Blind signatures with DSA/ECDSA?

2004-04-24 Thread An Metet
Hash: SHA1

Here is the blind DSA signature based on MacKenzie and Reiter,, in graphical form.
Recall that a DSA public key is p, q, g, y; private key x; signature on
hash h is:

Choose k < q
r = g^k mod p mod q
s = rx/k + h/k mod q
Output (r,s)

Here is the blind signature protocol, with Alice, the recipient, on
the left and Bob, the signer, on the right:

Alice (recipient)   Bob (signer)
Choose k2 < q
z2 = 1/k2 mod q
Send r2 = g^k2 mod p
Choose k1 < q
r = r2^k1 mod p mod q
   Send a=E(r/k1 mod q) and
b = E(h/k1 mod q) and
Check ZKP
Choose d < q^5
Send c = a '*' x*z2  '+'  b '*' z2  '+' E(d*q)
s = D(c) mod q
Output (r,s)

Here, E() and D() represent encryption and decryption in a homomorphic
encryption system like the Paillier encryption.  Only Alice knows the
private key, but Bob is able to multiply encrypted values by scalars
(indicated by '*' above) and to add encrypted values (indicated by
'+' above).

ZKP sent by Alice in the 2nd step is a zero knowledge proof that the
two encrypted values are known and are < q^3.  (Actually the values are
less than q but the standard ZKP for this has some slop in it, which is
OK for this purpose.)

Bob operates on the two homomorphic encryptions of r/k1 and h/k1.
He multiplies the first by x/k2 and the second by 1/k2 and adds them
to get rx/k + h/k mod q (where k = k1*k2), exactly as required for
the signature.  Then he adds the large multiple of q to fully hide his
secret x value.

One interesting thing about this protocol is that it may escape the Chaum
blind signature patent, US 4759063, for two reasons.  First, the Chaum
patent covers three step blinding, while this is a four step process.
In the regular Chaum blind signature there is no need for the initial
step where the signer sends an initial r2 value.  That step is crucial
here; k2 must be fresh for every signature or the signer's key is leaked.

Second, the Chaum patent describes the signer's operation as performing
a public key digital signature operation.  This is in fact how the Chaum
blind signature works; the signer does do an ordinary RSA signature
operation.  But in this case, the signer performs a completely different
transformation, working with two homomorphically encrypted values in an
unusual way.  This is not a conventional digital signature operation.
Therefore this type of blind signature should escape the patent.

Of course the patent expires in a little over a year so it is largely
moot now anyway.

Version: GnuPG v1.0.0 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: [IP] One Internet provider's view of FBI's CALEA wiretap push

2004-04-24 Thread Morlock Elloi
> underground railroad would have worked better, but your still black.

Obviously you don't know about whitening properties of moder ciphers!

Seriously, today the distingushing marks among classes, tribes and castes are
far more informational than physical. So today crypto *can* make you white, or
better to say discoloured.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25ยข

Duress, Watermarking, a simple design

2004-04-24 Thread Major Variola (ret)
Specificiation For
A Duress File System.
 Disguised as a
Watermark Annotation Management System

Maj. Variola (ret), the OsamaSoft Corporation

To deter torture, physically *destroy* your data.

If you can't destroy it, you need a *duress* system.
It will at least buy some time.

Specs for a duress system:
Adversary can't know if there's more data
   You can reveal multiple passphrases to satisfy the Adversary (incl.
false data)

The former requires stego, otherwise the Adversary could tell that
there's more data.
The latter requires that your stego'd info doesn't interfere with other
stego'd data.

Simple Multiple-Use Implementation:
Treat the cover media as a block-sized filesystem.  The user must
(and keep track of) the index of the block to embed the payload.
extract data, only a passphrase (not index) is needed if a checksum
data in each occupied block.  Multiple blocks can be embedded using
the same passphrase, they are all decoded when that passphrase is

(I don't think its possible to store allocation info *in* the file
without giving away
the presence of more occupied blocks!)

   As a watermarking system, anyone can embed any type of watermark in a

   "block" so long as block occupations are tracked globally.  eBay
could stego-watermark
   images in the upper left quadrant, individuals get to use the upper
right.  Each
  could use their own watermarking tools.

   As a collaborative tool, if the annotations are all plaintext this
could be like writing
comments on the back of a JPG.  With the convenience of keeping them
the image.

   As a duress file system, the watermarks are secret data.   They are
compressed, encrypted,
  then embedded in the given block of the cover media.  It would be
smart to use
  boring annotations in some blocks so that its not unusual to use the
tool with the cover media.
  (One should also use layers of increasingly sensitive info to give up
gradually, as well
   as plausible fakes.)

Re: cop-proof disk drives

2004-04-24 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Sat, 24 Apr 2004, Bill Stewart wrote:

> That's really overkill.  Computers these days have enough
> horsepower to run file system encryption in the CPU.

That's true, but it's possible to get access to the key in memory. Once
the machine is compromised, the keys are leaked.

It's true that when the machine is compromised the plaintext data may be
leaked, but it's more difficult to inspect and transfer couple gigs of
data than just the key and then come and haul away the machine. Or to
compromise the encryption software itself. It's much more difficult to do
that with a hardware unit (and much more difficult if the case was eg.
spot-welded - you still can get inside using power tools, but not without
visibly damaging the case).

Another advantage of a pure-hardware solution is independence on software,
thus no risk of present nor future incompatiBILLities.

> If you want to get fancy about rubber-hose prevention
> and avoid the except-for-terrorism clause in the 5th amendment,
> you could do something with secret-sharing with your
> unindicted co-conspirators (oh, wait, they don't bother with
> indictments these days, do they?) so that all of you
> need to cooperate in a challenge-response thing
> to restart some of the services.

I'd suggest a m-of-n scheme because of reliability issues. It won't be
good to lose all data because one of the co-conspirators died in a car

> Or you could hide that little 802.11 widget on the shelf
> that stores one of the keyfiles you need to
> access the secure drive.  Once UWB's widely available,
> it'll be better for that (lower power - harder to detect.)

A 802.11 standalone data storage unit (I think they're on sale already)
hidden under the floor, over the ceiling, or between the drywalls could do
the job nicely.

> Just make sure that your system _is_ restartable after
> power failures, because those are a much more likely event
> than cop invasions.

Reliability vs security is a big dilemma.

Maybe a good approach could be forgetting the key if the machine is moved
without telling the processor guarding the key that it should stop
watching a movement sensor for a given time interval, or after entering a
wrong (or kill-) PIN? A power blackout then won't affect the operation,
but switching the equipment off and hauling it away would destroy the
keys. Same as an attempt to bruteforce the access code, or opening the
machine case by force.

Re: [IP] One Internet provider's view of FBI's CALEA wiretap push

2004-04-24 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, A.Melon wrote:

> Are there any publicly available documents that detail interrogation
> protocols and what brainwave patterns and bloodflow look like during truth
> telling and lying?  Preferably something that gets into how to consciously
> alter brainwave patterns and bloodflow with this application in mind...

There is other possibility how to "beat" interrogation - suitable only for
some subsets of situations, when the organization design is prepared for

Tell them all. Tell them the truth. Make sure in advance that you can
afford to do it without telling them what they need/want to know - design
the system the way you won't be *able* to know the information that could
endanger the "important" parts of your system/organization.

Re: [IP] One Internet provider's view of FBI's CALEA wiretap push

2004-04-24 Thread A.Melon
Major Variola writes...

> If you physically destroy the keys or the data, there is little to gain by
> torturing you or your family.  That is superior to gambling that your
> deeper duress levels are convincing to the man with the electrodes.

Are there any publicly available documents that detail interrogation
protocols and what brainwave patterns and bloodflow look like during truth
telling and lying?  Preferably something that gets into how to consciously
alter brainwave patterns and bloodflow with this application in mind...

A document with a thorough discussion of various depressants on such an
interrogation process would also be most interesting.

We all know that no lie detector is not perfect, but trying to convince
captors that I'm part of a minority of subjects -- those who appear to be
lying when they're not -- is not my idea of fun.

Re: cop-proof disk drives

2004-04-24 Thread Bill Stewart

That's really overkill.  Computers these days have enough
horsepower to run file system encryption in the CPU.
(If you remember 5-10 years ago, computers in those days
had enough horsepower to run disk compression in the CPU,
and CPU speed has increased a lot faster than disk throughput since then.)
Build the system with an inactivity timeout for /home if you want.
Swap space has the advantage that it doesn't need to preserve
state across system reboots, so you can run an encrypted swap
partition that generates a random key at boot time.
If you want to get fancy about rubber-hose prevention
and avoid the except-for-terrorism clause in the 5th amendment,
you could do something with secret-sharing with your
unindicted co-conspirators (oh, wait, they don't bother with
indictments these days, do they?) so that all of you
need to cooperate in a challenge-response thing
to restart some of the services.
Or you could hide that little 802.11 widget on the shelf
that stores one of the keyfiles you need to
access the secure drive.  Once UWB's widely available,
it'll be better for that (lower power - harder to detect.)
Just make sure that your system _is_ restartable after
power failures, because those are a much more likely event
than cop invasions.