the american dream

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

A strange state of being this war on terror.
It is a global war until the end of all evil is in sight.
it is a war that will outlast forever - it is a license to
spend the public purse on an unlimited number of evil doers.
It is a war that will destroy the terror of multivitamins,
it is a war that elevate the multinationals to godhead, where
the supermen will be bred to end the terror of individuality.

this war will build information databases like no other, and
will arrest you if you refuse to take the poison that has been
allocated specifically to you.
it will end the terror of childhood and give to the new generations
the certainty that they can misuse their lives if they choose.
this war on terror will end the terror of liberty and replace it with
the sanity of rule. It will seek out evil everywhere, the evils of
defamation, the evils of being outspoken - it will silence the Internet
It is a war on the terror of the parents when they realise that their
children have been poisoned by toxic diet and society beyond the point where
they can be easily cured. It is a war on the terror of parents who realise
that they are going to outlast their children - whose young growing tissues
cannot mature on the poisons they are being fed.

It is a war that hopes to disintegrate and divide - and rule.
Aside from the ongoing population cull though -
I foresee the breakup and regionalisation of the United States of America.
Its called Devolution.
Its a scam they foisted on us in the UK for by breaking up the UK into
impotent regions they could create more beaurocracy and more taxes and less
democracy. [consensus government]

The big global superstate and its components like the EU is made
up of small regional villages.
The same model applied to the USA would break the country up into Federated
Regions answering not to Washington but to the UN.
They may decide to carve up the USA by using racial profiling -
maybe creating a mexican superstate in the south. eg. Aztlan becomes the
mexican village - they may use religious profiling, maybe to identify and
isolate fundamentalist pockets -
You may get the creation of Mormonia - capital salt lake
the city states of LA or new york [enter kurt russell] the
babylonain/sumerian city state maybe ring fenced with the invincible
overlords as their black nobility.
If state borders were closed with the creation of new 'countries' within the
USA - people would not be able to move about - an ideal situation if
multinational companies want 'captive employees' anchored in their region.

to help with the reassimilation of the citizens in their new countries -
vast new biometric databases will profile the 'abnormal'
and facilitate the diagnosis of deviance and potential terror
suspects eg. vegetarians

Changes of linguistic and religious priorities would further strengthen the
case for the Devolution of the american dream and melting pot into its
Individual components.

Then by media enhanced differences causing at the same time the alienation
and the 'embrace' of global values - the state of the union is no longer one
state but many - ruled by an unrelenting axis of evil illuminazis.

I'm willing to bet that the company shell that was called Enron still exists
and has just acquired a new name - Noner.
If you see how the incestuous UK bilderburgers and enron executives promoted
themselves and funded their excesses to the heights of their paranoia - you
will see that the energy department in the uk govt.  is still being run by
Sick transatlantic and global sleaze, with bought prime ministers who have
not the courage to admit to the parents of this country that they are
frauds. Tony though, emperir of eurodisney in waiting - just like the walt
disney franchise - is an idea whose time has already gone.
Blond haired blue eyed superTony awaits in the wings, whilst the athletic
Dubya whose supertuned cardiovascular system has produced a heart so mean it
cant be bothered beating - has already got a hit out on the Pretzel Company

The day of our global village is come and though the armed and touchy
american public is getting circumspect treatment, maybe even resiliently
holding the fragmentation up with its pride and patriotism and 911 flags-
there appear to be many measures in place to indiscriminately lift any
physical being or object -

But ... How can you arrest a Dream - the american dream ??

andrew hennessey

The American Dream 7409

2001-12-18 Thread I1DRDIFPOZK


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