medications
people are carrying in their pockets. Civil-liberties groups have voiced
similar concerns about ubiquitous use of the technology in the marketplace.
But under the current agreement, the technology would not be used at the
retail level.

 The food and drug agency's involvement is crucial because drug
manufacturers cannot change a label without the agency's approval. In its
announcement, the agency is expected to say that it is setting up a working
group to resolve any problems that arise from the use of radio antennas on
drug labels.

Counterfeit drugs are still comparatively rare in the United States, but
federal officials say the problem is growing. Throughout the 1990's, the
F.D.A. pursued about five cases of counterfeit drugs every year. In each of
the last several years, the number of cases has averaged about 20, but
law-enforcement officials say that figure does not reflect the extent of
the problem.

 Last year, more than 200,000 bottles of counterfeit Lipitor made their way
onto the market. In 2001, a Sunnyvale, Calif., pharmacist discovered that
bottles of Neupogen, an expensive growth hormone prescribed for AIDS and
cancer patients, were filled only with saltwater.

 We've seen organized crime start to get involved, said William Hubbard,
an associate food and drug commissioner. With some drugs costing thousands
of dollars per vial, the profit potential is huge, he said.

 The weak point, Mr. Hubbard said, is the wholesaler system, which ships
more than half of the 14,000 approved prescription drugs in the United
States. While three large companies - McKesson, Cardinal and
AmerisourceBergen - account for more than 90 percent of drugs that are sent
through wholesalers, there are thousands of smaller companies throughout
the country, many little more than a room

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2004-11-03 Thread Ian Boyer

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New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-11-01 Thread Lydia Fontenot

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These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
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Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://a1medz.com/st/?coupon

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New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-26 Thread Ariel Lugo

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
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Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

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New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-05 Thread Aida T. Lake

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
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Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

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New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-03 Thread Chris Ross

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://888-luvu.com/st/?coupon

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New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-01 Thread Vivian Connolly

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://888-luvu.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://888-luvu.com/rm.html

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-29 Thread Jeannette McKnight

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://ca-t.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://ca-t.com/rm.html

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-27 Thread Roman Harris

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://ca-t.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://ca-t.com/rm.html

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-25 Thread Ivory Krueger

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://888-luvu.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://888-luvu.com/rm.html

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-24 Thread Heidi Owens

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://888-luvu.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://888-luvu.com/rm.html

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-23 Thread Chad Story

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at: http://888-luvu.com/st/?coupon

No thanks: http://888-luvu.com/rm.html

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2003-07-16 Thread Jeanette Cooper

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2002-01-08 Thread mattd

Keeping Tabs
  by Jaggi Singh
January 7, 2002
An extreme rightwing Web page lists progressive, radical and cultural 
groups in Montreal and Quebec City, calling them enemies of our people and 
our race. The list includes addresses, telephone numbers and, in some 
cases, specific names. There are also photos of individuals and buildings.
The content of the La Droite Nationaliste Website (Nationalist Right) is 
entirely in French. The site promotes itself as an information index and 
news source for the francophone, nationalist world. It boasts of 
referencing 265 sites. While the sites URL isnt always working, La Droite 
Nationaliste was up at the time this story was posted. If you have trouble 
getting it, try again later.
The Website is updated regularly, and contains news and events information 
from all over the world, and links to many other far-right electronic 
bulletins and Websites. It is a well-maintained, comprehensive site. La 
Droite Nationaliste has an e-mail address and a post-office box in Anjou, a 
suburb on the island of Montreal.
But this Web page also features open lists of cultural and left 
organizations from Montreal, Quebec City and elsewhere in Quebec.
Translated, this section is called The anti-nationalist file: A small 
address book of anti-national organizations and publications in Montreal. 
The site explains that, With this little address book, we are able to 
denounce those who, in one way or another, block the full realization of 
our destiny. They are in fact the number one enemies.
Here, there are over sixty groups listed  with addresses, phone numbers 
and, in many cases, fax numbers and Web and e-mail addresses. (See La 
fillihre anti-nationaliste at the end of this article for a full list of 
these organizations and publications.)
The addresses are divided into seven sections:
Foreign and Non-European Communities
Jewish Lobby, Zionist Lobby
Pink Lobby, Homosexual Lobby
Anarchist Organizations
Anti-Racist Organizations
Communist Organizations
Institutions like the Jewish Public Library and the Musie du Fier Monde (a 
museum of working-class history in east-end Montreal), as well as 
publications like the Canadian Jewish News and Fugues (a gay and lesbian 
magazine) are included. So are cultural community groups self-defined as 
Black, Caribbean, Jamaican, Asian, Latin American, South Asian, Iranian, 
Haitian, Afro-Canadian, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese, Palestinian and 
Jewish. A refugee support organization, Action Rifugiis Montrial, is also 
The Pink Lobby, Homosexual Lobby includes gay help lines and discussion 
groups at Concordia and McGill universities. The description of the 
Association of Gay Fathers even specifies the address of the building in 
which its members regularly meet.
The anti-racist section lists Anti-Racist Action (ARA), Skinheads Against 
Racial Prejudice (SHARP) and the Ligue des Droits et Libertis  a very 
mainstream civil liberties organization.
The anarchist and communist sections include some student organizations at 
colleges and universities. The leftwing student group, ASSI (Association 
pour une solidariti syndicale itudiante), receives special attention, with 
twenty individual activists being named (including, in most cases, their 
college-affiliation and course of study).
Other groups mentioned include the CLAC (the Anti-Capitalist Convergence), 
the Comiti des sans-emploi (with some of their members specified), COBP 
(Citizens Opposed to Police Brutality) and various communist and socialist 
parties, as well as anarchist publications and collectives. The site also 
mentions a book publisher, Icosociitis, that produces many radical titles.
Disturbingly, La Droite Nationaliste includes the photos and addresses of 
the Alternative Bookshop, an anarchist infoshop, as well as the 
headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Quebec (PMLQ). There are also 
photos of two unnamed members of SHARPs, a local rabbi, as well as me.
Another person singled out for attention on the site is UQAM professor and 
anarchist Normand Baillargeon. His office location is specified.
Extra, Extra
The Website also includes so-called anarchist organizations in Quebec City, 
as well as groups in Granby and Drummondville. There are also several 
requests to e-mail information about more anti-national groups.
A glance at the links and information on the Website provides a clear 
portrait of the fascist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-queer 
and anti-woman views that the site promotes. The links on the Quebec 
section include the MLNQ, an anti-choice group, the Holocaust denying 
Zundelsite, a variety of National Socialist groups as well as the Ku Klux 
Klan of Laval, just north of Montreal.
Other sections on France, Belgium and Switzerland include predictable links 
to far-right parties (such as the Front National and MNR), anti-immigrant 
groups, as well as far-right music links. There is also a section devoted