Re: DC Security Geeks Talk: Analysis of an Electronic Voting System

2003-09-28 Thread Tim May
On Friday, September 26, 2003, at 06:42  AM, Ed Reed wrote:

Grisham might be better - it's the legal wrangling that would tie up
people's imagination, more than the technical.
Major Variola (ret) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/25/2003 12:46:13 PM 
At 02:48 PM 9/24/03 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote: 

Cryptonomicon.Net -

Talk: Analysis of an Electronic Voting System
Someone needs to inject a story about e-voting fraud into the popular
Is Tom Clancy available?  Maybe an anonymous, detailed, plausible,
secretly fictional)
blog describing  how someone did this in their podunk county... then
leak this to a news reporter..
Failure to be *able* to assure that this *didn't* happen in that
county would make
an important point.
There have already been reports of electronic votes being reported,  
mysteriously, before the election precincts closed.

We know the results are often fixed, but reporting the results before  
the polls are closed sorts of makes the point obvious even to the  

But, like the current hullaballoo about spam and telemarketing, the  
larger issues are not being discussed. Providing more sound bites about  
why Washington needs to be more successfully targeted by Al Qaida, with  
a lot more destruction than the paltry efforts we saw on 9/11, is  

The focus of this list in recent months on political lobbying  
activities is wrong-headed. We need to be working on ways to make Big  
Brother powerless, either through technology or through destroying his  
nests and his tens of millions of helpers.

The death of twenty million enablers and welfare addicts will be a very  
good thing. Burn, corpses, burn!!

--Tim May

Terror status: urine-colored

2003-09-28 Thread Major Variola (ret)
These Passenger Stability Indicators Include :
Social Security Number,
and Home Ownership.

Two Additional Elements If Available Would Likely Be Good
Indicators: Namely, Miles Flown Annually and Lifetime.

Homeland Security - Airline Passenger Risk Assessment

Would unplanned urban construction just before the '04 elections help or
hurt Bush?
Our machines are thrashing on the national-coherency vs.
mass-psysim code.

When the brownshirts come for your underwear

2003-09-28 Thread Major Variola (ret.)

This is the commune of the guy charged and released for toasting some
Hummers.  Getting RichardJewell'ed by the FBI.  Oh yes, he is
a peace activist who has protested the war in Iraq and actions
of the Bush administration which is surely coincidental.

CNN interviewed him 11pm Sat, and he's getting a lawyer.
This interview was a few minutes before Declan talked about
spam (and mentioned Eudora on CNN!)

vehicle tracking from inductive signatures

2003-09-28 Thread Major Variola (ret)
The loops in the road are, after all, analogue:

A general vehicle reidentification system using inductive loop
signatures to uniquely but anonymously track
individual vehicles, has been formulated and tested in recent years at
the University of California, Irvine. By using
non-obtrusive and anonymous tracking methods, individual vehicles can be
identified and correlated over numerous
identification stations, and very specific real-time data can be
obtained for each tracked vehicle.

Anonymous Vehicle Tracking for
Real-Time Traffic Surveillance
Cheol Oh 1
Stephen G. Ritchie
August 2002
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3600, U.S.A.

Patriot act power grab in progress

2003-09-28 Thread Major Variola (ret.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27  The Bush administration, which calls the USA
Patriot Act perhaps its most essential tool in fighting terrorists, has
begun using the law with increasing frequency in many criminal
investigations that have little or no connection to terrorism.

M. Atta: An Army of One