Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-20 Thread Mike Rosing
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Anonymous Sender wrote:

> Those who actually earn their standard of living (ie. their business is
> not contigent, directly or indirectly, upon US military supremacy) are
> the minority. This is the most fundamental transformation of the US
> society - massive recruitment by the government.

Can't be.  The US govmn't budget is only a few percent of GDP.  The
majority _can't_ depend on government, or it'll collapse.  Witness FSU.

And back to the brit, why did it take 2 days to "identify the body"?  Was
the face missing?  If so, did he blow his head off before or after
slitting his wrist :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-20 Thread Anonymous Sender
>(* the official deficit, not counting the total lack of reserves/money 
>for Socialist Insecurity, bond indebtedness, pension guarantees, loan 
>guarantees, and other unfunded liabilities; some estimates place the 
>real deficit at about $30 trillion, i.e., $30 thousand billion. With 
>about 100 million taxpayers in the U.S., each owes $300,000. Needless 
>to say, this owed amount, on average, is substantially more than their 
>complete assets, on average. Even with the "official" indebtedness, the 
>amount owed (if one accepts a national debt as a personal indebtedness) 
>is upwards of $60,000. I use the larger amount because the U.S. 
>government actually _has_ incurred that debt, officially reported or 

This is slightly off the topic ...

Some calculations done before by people who understand money flows (and
are not at the same time priests of the Official Economy) show similar

To me, this is a plausible explanation for the current domestic support
of the US government. A majority of population (75% ? 90% ?) actually
lives on ability of the US government to incur this debt and, having
sufficient military power, not have to pay it back. The collusion with
the government is much deeper than simple power of propaganda.

Those who actually earn their standard of living (ie. their business is
not contigent, directly or indirectly, upon US military supremacy) are
the minority. This is the most fundamental transformation of the US
society - massive recruitment by the government.

Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-19 Thread proclus
On 19 Jul, John Young wrote:
> Foster's "suicide" for the Clintons, like Kelly's, is a sign that the
> time is ever ripe to execute the Tim May Final Option in lieu of
> believing what appears in the media, is told to surviving families,
> is joked about in the private clubs of capitals around the globe.

While I share some of Tim's apparent outrage, I am definitely not
enthusiastic about the prospect of repulsive violent counter-action,
which would actually be counter-productive in my opinion.  It is the
cycle of violence that is the problem, which is exacerbated greatly by
the actions of the US administration.  

Anyway, I haven't been lurking for more that a few weeks, so I'm sorry
if I misjudge any of you.  Is there a web archive for the group?


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Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-19 Thread John Young
Perhaps a suicide but if so it was induced by Kelly's treatment,
not only by the goofus members of parliament, but more likely
by the Ministry of Defence threatening to punish him for violation
of the draconian Official Secrets Act.

The Brits for all their admirable humor about vulgarity -- the new
GCHQ called a "gaping anus" -- can be vile sonsofbitches
when it comes to demanding obedience to authority, with the
OSA a prime weapon to assure proper behavior or else. Beyond
that there can be truly devastating social outcast penalties,
and the worst of all, blackest of humor, withholding royal honors.

Too bad the British realm never had to experience the cleansing
guillotine -- by the populace not by the authorities.

Due to that lack, and the USA's similar lack of final justice, pea-brained
officials can get away with official murder, destruction of lives, lying
and cheating for personal gain while holding office, or best, after
leaving office.

Foster's "suicide" for the Clintons, like Kelly's, is a sign that the
time is ever ripe to execute the Tim May Final Option in lieu of
believing what appears in the media, is told to surviving families,
is joked about in the private clubs of capitals around the globe.

At least the Reds owned up to their ideological perfidy, unlike
those who truly believe in superiority, that is those who best
represent inferior humans.

No wonder the sonsofbitches fear assassination politics, not
just the Jim Bell laughable version, the hard-eyed kind that
comes in the night without warning.

Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-19 Thread proclus
It now appears to be a suicide, or _very_ subtle wetwork indeed!

No surprise that Blair would like the Kelly tragedy put to rest.  After
all, much of the government has Kelly's blood on their hands
(figuratively speaking).  Oh how they were hoping that it was
suicide, so that the truth is beside the point.  There are now many
facts that Blair and the US warmongers would like to have laid to rest. 
Then again, what is a little murder after you have unleashed
devastating war on the world. ;-\


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Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-19 Thread proclus

It now appears to be a suicide, or _very_ subtle wetwork indeed!

No surprise that Blair would like the Kelly tragedy put to rest.  After
all, much of the government has Kelly's blood on their hands
(figuratively speaking).  Oh how they were hoping that it was
suicide, so that the truth is beside the point.  There are now many
facts that Blair and the US warmongers would like to have laid to rest. 
Then again, what is a little murder after you have unleashed
devastating war on the world. ;-\


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Fwd: Re: Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-18 Thread proclus
Thanks you for your interesting notes, and this is my first post.  My
best current theory is that the "real mole" killed Kelly as a
diversion.  Now that Gilligan has changed his story, he has been
discredited, but at least he lives.  With Kelly dead, it may be harder
to trace to their sources the lies that the Government told, and
Campbell & Co. will be sleeping better at night.

Anyway, everyone has a favorite conspiracy theory.  If this is too far
off topic, feel free to reply in private or direct me to another list.


On 18 Jul, Tim May wrote:

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Unsubtle Wetwork

2003-07-18 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
Weapons Adviser Named as Possible Source for BBC Story Disappears; Man's
Body Found

LONDON (AP) - Police searching for a missing Ministry of Defense
adviser, who was named by the government as the possible source for a
disputed news report on Iraqi arms, said Friday they have found a man's
body near his home.

Maybe he's just hanging out with Ritter in upstate