Re: primes as far as the eye can see, discrete continua

2004-12-08 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Saw in a recent _Science_ that Ben Green of Cambridge proved that for 
 any N, there are an infinite number of evenly spaced progressions of 
 primes that are N numbers long.  He got a prize for that.  Damn 

Where N is a natural number? How do they define progression? Depending 
on that definition, there are some trivial counter examples.


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Unintended Consequences

2004-12-05 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Chuck Wolber wrote:

 On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:
  I also tried to get my wife to agree to a heroic name for our son. In 
  the tradition of Pericles and Sophocles, I present ... Testicles.
 Similarly I preferred Falopia, and alas my wife was equally reticent.



 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Patriot Insurance

2004-11-29 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:

 It's been a while since I was in the US Army, but I'm sure that the life 
 insurance we had didn't cover parachute-related deaths and I vaguely 
 recall it didn't cover combat deaths. Kinda serious omissions, from the 
 soldier's point of view.

If I'm not mistaken, that's because there are other provisions elsewhere 
in a soldier's benefit package to cover those omissions. I know not what 
those would be atm.


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Fallujah: Marine Eye-Witness Report

2004-11-22 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

 At 8:26 PM -0800 11/21/04, John Young wrote:

% SNIP %

 By the way, John, did you know that Bush Is Going To Revive The Draft???

Troll -1

 Or was it that Bush Lied and People Died???

True +1

 Or maybe, it was that John Kerry Was In Viet Nam???


 One man's puke is another man's original thought, apparently.

Looks like you came out even there b^HBob ;)


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Faith in democracy, not government

2004-11-10 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Tue, 9 Nov 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

 At 7:11 PM -0800 11/8/04, Chuck Wolber wrote:
 cet is an HTMl element
 Wrong again. Mere hyperlatinate British public school affectation,  = 
 et, and, um, all that...

Strange, you called that a rudimentary part of modern culture. Are you 
aware of any territories outside of that which the queen et. al. has 

  Yes, and, apparently, by your inability to parse something that is a 
  rudimentary part of modern culture, you generated it.
 Or perhaps it's your lack of command of the modern QWERTY keyboard...
 Nope. See above, and, again, thank you for playing.

Bad form. Rude and dismissive. Tsk tsk. I guess it's a good way of 
redirecting the argument when you're getting desperate though...


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Faith in democracy, not government

2004-11-08 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

% SNIP %

 More disturbing still for liberal Democrats is that George W. Bush is 
 the first Republican Southerner ever elected to the presidency, another 
 indicator that a majority of the citizenry no longer finds conservatism 
 and Texas such a scary mix.

*SIGH* Is it really so hard for people to remember that George W. Bush was 
born and educated in Massachusetts? John F. Kerry is more southerner than 


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Faith in democracy, not government

2004-11-08 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

 At 9:41 AM -0800 11/8/04, Chuck Wolber wrote:
 *SIGH* Is it really so hard for people to remember that George W. Bush was
 born and educated in Massachusetts?
 Give me a child until the age of 7, cet.

'er huh?

 Which he spent in Midland, TX.
 Being the son of a family of West-Texans myself, he comes by his 
 bidness honestly, as far as I'm concerned.

I think a little line noise crept in here somewhere. Care to clarify?


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: So Who Won?

2004-11-03 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Tue, 2 Nov 2004, Eric Cordian wrote:

 So who won the US election?  The turd sandwich, or the giant douche?

Which witch is which... Ohio is still in play, all the rest are pretty 
much decided. Ohio has 120,000-ish provisional ballots and about 300,000 
regular votes yet to be counted. The spread is about 120,000 in favor of 


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

Re: Flying with Libertarian Hawks

2004-09-13 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

 Damn right. 'Conservative' means agreeing with the most vocal proponents 
 of the current right wing apparatchiks. It seems to have little or no 
 relationship to fiscally conservative ideas. Left wing now refers to 
 anyone who disagrees with the 'Conservatives', even if said left wing 
 policies are practically identical to those of the 'right'.

Corollary: (Shamelessly stolen from the movie Human Stain) They just 
keep getting dummer and more opinionated.


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR

RE: Gilmore case...Who can make laws?

2004-09-07 Thread Chuck Wolber
On Tue, 7 Sep 2004, Tyler Durden wrote:

 This describes the Government as creating secret laws. But, 
 theoretically, only the congress and the Senate can create new laws, 
 correct? The Executive branch has never been empowered to create laws, 
 and I'm thinking these travel laws did not go through congress or the 

Well, there's the Executive Order, as well as the fact that many 
organizations are empowered to create policy. Although policy is not 
specifically law, it may as well be. 

I am curious though:

1) Can the laws that grant policy making privileges be themselves secret?

2) Are policy making privilege laws restricted within a certain scope 
(within a specific organization)?

3) Are all *SIGNED* executive orders publically available?


 Quantum Linux Laboratories, LLC.
 ACCELERATING Business with Open Technology

 The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply 
  social values more noble than mere monetary profit. - FDR