Title: Your Membership Exchange, #434
   Your Membership Exchange, Issue #434  
  July 23, 2001   
Your place to exchange ideas, ask questions, swap links, and share your skills!

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>> Q & A
    - Problems with my Beseen free hit counter?

     - html code for simple application/join form?
           M. Cote: Directions and corrections for using your form
           D. Perkins: An answer & the "secret" to my success with forms


     - Sites to Review: #134, #135, #136, #137,  & #138!
     - Site #133 Reviewed!

>>>>>> QUESTIONS & ANSWERS <<<<<<

Do you a burning question about promoting your website, html design,
or anything that is hindering your online success? Submit your questions
Are you net savvy? Have you learned from your own trials and errors
and are willing to share your experience? Look over the questions each
day, and if you have an answer or can provide help, post your answer to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Be sure to include your signature file so
you get credit (and exposure to your site).


From:  Ron Guthrie   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Problems with my Beseen free hit counter?

I have a Beseen free hit counter on my index page of my website.
Everytime I download it from the Internet to make any changes on it and
try and upload the page my hit counter presents a pop up window saying
there is an older version already on the page and asks if I want to use
it or the newer version. If I click on either newer or older version
button, it always loads the older version with a lower hit number that
doesn't count anyway. Then, I have to download the page again and re
enter the html code all over again to get it to work properly. Anyone
familiar with this problem?

Ron Guthrie
Pen & Ink Art By RC Guthrie
"Sharing the Gift of Art with Others "
Take a moment from your busy day and see some exciting art


From:  Michel Côté (webdo3d)   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Directions and corrections for using your form

>From:  Exim Wawasan   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject:  html code for simple application/join form? (Issue #432)
>I have been trying to build my own webpage with a simple
>application form with inputs of First Name, Last Name Email
>Address and a click "submit" button. The application form is
>to be submitted either to my mail box on the same website or
>to my own email box. How to write and create the html codes
>for this simple application form?

Dear Ng Lye Fong,

    First you need to make sure your webspace provider has a formmail
ready to use.  If not you have to make a few modifications.

    A formmail is a CGI script on the server you are using.  This formmail
takes the values posted from your form, analyse the whole thing and
send it to the email you provided.

    Let's assume that you have access to the formmail.  First you should
ask your server administrator where the formmail is located and write the
complete URL in the FORM ACTION.  Remember to use quotes.  Then you
have the required hidden fields, make sure that the name of those hidden
fields are correctly spelled.

All coding is between '[' and ']' instead of the less than and greater
than signs to avoid any conflict in the newsletter. Just replace the '[' with
'<' and replace the ']' with '>'.
Here's a look at how it could look:
[FORM ACTION="Complete URL to the formmail CGI script" method="POST"]
[input type=hidden name="mail_to" value="your email address"]  [!-- Any
email will do here --]
[input type=hidden name="subject" value= "I would like to join your program
for free!"] [!-- That's good --]
[input type=hidden name="required" value="firstname,lastname,email"]

    I'll describe the rest of the form a later, now if you DO NOT have
access to a form mail you can still post a form to an email.  However that
email will not be formatted in any way.  Here's the way to do that:  In the
ACTION attribute of the FORM tag you will write the email you wish to use.
Any email is good for this.  Here's a look at how it should look:
[FORM ACTION="mailto:your_email_here" METHOD="post" ENCTYPE="text/plain"]

    Either way you can send the form to more then one email, simply separate
the email with a semicolon ";".

    The rest of the form is pretty simple as you have written it.  Remember
to use simple and easy to remember filed name because those will be sent to
the email along with the values.  I hope you won't mind if I correct the
HTML syntax too.
[table][tr][tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Frist name[/i][/td]

    Here you have a second TR Tag.  This will confuse some browsers.

[td][input] type="text" size="25" name="firstname"][/td][/tr][/tr]

    I'm not sure if it was an error when you replaced the "greater than" and
"smaller than" with [ and ] but you should not have [input] this will cause
an empty text box to appear.  Remove the ] to look like this:
[td][input type="text" size="25" name="firstname"][/td][/tr][/tr]

    Also you have a second closing TR tag.

[tr][td][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Last name[/i][/td][td][input type="text"
size="25" name="lastname"][/td][/tr][/tr]

    Here the INPUT tag is good but you have 2 consecutive TD tags, again
this will confuse some browsers especially since you only close one of them.

[tr][tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Email Address[/i][/td][/td][input type="text"
size="25" name="email"][/td][/tr]/tr]

    Here again the INPUT tag is OK.  But you also have a double TR tag.  and
also one of the closing TR tag is missing it's "smaller than" sign.  You
have 2 closing TD tags for the first cell of the row.

[tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i][/i][/td][/td][/tr]

    This is an empty cell thus the whole line could be removed.


    I'm not sure if you're supposed to have a second closing TABLE tag but
since we don't have the whole HTML page I assume a TABLE was opened before.

[center][input type="SUBMIT" value="Join for Free"][/form]

    You should add a closing CENTER tag before the closing FORM tag.  Also
you didn't close the CENTER tag opened at the start of the TABLE.

    I guess you are all set.  Let me know how it turns out.

    Michel Côté

++++ Next Answer - Same Question ++++

From:  David Perkins   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: An answer & the "secret" to my success with forms

>From:  Exim Wawasan   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject:  html code for simple application/join form? (Issue #432)

In issue #432 dated 18 July 2001, Ng Lye Fong relates problems
with a simple application form.
Having worked long and hard to find the "secret" to make this
stuff easy I would like very much to share the "secret" to my success
with forms.
When designing even a basic form, I find it very beneficial to double
space each and every line and to tab to the right across the page every
time I change from Table to Row to Data to actual input "data" and then
tab back to the left as I step back out of the form.  Once the form is
"debugged" and working, then... and only then... do I compress the
lines of code.  And then, only if I am pressed for space which is
usually NEVER!
I have attached the code Ng Lye sent in the newsletter with it reworked
and notated.  Hopefully you can route it to Ng Lye and there will be
happiness in the "world of forms" for Ng Lye Fong.
Dave Perkins



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>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<

Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!


Site #134:  http://www.LenSeiderInc.com
Len Seider

Site #135:  http://www.alabastercove.com

Site #136:  http://www.edollars.homestead.com
N Venugopal Rao

Site #137:  http://www.traces.nu

Site #138:  http://www.mysticforest.net
April Williams



Comments on Site #133:  http://www.gems-gifts.com
Michael Blanchette

Excellent site although I was a little disappointed not to find
a navigation link on the left side or top of the page.  The
adoption graphic was not available.  I also was unsure why
some of the pages were centered and some on the left margin.
I was looking at medical jewelry and could not find any info
about engraving - perhaps this could be added to the site?  The
particular page I was on also did not give info on the weight of
the product so I couldn't tell if it was a great buy or not.
Otherwise, overall this was an excellent site.

There is a lot on this site, but I found it difficult to navigate.
To make it easier, I would suggest
- instead of having the pearl jewelry, diamond jewelry, etc.
just listed at the top, link to those categories.
- have the button links to the jewelry store, new products,
jewelry search, etc. listed at the top or use a left column side
bar to have all the links listed in one place.
- put the visit our store information on a separate page, listing
actual hours you are open, and maybe even include a map.

At first sight the home page looked great but as I scrolled down
and down and down it got a little tiring. You might what to move
the affiliations section to an About Us page and possibly some
other items that don't pertain directly to your main objective.
The page loaded quickly (DSL) and everything worked smoothly.
The OnLine Store was a big shock to switch to as I had been all
relaxed on the home page and then hit the stark white of the store.
You might think about changing the background color on the store
to something a little softer.
I would and will be going back to look for jewelry in the future.

First Impression: looks good, loaded up very quickly

I have not linked to any of the links but like the fact that it is
all right up front, big fonts, easy to navigate.

A couple of things I would do to fine tune:
one of the lines reads

After the question mark on the same line it says "try our". I would
put those two words in the line below and let the question stand
alone on its line.

Where you give store hours:
Sunday CLOSED (in bright colors yet)

I highly recommend that you be positive and lead with the times
you are open and do give the actual business hours.  Why in the
world not? You don't really want people to come to your store?
That is the impression I get from that.

Why is all the text in ALL CAPS? This makes it difficult to read
and does not give the impression of a fine, elegant store. All
different kinds of jewelry are listed at the top of the home page,
but are not linked - how do I get to those categories if I'm looking
for something in particular?

On the new products page I felt there should be a link directly to
where you would order those items. I didn't want to go back to the
home page and try to find where that item was.

Before I would consider ordering I would want to know what kind
of guarantee you offer. When selling products online, make sure
your guarantee is easy to find, and a good one.

It's very obvious that many hours were expended  preparing
this site.  However, were I a visitor as opposed to giving a
review, I would have clicked away as soon as "37 items
remaining" appeared.
Indeed, it did take an interminable amount of time to load.
So much so that I did not attempt the links.
My suggestion would be to establish several distinct
introductory sales pages for the different categories of
products and market them separately.  Weave links within
the text of each crafted sales letter to the other products
as well as links to products within the special category.
Will all of this take more time and effort? Of course it will.
However, it will also help to zone in on targeted markets,
speed up the load time and make the site stickier. There's
way more information here than I need or want to know.

moderator: Amy Mossel  Moderator
posting:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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