Senator Lott & His Founding Father Values

"I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigger race into our theatres into our swimming pools into our homes and into our churches." Strom Thurmond, presidential candidate, 1948 Audio
"I wanna say this about my state. When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of him. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years either." Senator Trent Lott, Dec 2002 Audio
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Anacostia Diaries: Senator Trent Lott, A Racist by Francwa Sims
Speaking at Thurmond's 100th birthday party earlier this month, Lott said Mississippians were proud to have voted for the one-time segregationist when he sought the White House. Lott has since apologized several times, most recently on Friday when he strongly denounced racism and segregation. Another racist US Senator makes a 'Freudian slip'. So what's the big deal? Personally, I am not really that offended by what Sen. Lott said. What shocks me is that he actually SAID what he said. I'm quite sure that other senators, congressmen, politicians, CEO's, actors, and etc. have made various racial slurs in private. More

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Let's be clear about Lott and BET by John
Senator Lott is attempting to spin his upcoming interview on BET as a sensitive and suitably challenging response to his recent racist remarks and history of racist political behavior. That assumes that BET television is a progressive media outlet dedicated to advancing political and social justice for African Americans. Not so. More Trent Lott on 'BET'
by Nauseated African American
Trent Lott's "interview" on "BET" will be the continuation of years of appeasement and placating the war mongering plutocrat. It will set us back yet another twenty years, as this time African Americans will falsely assume the moral high ground and yet again appease the unappeasable. More

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Questions of the Day: Did Lott misspeak in a lighthearted moment, or did he think he could get away with it? What's the difference between this statement and what he's been supporting all his life? Comments | Context: Affirmative Action Questioned in Supreme Court | He's Not Conservative Enuff
Strom Speech Whitewashed | StromWatch.com


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