Video postcards can be sent with 3rd-Generation phones

By BBC News Online internet reporter Mark Ward 

The next generation of mobile phones will make it much easier for the police to carry 
out covert surveillance of citizens, say civil liberty campaigners. 

They warn that the combination of location revealing technology built into the phones 
and rights given to the police under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act mean 
the owners of such phones can be watched. 

They are advising people that using one of the new phones might make it hard for them 
to maintain their privacy. 

In recognition of the implications, phone companies are planning to let people conceal 
where they are at the touch of a button. 

Phone metre 

Although existing GSM handsets can be used as location devices, they typically only 
give a fix to within a couple of hundred meters. 

Future phones will direct you to the nearest Indian take away

While this is good enough to tell drivers about traffic problems on the roads ahead, 
mobile phone companies are not using the technology for much more than this. 

Accuracy can be improved if handsets are fitted with special software and the mobile 
phone operators adopt complementary software for their networks. 

Using this technology, handsets can be pinpointed to within 50 metres of their actual 

Newer mobile phone technologies such as the General Packet Radio Services and 
Universal Mobile Telecommunications Services have more accurate locating systems built 

GPRS services are due to become widely available later this year and UMTS telephone 
networks are due to be switched on in 2002. 

Timing triangle 

Both GPRS and UMTS can locate a handset to within 15 metres by timing how long it 
takes packets of data to travel from different base stations to the handset. 

The handset then uses this to calculate where the phone is in the area covered by the 
base stations. 

"Service providers are going to do that calculation routinely so they can sell the 
data to companies that want to send you mail and messages," said Caspar Bowden, 
director of the Foundation for Information Policy Research. 

Often people will be happy to reveal their location and who they are, particularly if 
they are looking for a cash point or a good restaurant in a town they are visiting. 

Many companies are keen to use this location data so they can send special offers, 
such as cut-price cinema tickets, to anyone walking past their doors. 

Others are planning to combine location data and personal information to target people 
with adverts customised to match their preferences. 

Privacy protection 

But, said Mr Bowden, the newly passed Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act could 
allow for the data to be used for a more sinister purpose. 

He said the RIP Act regards the information used to locate phones as "communications 
data" and says police do not need a warrant to obtain it. 

As a result, he said, the police could use this information to conduct covert 
surveillance of anyone using such a phone. 

Phone companies are planning to let people opt in and out of the location-based 
services to ensure privacy is not compromised and people are not bombarded with 
messages they do not want to read. 

"It has always been our aim to enable the customer to decide whether or not to have 
his or her location sent to the network," said a spokesman for mobile service provider 

But all this means is that the information is not being passed on to advertisers, said 
Mr Bowden. 

"Whether or not you want to receive ads, the location data will be collected," he 


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