The Million Email March to Stop John Roberts


Thousands and thousands of your fellow citizens are speaking out right now to 
oppose the nomination of John Roberts as chief justice of the Supreme Court.  
They are telling our senators that they don't want a justice who won't let us 
see any of his memos for the last 20 years.  They are telling them they don't 
want a justice who tried to hide his leadership role in the extremely 
reactionary Federalist Society.  They are telling them the most unpopular 
second term president in history does NOT have any mandate to appoint his own 
personal crony to such a position of absolute power.  And they need to hear 
from you too.

The question we must ask ourselves is this:  If YOU had the power to cast the 
deciding vote on John Roberts, would you vote your conscience on principle or 
not?  That is how you need to tell your senator they must vote as well, because 
you DO have that power.  We are the American people, and our representatives we 
elected are there to listen to us and want we really want

Especially if you are from Vermont or Wisconsin you must immediately contact 
Leahy, Feingold and Kohl and tell them they got it WRONG on Roberts in the 
judiciary committee and they need to correct their error.  We already have a 
president who is incapable of ever admitting or correcting any mistake.  We 
don't need that from our senators too.  But whatever state you are from it is 
important for you to use the action form below to send a personal message to 
both your senators at one time, plus you can send a letter to the editor of 
your nearest daily newspaper, all with one click

Who were the self-appointed media pundits who dared to tell us Roberts was a 
done deal before the hearing even started?  Who co-ordinated the corporate 
media campaign that poisoned our minds with the words of defeatism and 
submission?  Indeed, who has unwittingly collaborated with the right wing 
talking points merchants by speaking those words of betrayal and resignation 
out of their own mouths?

Why NOT demand what we really want?  We are the people of the United States.  
We don't have to settle for less than we really deserve, a true mainstream 
justice who will rule fairly for all the people, not just on behalf of a 
minority of corporate crony friends.  How dare anyone tell us Roberts is the 
best we can hope for.  The best we can hope for is what we are BRAVE enough to 
demand as is our RIGHT by the mandate of our numbers speaking out.


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