Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-27 Thread David Honig

At 05:46 PM 8/26/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
>Untraceable contract killings, crypto anarchy, is about to make 
>possible a wave of justice the world has never seen. Forget Bell's 
>hoaky, and cumbersome, "betting pool." Easier to simply hire 
>assassins untraceably. (If bets can be placed untraceably, contracts 
>can be arranged untraceably. Think about it.)

Sure, but most people don't have the money to do this.  Bell's betting
pool lets everyone contribute to ('geodesic' :-) karma.  Both are
viable schemes. 

Otherwise folks will only be polite to the perceived-wealthy.

"An armed society is a polite society" -Heinlein


Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread Tim May

At 10:09 PM -0400 8/26/00, Matt Elliott wrote:
>  >Something's fishy.  If you voluntarily check in, you can check out
>>any time you want.  Same with a regular hospital; all the MDs do
>>is write Against Medical Orders in your file and their asses are covered.
>This isn't the case in Illinois.  If you check in voluntarily and wish to
>leave before the Docs want you too you have to request a leave AMA and the
>doctors have 72 hours before they have to legally let you go.  Don't ever
>admit your self to a Psych hospital.  If they can't help you outpatient you
>don't want their help.

Ditto for California, and, I presume, many other areas. Once in their 
System, departure is not at all trivial.

And, more importantly to me, once in their System, one is supposed to 
forever after answer "Yes" to various questions about prosecutions, 
convictions, and commitments to mental facilities.  And hence one is 
to be denied fundamental Constitutional rights.

(I haven't said this in a while: basic constitutional rights do not 
get lost because one was once a prisoner or person in a psychiatric 
prison. If one is in prison, certain rights are naturally lost by 
nature of the act of imprisonment. Once out of prison, _all_, and I 
do mean _all_, rights are restored. The right to vote, the right to 
assemble freely, the right to be secure in one's papers, the right to 
possess firearms, and so on and so forth. All of those who claim 
otherwise, all 2,173,562 of them, need killing.)

--Tim May

Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread Matt Elliott

>Something's fishy.  If you voluntarily check in, you can check out
>any time you want.  Same with a regular hospital; all the MDs do
>is write Against Medical Orders in your file and their asses are covered.

This isn't the case in Illinois.  If you check in voluntarily and wish to
leave before the Docs want you too you have to request a leave AMA and the
doctors have 72 hours before they have to legally let you go.  Don't ever
admit your self to a Psych hospital.  If they can't help you outpatient you
don't want their help.

Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread David Honig

At 08:33 PM 8/25/00 -0400, Phaedrus wrote:
>Don't get me wrong, if someone is a clear and present danger to other
>people, and locking them up is the only way to make them *not* a clear and
>present danger to other people then fine,

That's pretty much the law.  If a state-licensed mental health prof
or a cop hears you seriously threaten someone or yourself, and you have the
means and opportunity (ranting about nuking Putin is not
a threat; wanting to kill your boss is not a threat; saying you're actually
going to kill your boss is a threat) you get kidnapped for up to 72 hours,
with periodical re-evals scheduled thereafter.  In Calif its called a
5150, a reference to some part of the health laws.  Otherwise you
can say anything to a shrink under doctor-patient privledge.

My wife has a little laminated card that says she can do this.  (She's
never used it on me.)  

Merely being stark raving mad is not of concern.  Neither is eccentricity
or any of the diseases and discomforts catalogued in the DSM.  Its only
when the street crazies start swinging things at people that they lose
their rights.  

The abundance of street crazies indicates a lack of coercion to take
the drugs and the freedom to be dysfunctionally crazy so long as you don't
infringe others' rights, doesn't it?  

(Not to say there aren't abuses, particularly when family members
declare someone unfit or suicidal.. but the law is aware of the abuse
potential and brings in others to check AFAIK)


Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread David Honig

At 02:58 PM 8/25/00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>antother link here.

This has been Drudge's cover story for a few days, including photo
of mother being needled.  Pretty classic soviet PR screwup --doesn't look
like tranqs offered to help but to control.  Better than getting
swabbed with tear gas I suppose.


Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread David Honig

At 03:18 PM 8/25/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
>how "Reagan emptied out the mental hospitals" in California. I ask 
>them if they are advocating forcible treatment of folks who may be 
>slightly crazy but who have not been given due process in a court of 
>law and given defined sentences. This shuts them up, with me at 
>least. But they keep babbling about how "Reagan put all the mentally 
>ill on the streets.")

Actually technology ---the antipsychosis/antischizo drugs--- did that.  If
people remember to take them, they often help, and they can leave
institutions.  This was (and is) considered a good thing.  (Ignoring
coercion issues for now.) But when they forget, they end up being street
crazies or writing to cypherpunks.


Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-26 Thread David Honig

At 09:34 PM 8/25/00 -0400, Phaedrus wrote:
>...being 'treated' with electroshock therapy against her wishes and the
>wishes of her son. She had originally voluntarily checked herself into the
>hospital because she was depressed. The 'treatments' stopped only after
>people innundated the hospital with letters about it (her son apparently
>talked to the media)

Something's fishy.  If you voluntarily check in, you can check out
any time you want.  Same with a regular hospital; all the MDs do
is write Against Medical Orders in your file and their asses are covered.  

Possibly she was so depressed the MDs claimed she'd off herself
the minute she got outside the gate?  In which case, just lie
next session.


Re: CDR: Re: Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-25 Thread Phaedrus

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Phaedrus wrote:

> This happens, for certain... I'm not sure if mindfreedom picked it up (I
> usually only catch it once or twice a month or so, but it's on my
> regularly read list) but within the last few days a woman in Missouri was
> being 

gack! I knew there was something I missed..

...being 'treated' with electroshock therapy against her wishes and the
wishes of her son. She had originally voluntarily checked herself into the
hospital because she was depressed. The 'treatments' stopped only after
people innundated the hospital with letters about it (her son apparently
talked to the media)


Re: family of russion sub victims drugged

2000-08-25 Thread Marcel Popescu

From: "Tim May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (P.S., the Russkies have been drugging their political dissenters for
> many decades. "Psychiatric prisons" were and are common over there.

I was going to point that out. My first wife had a cousin who was caught
trying to (illegally, of course) cross the border. After being released, he
had to be spoon-fed (he didn't survive much). Sometimes, she hated the
communists more than I did. [Note: that happened in Romania; I suspect all
the communist countries - all dictatorships, actually - implemented this on
a large scale.]

> I keep telling this to the liberal simp-wimps who moan about
> how "Reagan emptied out the mental hospitals" in California. I ask
> them if they are advocating forcible treatment of folks who may be
> slightly crazy but who have not been given due process in a court of
> law and given defined sentences.

Which is why I despise anybody even remotely related to psychology (not to
mention doctors in general). But I digress (as usual, some might say ).
