Re: what is GPG's #1 objective: security or anti-patent stance ( Re: on the state of PGP compatibility (2nd try))

2002-04-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Adam Back <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Back in the days of pgp2.x I used to receive and send a fair proportion of
>mail encrypted with pgp; these days it is a much lower proportion, and a
>rather high proportion of those fail.  It's not like I'm using old software or
>failing to try what is reasonable to get messages to work.  Even with my
>fairly complete collection of PGP versions you saw the results.  Imagine how
>much worse it will be between people who do not upgrade frequently or take
>such defensive strategies.  So you say upgrade already.  However as I think I
>have demonstrated, I follow this strategy myself and as you can see it doesn't
>work either.

I've been in a similar situation.  Back when I was fighting our government over
crypto export controls, it was sometimes necessary to talk to journalists in a
manner which didn't give the spooks a week's advance notice about something
which they shouldn't have known about until they opened the morning paper.
This was in the days of PGP 5.x.  Some of the people I was talking with were
pretty patient, and often put up with multiple iterations of neither side being
able to decrypt the other's messages, but eventually the choice came down to
given the opposition advance notice or not having the story published at all,
and there's really not much choice there.

Now substitute "human rights group" for "journalist" and "secret police" for
"spooks" and you can see why this is a problem.  Non-commercial PGP has always
been by geeks, for geeks, with features more important than minor
considerations like usability.  Who cares if there are 146 semi-documented,
vaguely-defined command-line options, look at the algorithm choices!  If you
want to use some obscure hash algorithm which was fasionable for 2 months in
1997, you can, and who cares if it takes you half an hour, the FAQ, the
manpage, and an online search to figure out how to encrypt a file?

That's why non-commercial crypto will always struggle to find mainstream
acceptance.  Doing the crypto engine is (relatively) easy, and fun, and there
are lots of people willing to help.  Doing the UI components is dreary and
boring, and no-one is interested because they've just spotted a hash algorithm
published in the Journal of the Bratislavian Philological Society in 1978 which
they urgently need to add support for.

(Although I don't use Windows mailers, I've heard nice things about The Bat,, which has built-in PGP support.
 Apparently at some point Pegasus Mail,, will have built-
 in PGP and S/MIME support as well).


Re: what is GPG's #1 objective: security or anti-patent stance ( Re: on the state of PGP compatibility (2nd try))

2002-03-31 Thread David Shaw

On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 01:34:35AM +0100, Adam Back wrote:
> Hi
> I've trimmed the Cc line a bit as this is now focussing more on GPG
> and not adding any thing new technically for the excluded set.
> On Sun, Mar 31, 2002 at 06:08:14PM -0500, David Shaw wrote:
> > The OpenPGP spec handles compatibility issues quite well.  
> > The catch, of course, is that PGP 2.x isn't OpenPGP and PGP 5.x
> > isn't OpenPGP.  PGP 6 and 7 aren't really OpenPGP either, but
> > they're generally close enough for all practical purposes.
> I don't see how this is a useful distinction.  They are self-evidently
> not close enough for practical purposes as evidenced by the fragmented
> user base and ongoing problems you experience if you try using PGP.

The fragmented user base is unfortunate.  Sometimes I almost wish that
PGP 5 had completely broken backwards compatibility with PGP 2 and
started clean.  At least then there would be no expectation of

I have spent hours upon hours poring over GnuPG messages, PGP 2
messages, PGP 6 messages and PGP 7 messages in an effort to reach the
one magical configuration that just plain *works*.  The sad fact is
that it is just not possible.  This shouldn't be surprising - version
n+1 of a computer program adding new features over version n.  Version
n then doesn't work with a version n+1 message.  It's a story as old
as computing.  OpenPGP fixes it by giving one spec for everyone to
follow, and by including a fairly rich syntax of "this is what I can
handle" notations in the keys.  It works quite well.  Problems tend to
arise mostly between the PGP6/PGP7/GnuPG and PGP2 worlds which OpenPGP
can't help of course.

Again, PGP 6 isn't OpenPGP, and neither is PGP 7 (though it is closer
than PGP 6).  I'm sure that PGP 8 would have followed OpenPGP even
more closely than PGP 7 did, but that doesn't look like it's going to
happen now.

GnuPG does follow OpenPGP.  It also has dozens of tricks and traps to
work around PGP behavior where PGP doesn't follow OpenPGP.  It even
(in GnuPG 1.0.7 (coming soon)) has a pgp2 and pgp6 modes to
"downgrade" messages it generates to what those versions of PGP can
handle (it can read messages from any version of course).

Since GnuPG can read a message from any version of PGP, and can
generate a message for any version of PGP (obviously doing a better
job of it the closer that version of PGP follows the OpenPGP spec),
and runs on your chosen platform (Linux), I think the real meat of
your complaint is in regards to the IDEA plugin:

> > I doubt it's intentionally hidden, though it's certainly a pain to
> > find.
> I would characterise the situation as intentionally frustrating
> attempts to use IDEA.  The whole point of the little exercise of
> stripping out the idea.c, making it a separate dynamically loadable
> module, tucking it away in a FAQ where you are pointed to lectures
> about how software and algorithm patents are bad is _specifically, and
> explicitly_ to discourage use of patented algorithms (and in this case
> of the idea.c implementation) and to encourage people to do lobby
> about the patent madness.
> Campaigning against patent madness is a good cause in itself but not
> when it gets in the way of privacy to the point that people are
> sending messages in plaintext.  After all what is GPG's primary
> purpose: is it an email security software package focussing on
> security, or a platform for promulgating political views.  I view the
> exclusion of idea.c from GPG as basically a security bug of higher
> severity than for example PGP2.x's manipulable fingerprint, or
> pgp5.something's (before it got fixed) unsigned ADK bug packet, or the
> potential buffer overflow in ZLIB.  This bug is worse because it
> reproducibly and frequently causes people to send mail in clear text.
> The other bugs are by comparison less dangerous, yet they (the two
> more recent ones) were fixed by NAI, and GPG and other PGP software
> maintainers with rushed over-night hot fixes.

I would not call this a bug.  A bug is a failure of the system to act
as described.  It is not a bug if the system annoys a user to the
point of not using the system :)

Still, yes, the IDEA plugin situation is far from ideal.  The bottom
line is that GPLed software can't use patented algorithms as it
contradicts the GPL.  It doesn't matter that the IDEA licence
basically allows free non-commercial use - it still contradicts the

I would be quite happy if it became possible to include IDEA (maybe a
compile-time option?), but the reality is that IDEA is not required by
OpenPGP and every version of PGP from 5 onwards can communicate
without it.


   David Shaw  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  WWW
   "There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
  We don't believe this to be a coincidence." - Jeremy S. Anderson

what is GPG's #1 objective: security or anti-patent stance ( Re: on the state of PGP compatibility (2nd try))

2002-03-31 Thread Adam Back


I've trimmed the Cc line a bit as this is now focussing more on GPG
and not adding any thing new technically for the excluded set.

On Sun, Mar 31, 2002 at 06:08:14PM -0500, David Shaw wrote:
> The OpenPGP spec handles compatibility issues quite well.  
> The catch, of course, is that PGP 2.x isn't OpenPGP and PGP 5.x
> isn't OpenPGP.  PGP 6 and 7 aren't really OpenPGP either, but
> they're generally close enough for all practical purposes.

I don't see how this is a useful distinction.  They are self-evidently
not close enough for practical purposes as evidenced by the fragmented
user base and ongoing problems you experience if you try using PGP.

Back in the days of pgp2.x I used to receive and send a fair
proportion of mail encrypted with pgp; these days it is a much lower
proportion, and a rather high proportion of those fail.  It's not like
I'm using old software or failing to try what is reasonable to get
messages to work.  Even with my fairly complete collection of PGP
versions you saw the results.  Imagine how much worse it will be
between people who do not upgrade frequently or take such defensive
strategies.  So you say upgrade already.  However as I think I have
demonstrated, I follow this strategy myself and as you can see it
doesn't work either.

> PGP 7 or GnuPG with the IDEA plugin can handle messages from any
> version of PGP, OpenPGP or not.

I can't speak of PGP 7's behavior in this discussion as it is not
available for the operating system I primarily use (linux) as far as I
am aware.

> I doubt it's intentionally hidden, though it's certainly a pain to
> find.

I would characterise the situation as intentionally frustrating
attempts to use IDEA.  The whole point of the little exercise of
stripping out the idea.c, making it a separate dynamically loadable
module, tucking it away in a FAQ where you are pointed to lectures
about how software and algorithm patents are bad is _specifically, and
explicitly_ to discourage use of patented algorithms (and in this case
of the idea.c implementation) and to encourage people to do lobby
about the patent madness.

Campaigning against patent madness is a good cause in itself but not
when it gets in the way of privacy to the point that people are
sending messages in plaintext.  After all what is GPG's primary
purpose: is it an email security software package focussing on
security, or a platform for promulgating political views.  I view the
exclusion of idea.c from GPG as basically a security bug of higher
severity than for example PGP2.x's manipulable fingerprint, or
pgp5.something's (before it got fixed) unsigned ADK bug packet, or the
potential buffer overflow in ZLIB.  This bug is worse because it
reproducibly and frequently causes people to send mail in clear text.
The other bugs are by comparison less dangerous, yet they (the two
more recent ones) were fixed by NAI, and GPG and other PGP software
maintainers with rushed over-night hot fixes.

I would suggest this bug would be best fixed in GPG by:

a) including IDEA as a default option in GPG -- the ASCOM patent
license is really very liberal for non-commercial use, and 

b) if that goes against the GNU philosophy to the extent that it is
worth causing hinderance to hundreds of thousands of users who
practically are _going_ to want it they could at least make it a
configuration file option and ship it as other crypto libraries such
as openSSL do.  (I'm not sure how it hurts the anti-patent stance to
do this -- is after all _already_ distributing idea.c, just
