Wyoming agent develops touted porn tracking software

2004-05-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga

USA Today

Wyoming agent develops touted porn tracking software
By Sarah Cooke, Associated Press
CHEYENNE, Wyo. - A Wyoming law enforcement agent was credited Friday with
developing software that weeds out child pornography in file-sharing
networks, resulting in at least 1,000 investigations and 65 arrests

 The software, written last year by Division of Criminal Investigation
special agent Flint Waters, cracks down on the growing use of
"peer-to-peer" or P2P networks.

 The networks allow users to connect computers directly with one another to
exchange files. Officials say they provide greater anonymity than
traditional Internet servers that are easier to track.

 They can also be much quicker and easier to access.

 "This problem was so widespread that it was clearly easier for a child to
obtain these images than it would be for them to buy a magazine depicting
adult pornography," Attorney General Pat Crank said Friday.

 After testing the software last fall, Waters and other DCI officials
offered it free of charge to local, state, national and even international
law enforcement agencies.

 The results surprised even the most veteran officers.

 Images of children as young as 7 years old were being trafficked worldwide
through file-sharing networks easily accessible to children, such as Kazaa.
Some images took as little as 14 seconds to load.

 "We hit everyone from 13-year-olds to 55-year-olds with active molests on
children," Waters said.

 Charges against the 65 people arrested so far have included possession and
distribution of child pornography and sexual abuse of children. The 1,000
investigations have involved more than 350 searches of computers and other
property, officials said.

 Specific cases include Jimmy Richard Morrison, a California man who faces
federal pornography distribution charges in Wyoming alleging he was a P2P
client named "Pedokiller."

 Morrison, of Modesto, Calif., told authorities he used the P2P networks
because police were known to be examining Internet chat rooms for child
pornography activity, Waters said.

 "This guy had pictures of two of his victims on an ID card around his
neck," Waters said.

 To date, more than 3,100 computers have been identified exchanging child
pornography. Of these, nearly 2,000 were discovered by Wyoming DCI special

 "Law enforcement has a new tool to combat the targeting of our children
for sexual exploitation," Gov. Dave Freudenthal said. "As a governor, and
even more so as a parent, I am extraordinarily grateful for the work
Special Agent Waters and the Wyoming DCI have done. Their dedication means
that purveyors and users of child pornography might have fewer places to

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: SASSER Worm Dude

2004-05-14 Thread John Kelsey
At 12:47 PM 5/11/04 +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
I think you are thinking in terms of the American age scale - In england
(and over most of europe although obviously it varies), 18 is old enough
to marry without parental permission, be served in a bar, drive, and be a
practicing homosexual.  At 16 you can have hetrosexual relationships,
marry with parental permission, work (and pay taxes) and rent property in
your own name (you can *own* property from 12)
Everywhere in the US, you can go to jail for criminal acts when you're 
18.  It's not clear why writing a computer worm is any different in that 
regard than fraud or theft.  I think that's generally true.  In some 
states, much younger people have been sentenced to death.

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP: FA48 3237 9AD5 30AC EEDD  BBC8 2A80 6948 4CAA F259

Re: CDR: Re: Can Skype be wiretapped by the authorities? (fwd from em@em.no-ip.com)

2004-05-14 Thread John Kelsey
At 01:40 PM 5/10/04 -0500, Brian Dunbar wrote:

On May 10, 2004, at 1:30 PM, Jack Lloyd wrote:

Like it matters. Do you really think that the government would really allow
Intel and AMD to sell CPUs that didn't have tiny transmitters in them? 
Your CPU
is actually transmitting every instruction it executes to the satellites.
That's a subtle bit of humor, right?
Actually, pretty much all unshielded computer hardware effectively has a 
transmitter in it.  Google for "side-channel attacks" "DPA" and "TEMPEST" 
for more info.  That's not a matter of transmitting to the satellites, but 
it may be a matter of transmitting to the van parked outside your house

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP: FA48 3237 9AD5 30AC EEDD  BBC8 2A80 6948 4CAA F259

Re: Regulators Fine Riggs $25 Million

2004-05-14 Thread Adam
On Fri, 14 May 2004 09:45:27 -0400
"R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  d=print&position=>

As awful as this is, you left out one important detail .. Check when
Riggs' (RIGS) stock price was at a 5-year high ..




"satyam, shivam, sundaram"

Regulators Fine Riggs $25 Million

2004-05-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The New York Times

May 14, 2004

Regulators Fine Riggs $25 Million

ederal regulators fined the  Riggs National Corporation, the parent company
of Riggs Bank, $25 million yesterday for failing to report suspicious
activity, the largest penalty ever assessed against a domestic bank in
connection with money laundering.

The fine stems from Riggs's failure over at least the last two years to
actively monitor suspect financial transfers through Saudi Arabian and
Equatorial Guinean accounts held by the bank. The accounts are still being
scrutinized as possible conduits for terrorist funds or for the proceeds of

Riggs, based in Washington, "did not collect or maintain sufficient
information about its foreign private banking customers," regulators noted
in a consent order signed by the bank. "As a result, the bank failed to
identify approximately one-third of the accounts related to the country of
Saudi Arabia and an unacceptably high number of accounts related to the
country of Equatorial Guinea."

"The bank omitted disclosure of several bank accounts in response to
requests" from regulators, the consent order also noted.

A spokesman for the Saudi Arabian Embassy has denied any involvement by
Saudi officials in terrorist financing activities through Riggs. The
Equatorial Guinean Embassy has not returned calls seeking comment.

It is possible that additional fines may be levied against individual
executives or directors at Riggs, as well as two former directors,
according to two people briefed on the matter. The moves are the latest
troubles for a storied institution that manages bank accounts for most of
Washington's foreign embassies as well as American embassies and consulates

Riggs agreed to pay the penalty without admitting or denying any
wrongdoing, according to the consent order. A spokesman said last night
that the regulatory environment since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has
required all banks to act much more diligently in monitoring accounts.

Regulators cited the bank for failure to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act,
a law governing anti-money-laundering requirements. "The bank's management
was ineffective in overseeing the bank's day-to-day compliance with the
B.S.A. laws and its regulations, as evidenced by the numerous and
substantial deficiencies in the program," the consent order said.

A severe penalty had been expected against Riggs after it first disclosed
in a securities filing in March that regulators were considering fining the
bank for lax practices in combating money laundering. Federal regulators
and investigators, as well as two Congressional committees, are
investigating the bank's accounts.

"Riggs Bank deserves every penny of this huge fine," said Senator Charles
E. Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, which is
examining the Riggs accounts. "When banks look the other way, they put our
national security at risk. Whether it's through incompetence, negligence or
greed, they are allowing terrorists to funnel their blood money through the

"This fine is a shot across the bow for the board of directors, who should
have taken more care to find out what was wrong with Riggs and get it
fixed," Mr. Grassley added. "I'm not satisfied they've been held to

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, an investigative arm of the
Treasury Department, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a
regulatory arm of the same agency, each imposed $25 million penalties
against Riggs, but the bank will be allowed to pay them concurrently.

The consent order stated that Riggs failed to report suspect transactions
involving the withdrawal of tens of millions of dollars in cash and
international drafts from accounts controlled by the Saudi Arabian Embassy
and by Saudi Arabian officials. Accounts controlled by Prince Bandar bin
Sultan, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, have been
scrutinized in the investigation, according to federal investigators
involved in the inquiry.

The consent order also stated that Riggs had similar monitoring lapses
involving the Equatorial Guinean accounts, including "millions of dollars
deposited into a private investment company owned" by an official of that
country. The order also cited "hundreds of thousands of dollars transferred
from an account of the country of Equatorial Guinea to the personal account
of a government official of the country" and more than $1 million
transferred from an Equatorial Guinean account to a private investment
company owned by Simon P. Kareri, a former senior Riggs manager.

Mr. Kareri is the subject of a federal grand jury hearing examining
possible criminal fraud. Mr. Kareri's lawyer has previously declined to
comment on the hearing. He could not be reached for comment yesterday

Another major banking regulator, the Federal Reserve, is expected to

Terrorism law applied to youth group

2004-05-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
Indictment against violent Bronx gang includes terrorism  charges
 By Associated Press
 Friday, May 14, 2004

 NEW YORK - Nineteen members of a street gang accused of
 menacing their neighborhood have been indicted on murder and
 other charges as acts of terror, believed to be the first use of the
 state's anti-terrorism law against a gang.
