Holding PTrei accountable.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X

 Make corporations financially liable if they fail to provide a service 
due to a cyberattack. Their insurance firms will then start to require 
standards in a much more diverse and flexible way than legislation would. 
This is similar to how bank vault and safe standards were improved during 
the last century. Peter Trei 

I am holding you accountable for everyday you stay with a 'golden shield' 
You were warned.
Companies didn't pull out of apartheid SA till they were held accountable.

RE: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Blanc

Said Greg Vassie:

 Right now, the rate of falsification on Web surveys is extremely high,
 says Dr Ann Coavoukian, the commissioner of information and privacy in
 Ontario, U.S.A. People are lying and vendors don't know what is 
false [or what is] accurate, so the information is useless.

As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
Ontario has been annexed by the United States.


Heh-heh:  the author must be lying.


Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Eugen Leitl

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

 Ontario, California?

You will laugh, but some unattentive air travellers sometimes confuse 
these two :)
 Of course, California is another country. :-).

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Tim May

On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 09:29  AM, Tim May wrote:

 Not a new idea. Ted Nelson (IIRC) wrote about using coin flips to 
 randomize AIDS poll questions. (Have you engaged in unprotected sex? 
 Flip a coin and XOR it with your actual answer.) I remember talking to 
 Eric Hughes, Phil Salin, and others around 1990-91 about this.

 (However, IBM is probably busily copyrighting their new invention, 
 just as Intel copyright their recent invention of the anonymous 

I meant patented in both cases.

Part of the continuing idiocy of our patent system, when obvious prior 
art going back more than a decade counts for nothing in the blizzard of 

--Tim May

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread AARG! Anonymous

Greg Broiles wrote about randomizing survey answers:

 That doesn't sound like a solution to me - they haven't provided anything
 to motivate people to answer honestly, nor do they address the basic
 problem, which is relying on the good will and good behavior of the
 marketers - if a website visitor is unwilling to trust a privacy policy
 which says We'll never use this data to annoy or harm you, they're
 likely to be unimpressed with a privacy policy which says We'll use
 fancy math tricks to hide the information you give us from ourselves.

 That's not going to change unless they move the randomizing behavior
 off of the marketer's machine and onto the visitor's machine,
 allowing the visitor to observe and verify the correct operation of
 the privacy technology .. which is about as likely as a real audit of
 security-sensitive source code, where that likelihood is tiny now and
 shrinking rapidly the closer we get to the TCPA/Palladium nirvana.

On the contrary, TCPA/Palladium can solve exactly this problem.  It allows
the marketers to *prove* that they are running a software package that
will randomize the data before storing it.  And because Palladium works
in opposition to their (narrowly defined) interests, they can't defraud
the user by claiming to randomize the data while actually storing it
for marketing purposes.

Ironically, those who like to say that Palladium gives away root on your
computer would have to say in this example that the marketers are giving
away root to private individuals.  In answering their survey questions,
you in effect have root privileges on the surveyor's computers, by this
simplistic analysis.  This further illustrates how misleading is this
characterization of Palladium technology in terms of root privileges.

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Tim May

On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 09:29  AM, Tim May wrote:

 On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 02:16  AM, Blanc wrote:

 Interesting little article from

 How old are you? How much do you earn?

 Not a new idea. Ted Nelson (IIRC) wrote about using coin flips to 
 randomize AIDS poll questions. (Have you engaged in unprotected sex? 
 Flip a coin and XOR it with your actual answer.) I remember talking to 
 Eric Hughes, Phil Salin, and others around 1990-91 about this.

 (BTW, as you probably know or can imagine, there have been crypto
 methods proposed for safeguarding certain kinds of data collection,
 e.g., schemes using random coin flip protocols for answering 
 like Are you homosexual? (supposedly useful for public health
 planners trying to deal with HIV/AIDS issues. The idea is that the
 pollee XORs his answer with a random bit. His answer then doesn't
 _implicate_ him, but overall statistics can still be deduced from a
 large enough sample.lawmakers will try to take us down the first path.

Cordian correctly points out that merely XORing with a random bit gives 
the same statistics as the random bit(s).

Now that I think about it, I recollect the proposal was something along 
these lines:

Alice is confronted with a question with a yes or no answer. She flips 
a coin. If the outcome is H, she answers the question honestly. If 
the outcome is T, she then flips another coin and gives that outcome 
as her answer.

Half the population of pollees is ostensibly answering honestly, the 
other half is randomizing. No particular person can be linked to an 

More sophisticated versions, as I recall, had more complicated series 
of coin tosses (to reduce noise).

--Tim May

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 12:32 PM -0400 on 9/21/02, Adam Shostack wrote:

 |  Ontario, U.S.A. People are lying and vendors don't know what is
false [or
 |  what is] accurate, so the information is useless.
 | As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
 | Ontario has been annexed by the United States.

 Randomized geography.  :)

Ontario, California?

Of course, California is another country. :-).


R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation http://www.ibuc.com/
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: All your canadians are belong to us

2002-09-21 Thread Meyer Wolfsheim

On Sat, 21 Sep 2002, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 At 11:08 AM 9/21/02 -0400, Greg Vassie wrote:
  says Dr Ann Coavoukian, the commissioner of information and privacy
  Ontario, U.S.A. People are lying and vendors don't know what is
 false [or
 As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
 Ontario has been annexed by the United States.

 Ontario, California?

No, Ontario, Canada:



Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Adam Shostack

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 10:29:16AM -0700, Tim May wrote:
| On Saturday, September 21, 2002, at 09:29  AM, Tim May wrote:
| Not a new idea. Ted Nelson (IIRC) wrote about using coin flips to 
| randomize AIDS poll questions. (Have you engaged in unprotected sex? 
| Flip a coin and XOR it with your actual answer.) I remember talking to 
| Eric Hughes, Phil Salin, and others around 1990-91 about this.
| (However, IBM is probably busily copyrighting their new invention, 
| just as Intel copyright their recent invention of the anonymous 
| remailer.)
| I meant patented in both cases.
| Part of the continuing idiocy of our patent system, when obvious prior 
| art going back more than a decade counts for nothing in the blizzard of 
| patents.

Worse, patent attorneys tell me that pointing out prior art while a
patent is being 'prosecuted' tends to weaken your case against it
later if the patent examiner doesn't reject the thing whole cloth,
because now the prior art has been considered.

The one obvious part of the answer is to raise the cost of getting
patents such that its worth the time of regular filers to consider if
they want the patent, and such that patent examiners are paid well
enough that they don't all leave in 3 years.  (I say regular filers
because there may be a good argument that small inventors should not
be shut out of the system.  Of course, they already are, because its
close to impossible, even for an experienced practitioner to avoid any
mistakes these days, which is why you often see half a dozen closely
related patents on the same invention.)

For example, IBM is granted something on the order of 1000 patents per
year.  The cost to them?  A few million dollars.  If the cost on the
50th patent was a million bucks, then perhaps they'd abuse the system
less.  I don't think Edison ever got 50 patents in a year, and lord
knows he was more inventive than all of IBM. :)


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

All your canadians are belong to us

2002-09-21 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 11:08 AM 9/21/02 -0400, Greg Vassie wrote:
 says Dr Ann Coavoukian, the commissioner of information and privacy
 Ontario, U.S.A. People are lying and vendors don't know what is
false [or

As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
Ontario has been annexed by the United States.

Ontario, California?

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Adam Shostack

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 11:08:54AM -0400, Greg Vassie wrote:
|  Interesting little article from
|  http://pass.maths.org.uk/issue21/news/random_privacy/index.html:
|  Excerpt:
|  Right now, the rate of falsification on Web surveys is extremely high,
|  says Dr Ann Coavoukian, the commissioner of information and privacy in
|  Ontario, U.S.A. People are lying and vendors don't know what is false [or
|  what is] accurate, so the information is useless.
| As a resident of Ontario, Canada, I'm quite surprised to learn that
| Ontario has been annexed by the United States.

Randomized geography.  :)


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Eric Cordian

Tim wrote:

 Not a new idea. Ted Nelson (IIRC) wrote about using coin flips to 
 randomize AIDS poll questions. (Have you engaged in unprotected sex? 
 Flip a coin and XOR it with your actual answer.) I remember talking to 
 Eric Hughes, Phil Salin, and others around 1990-91 about this.


 The idea is that the
 pollee XORs his answer with a random bit. His answer then doesn't
 _implicate_ him, but overall statistics can still be deduced from a
 large enough sample. 

Uh, excuse me?!

I can see how such an idea works if you add a random variable with a known
mean to the data.  A researcher could do this before storing the data, in
order to protect the confidentiality of individual respondents, and still
be able to compute aggregate statistics.

However, if you XOR a bit with a random bit, you have something equally
likely to be in either state.  Even a large collection of yes/no responses
XORed with random bits is indistinguishable from random data.

So I am afraid I must give the prior message my coveted Silliest Thing
Said On the Internet This Week award.  Chortle

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law

CATO's true colors.

2002-09-21 Thread Matthew X

Cato:  You Missed A Spot

This wasn't mentioned in the latest bit, but I also noticed that the 
graphics at the top display different text relevant to the various sections 
of the page when you put your mouse cursor over them.  The text includes 
sentences like:

See how much you could benefit from privatization
What does privatization mean for women in America?
The working poor could be the biggest beneficiaries of privatization .

and of course...

How will Social Security privatization affect the economy?

It looks like they've tried to scrub all of the privatization references 
on the site in a hurry, and just changed the body text.  Does that make 
them lazy liars?


Dear MWO:

Looking at the Cato Institute's webpage on the Project on Social Security 
Choice, the page title isn't' the only place where the dreaded P word 
surfaces.  On the left side of the page is a link to a page called FAQs 
About Privatization.  On that page, there are links to other Cato 
Institute articles with the following titles:

In Us We Trust:  Take the System Private

Dismantling the Pyramid:  The Why and How of Privatizing Social Security

The Working Poor and Social Security Privatization

Privatizing Social Security:  A Big Boost for the Poor

Empowering Workers:  The Privatization of Social Security in Chile

Privatizing Social Security:  the $10 Trillion Opportunity

Social Security:  Partial Privatization is Not Enough

A Plan for Privatizing Social Security

The Benefits of Social Security Privatization for Women

Union Workers Should Support Social Security Privatization

Social Security Privatization and Economic Growth

Looks like their website managers have some more cleaning to do.

Todd Tennis
Lansing, MI

Readers Expose Still More Cato Privates

Dear MWO,

The Cato Institute further reveals its sorry, repugnant attempt at hiding 
its doublespeak along the left column of the social security privatization 
website (http://socialsecurity.org/about.html). Notice the link to :FAQs 
About Privatization.  Oops. Fool me... can't get fooled again.

Your news website is among the best, and I enjoy reading it (as much as 
observing the collapse of America can be). Keep up the good work!

R Galant


Not just the title of the page, but the 'keywords' section of the HTML has 
the following phrases:

social security privatization

and the bizarre:


Bruce Lokeinsky

Programmer, hack thyself.
John Walker, 'The Hacker's Diet'

Here a great page with a news letter called The Cato Project on Social 
Security Privatization

Lead Article:

Dismantling the Pyramid: The Why and How of Privatizing Social Security


This has got to be doubleplusungood for the Cato Institute.

Patrick Murdock

From: arentschler
Subject: privatization

I thought I'd let you know that even though you changed the title of your 
privatization page, the header on the top of my browser still says the word 
privatization.  you definitely want to change both the headline and the 
header, or it might seem really obvious that you're trying to cover 
something up.  We wouldn't want those stupid libruls to actually figure out 
what we're doing over here!

Karl rove would be very disappointed if he knew about this.

A Rentschler

Cato's Meta Tags
Where's Social Security Choice?

 From SocialSecurity.org's html:

meta name=keywords content=social security reform, pension investments, 
retirement, old age benefits, entitlements, investment, social security 
privatization, pyramid benefits, OASI, SSA, payroll taxes, pensions, trust 
fund, taxes, financial calculator, Congressional testimony, Cato Institute, 
policy analysis, government studies, personal retirement accounts, freedom, 
think-tank, Fiscal Analysis, Economic Liberty, monetary, privatize, Cato 
Journal, Regulation magazine, publications library, political intelligence, 
counterintelligence, Capitol Hill, politics, federal budget, briefing 
papers, balanced budget, tax reform, legislative proposals, privatizing, 
SSI program, OASDI, José Piñera, Michael Tanner, The Economist, actuarial 
estimates, Public Opinion Strategies, Senate Budget Committee, retirees, 
global pension crisis, Cato's Social Security Privatization Project, 
Libertarian, US Government, United States, Internal Revenue Service, IRS, 
Medicare, money
meta name=description content=By 2012, Social Security will pay out 
more in 

Re: Random Privacy

2002-09-21 Thread Adam Shostack

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 01:15:18PM -0700, AARG!Anonymous wrote:
| Greg Broiles wrote about randomizing survey answers:
|  That doesn't sound like a solution to me - they haven't provided anything
|  to motivate people to answer honestly, nor do they address the basic
|  problem, which is relying on the good will and good behavior of the
|  marketers - if a website visitor is unwilling to trust a privacy policy
|  which says We'll never use this data to annoy or harm you, they're
|  likely to be unimpressed with a privacy policy which says We'll use
|  fancy math tricks to hide the information you give us from ourselves.
|  That's not going to change unless they move the randomizing behavior
|  off of the marketer's machine and onto the visitor's machine,
|  allowing the visitor to observe and verify the correct operation of
|  the privacy technology .. which is about as likely as a real audit of
|  security-sensitive source code, where that likelihood is tiny now and
|  shrinking rapidly the closer we get to the TCPA/Palladium nirvana.
| On the contrary, TCPA/Palladium can solve exactly this problem.  It allows
| the marketers to *prove* that they are running a software package that
| will randomize the data before storing it.  And because Palladium works
| in opposition to their (narrowly defined) interests, they can't defraud
| the user by claiming to randomize the data while actually storing it
| for marketing purposes.

No, it allows security geeks to talk about proof.  My mom stil won't
get it.

Pd doesn't allow you to prove that there's no sniffer doing other
things with the data, that nothing is logged at the wrong time, etc

If you really want to randomize the data, do it close to me.  Or
better yet, run some software from Credentica and accept a proof of
whatever data is in question.

But the reality is that people hand over most of their data now.

So why would I invest in this expensive technology?  (Mike Freedman,
Joan Feigenbaum, Tomas Sander and I did a paper which touches on the
power imbalance between the companies that offer DRM technology and
their customers...same analysis applies
here... http://www.homeport.org/~adam/privacyeng-wspdrm01.pdf )


It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.