Re: [] Fwd: [NEC] #2.12: The RIAA Succeeds Where the CypherPunks Failed

2003-12-18 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Wednesday, December 17, 2003, at 09:38 PM, Steve Schear wrote:

Note that the broadening adoption of encryption is not because users
have become libertarians, but because they have become criminals; to 
first approximation, every PC owner under the age of 35 is now a 

I'm not sure if Clay ever hung out on the cypherpunks list.  None of 
this comes as a surprise.
 Most knew early on that widespread adoption of crypto would require a 
killer app and that cypherpunks were not delivering these apps because 
one could not predict what they would be.

Right, a fair point.  I've heard cypherpunks say that and I do think 
Clay was being a bit hard on them.  To place the cypherpunks in the 
best possible light, perhaps better than they deserve, we might say 
it's sort of like criticizing Nikola Tesla for not routing an AC power 
grid through rural Tennessee.

They would surely not be PGP and other encrypted email nor digital 
cash unless and until there was a small but lucrative market that 
could be addressed by such technology or a large market with broad 
citizen support.  That file sharing could be it was also recognized a 
long time ago on the cypherpunks list.
Yes, I have seen statements to that effect.

Mind you, I only had occasional exposure to the cypherpunks list via 
Hettinga's feed.  Which is probably fine because I have heard that 
receiving the cypherpunks list is like drinking from a fire hose, and 
Hettinga seems to forward the really informative and entertaining stuff 
from Tim May, Adam Back, et al anyway.

The really interesting aspect of this is what it portends for the 
future.  If, as Clay suggests, the current situation is like 
Prohibition from citizen perspective can we expect a similar repeal of 
government surveillance?  If not, what will happen as large numbers of 
citizens adopt P2P systems that not only flaunt copyright law but 
communications more dear to those in power?
Right, on the one hand it's cool that hordes of otherwise ordinary 
computer users can become interested in darknets, but on the other 
hand it's a bit scary that the sheer scale of it is orders of magnitude 
beyond getting a whiskey in a speakeasy.  This could either thoroughly 
discourage the government or motivate them to do really draconian 
things like requiring computers and chips to meet a specific government 
specification which severely limits how they function.  They're working 
on it.


For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the 
law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an 
open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is 
closely connected with this. -- Albert Einstein, My First Impression 
of the U.S.A., 1921
Yes, a good observation from the time of the first big War on Drugs, 
that is, the demon alcohol, wrecker of homes and corrupter of public 
morals, as anyone who has watched Cops can attest.  Now I need a 
drink -- a glass of port sounds good.

-- Patrick

Re: COWed news networks not showing Baghdad market dead

2003-03-29 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
Status: RO
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 11:42:41 -0800
Subject: COWed news networks not showing Baghdad market dead
I'm scanning all four COWed networks--CNN, Fox, MSNBC, CNBC--for images
from the downtown Baghdad market and housing area strike. Supposedly Al
Jazeera is showing the images of dismembered children, frantic searches
under rubble, body parts blown against walls. Estimates are of 50 dead,
though this may change.  ...
The BBCA evening news hosted by the lovely Mishal Hussein showed it 
all.  Grown men screaming and crying over lost loved ones, a worried 
man muttering Allah Akhbar in clinging hope, a ten year old boy 
weeping near a puddle of blood on a stone stairway, frantic women 
screaming in hospital hallways, a child in hospital minus two legs.  
They were not targeted deliberately but that doesn't seem to console 

The specific operation underway now called Operation Iraqi Freedom is 
one small part of a much larger operation called The Project for a New 
American Century.  This project aims, among other things, to depose 
brutal totalitarian dictators if and only if they make the mistake of 
opposing the interests of the U.S. government and its corporate 
partners without first acquiring nuclear weapons.  The upside of the 
Project is that some brutal totalitarian dictators might possibly be 
replaced with the sort of kinder and gentler dictators we enjoy here in 
America.  Which is good as far as it goes.  Fewer people get thrown 
feet-first into plastic shredders, for example.

I believe this Project will make more Arabs rally in support of firm 
Islamic government, reject Western culture and ideals, join radically 
anti-American militias, and commit more attacks against Americans.  
This threat will make more Americans rally in support of the U.S. 
government and gladly throw votes, dollars, and freedoms at the feet of 
those who promise security.  This widespread popular support will 
enable the U.S. government to employ military tactics both domestically 
and abroad for the stated purpose of enhancing security.  Of course, 
war is a racket, and the racket here is to expand the power and wealth 
of the government and its corporate partners.

-- Patrick

Yes, I really did zeroize that key (good sig this time I think)

2003-02-28 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
Hash: SHA1

(My PGP client botched the signature last time when I used the 
clipboard method.  This time I'm using the plugin button and it should 
work.  Stupid GUI crap.)

I have devised what I believe to be a foolproof and completely
portable way of setting an array of bytes to all zeroes, a common
security operation in cryptography programs.

clear_bytes(char magic, char p[], int n)
 int i;

 p[0] = magic;

 for (i = 1; i  n; i++)
 p[i] = p[i-1];

 for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
 if (p[i] != magic)

In order to guarantee that this works, you must pass in 0 as the
value of the 'magic' parameter, and you also must establish that 0
value using a method that is completely undecidable even to the most
intelligent compiler optimizer theoretically possible.

Here is a simple example of how we can generate this undecidable
zero and pass it into the routine.

main(int argc, char *argv[])
 char array[32];
 char magic = (argc  1 ? 0 : 255);

 clear_bytes(magic, array, sizeof(array));

 return 0;

If you call this program with no command line arguments, the value of
magic will be 0 and the clear_bytes is guaranteed to zero out the

If you call this program with any command line arguments at all, the
value of magic will be 255 and the clear_bytes routine will exit with
code 255.  So the clear_bytes routine serves a dual purpose as an
assertion that the clearing operation actually occurs properly.  If
it doesn't, your program aborts.

It is impossible for a compiler to optimize away any of this code,
because you can always find a way from OUTSIDE the program to make
magic take on a nonzero value and thus reach the abort condition.

Of course, your program will very likely expect command line
arguments, but you can use a slightly altered technique for
generating the necessary magic undecidable zero.  For example, if
you know that your program will never be called with more than 5
arguments, just use this line:

 char magic = (argc  6 ? 0 : 255);

In the very worst case the number of arguments to your program will
be totally indeterminate, with no theoretical upper bound.  This
could easily happen if you expect file names with shell expansion,
for example.  In this case, you could simply require that the very
first argument to your program must always be a specific character,
for example 't'.

 char magic = ((argc  1  argv[1][0] == 't') ? 0 : 255);

With this line, if the first argument to the program starts with a
't', magic will take on the correct value of 0.

I do not recommend using anything in argv[0] because that is the
actual name of your program as invoked from the command line.  This
could change if the executable file is renamed or if you call it with
a leading path.

You can always find some way to generate a magic undecidable zero.
Some variation of the argc/argv technique should serve you well in
all reasonable circumstances, but if you absolutely had to you could
read a zero byte out of a file somewhere.

Note that the clear_bytes function 'ands' each byte of the array with
the previous byte, starting with the magic value.  Only a magic value
of 0 is guaranteed to make all the bytes zero.  The second loop then
checks the operation, ensuring that each byte is equal to the magic
byte.  This can only succeed if magic is 0 and all the bytes are 0.
(Actually it could succeed with a nonzero magic value, but only if
all the bytes were already equal to magic to begin with.  Obviously
this case is irrelevant.)

So folks, this routine will definitely zero out an array, and it
doesn't rely on the va_list (vararg) technique described in
Welschenbach's book.

Personally I rarely use global variables, so I like to pass the magic
value around as an explicit parameter wherever it is needed.  But you
could use a global magic variable if you preferred.

- - -- Patrick

Version: PGP 8.0


Fwd: [] Yes, I really did zeroize that key

2003-02-28 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 12:50 AM, Jeroen C. van Gelderen wrote:

You are going trough a lot of trouble. What is your threat model?
Nothing special, just taking the typical step of zeroing out memory.  I 
just wanted to find a way to do it without using the va_list technique.

On Thursday, Feb 27, 2003, at 23:18 US/Eastern, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
clear_bytes(char magic, char p[], int n)
int i;
p[0] = magic;

for (i = 0; i  n-1; i++) {
p[i+1] = p[i];
for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
if (p[i] != magic)
Well... a theorem prover could infer that exit() isn't called if magic 
is zero. If magic isn't used after clear_bytes is called on it then 
the whole function call can be translated to:

clear_bytes(char magic, char p[], int n)
int i;

This is a valid optimization.

That is a very astute observation.  The [...] you mention would handle 
the weird case of checking that all the bytes of the array happen to 
equal the nonzero magic byte.  For example, if you passed in magic == 
37, and all the bytes happened to be 37, then the exit call would not 
be reached.

So the full exact optimized code that did not actually affect the 
memory bytes would be:

clear_bytes(char magic, char p[], int n)
int i;
if  (magic != 0)
for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
if (p[i] != magic)
So yeah, a theorem prover could possibly figure this out.  After all, 
you and I did.  :-)

Alternatively the two loops could be fused and and the calculation 
could happen in registers without ever hitting main memory. This is 
exactly valid when the contents of p[] are not accessed again after 
Good point.  That's even more likely than the theorem prover issue 
above.  I could write the fused code but I'm too lazy right now.

In order to guarantee that this works, you must pass in 0 as the
value of the 'magic' parameter, and you also must establish that 0
value using a method that is completely undecidable even to the most
intelligent compiler optimizer theoretically possible.
Why not use the value of a convenient system call, such as time(3)?
Because I need a way of generating a 0 in a way a compiler cannot 
predict.  If I said this:

   int i = funky_system_call();

Then I need a way to map i into 0 under the compiler's radar.  Well 
these techniques certainly will NOT work:

char magic = i - i;
char magic = i ^ i;
... etc.

In all cases the compiler will know that magic == 0, and it can hack 
and optimize everything away.

But as you said, that point is moot if the compiler fuses the loops.

It is impossible for a compiler to optimize away any of this code,
because you can always find a way from OUTSIDE the program to make
magic take on a nonzero value and thus reach the abort condition.
Unlikely maybe, not impossible.
True.  Probably much more likely even that the va_list trick.

. and I see your second message has arrived 

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Yes, I really did zeroize that key

2003-02-28 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
Hash: SHA1
I have devised what I believe to be a foolproof and completely
portable way of setting an array of bytes to all zeroes, a common
security operation in cryptography programs.
clear_bytes(char magic, char p[], int n)
int i;
p[0] = magic;

for (i = 1; i  n; i++)
p[i] = p[i-1];
for (i = 0; i  n; i++)
if (p[i] != magic)
In order to guarantee that this works, you must pass in 0 as the
value of the 'magic' parameter, and you also must establish that 0
value using a method that is completely undecidable even to the most
intelligent compiler optimizer theoretically possible.
Here is a simple example of how we can generate this undecidable
zero and pass it into the routine.
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char array[32];
char magic = (argc  1 ? 0 : 255);
clear_bytes(magic, array, sizeof(array));

return 0;
If you call this program with no command line arguments, the value of
magic will be 0 and the clear_bytes is guaranteed to zero out the
If you call this program with any command line arguments at all, the
value of magic will be 255 and the clear_bytes routine will exit with
code 255.  So the clear_bytes routine serves a dual purpose as an
assertion that the clearing operation actually occurs properly.  If
it doesn't, your program aborts.
It is impossible for a compiler to optimize away any of this code,
because you can always find a way from OUTSIDE the program to make
magic take on a nonzero value and thus reach the abort condition.
Of course, your program will very likely expect command line
arguments, but you can use a slightly altered technique for
generating the necessary magic undecidable zero.  For example, if
you know that your program will never be called with more than 5
arguments, just use this line:
char magic = (argc  6 ? 0 : 255);

In the very worst case the number of arguments to your program will
be totally indeterminate, with no theoretical upper bound.  This
could easily happen if you expect file names with shell expansion,
for example.  In this case, you could simply require that the very
first argument to your program must always be a specific character,
for example 't'.
char magic = ((argc  1  argv[1][0] == 't') ? 0 : 255);

With this line, if the first argument to the program starts with a
't', magic will take on the correct value of 0.
I do not recommend using anything in argv[0] because that is the
actual name of your program as invoked from the command line.  This
could change if the executable file is renamed or if you call it with
a leading path.
You can always find some way to generate a magic undecidable zero.
Some variation of the argc/argv technique should serve you well in
all reasonable circumstances, but if you absolutely had to you could
read a zero byte out of a file somewhere.
Note that the clear_bytes function 'ands' each byte of the array with
the previous byte, starting with the magic value.  Only a magic value
of 0 is guaranteed to make all the bytes zero.  The second loop then
checks the operation, ensuring that each byte is equal to the magic
byte.  This can only succeed if magic is 0 and all the bytes are 0.
(Actually it could succeed with a nonzero magic value, but only if
all the bytes were already equal to magic to begin with.  Obviously
this case is irrelevant.)
So folks, this routine will definitely zero out an array, and it
doesn't rely on the va_list (vararg) technique described in
Welschenbach's book.
Personally I rarely use global variables, so I like to pass the magic
value around as an explicit parameter wherever it is needed.  But you
could use a global magic variable if you preferred.
- -- Patrick
Version: PGP 8.0

Wash the key, don't clear it

2003-02-28 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 01:03 AM, Jeroen C. van Gelderen wrote:

On Friday, Feb 28, 2003, at 00:50 US/Eastern, Jeroen C. van Gelderen 
You are going trough a lot of trouble. What is your threat model?
Incidentally, the correct and portable (modulo compiler bugs) approach 
at the language level is to mark the array volatile. This means that 
stores to the array cannot be optimized out and neither can function 
calls to functions in which a volatile variable is manipulated (this 
is transitive).
Now see, I've known about volatile since about 1985.  It's just that 
all these cryptography books make such a big show and hoopla about 
zeroing out memory.  Even the GnuPG code does the 'burn_stack' thing, 
which was shown on the DBS list to be vulnerable.

So I figured the volatile feature must be horribly unreliable.  I guess 
I'll just have to check the assembler output from gcc to make sure.

You will still have to disable caching and swapping at the OS (and 
maybe the hardware) level to make sure no copies linger around.
Yes, I do intend to use mlock and munlock for that.

As for my threat model, I'm just thinking I need to make it as reliable 
as possible even without a dedicated server.  I only need the ability 
to lock, use, wash, and unlock a single memory page.

Today is my day to spend a few hours on the washing part.  :-)

And in some cases (again, what is your threat model?), you will want 
to overwrite your data with random bytes because overwriting with 
zeroes makes offline forensics easier.
This thought did cross my mind, and I considered running Rijndael 
itself to wash out the memory.

In one implementation, I have written the three routines (keysched, 
encrypt, and decrypt) so they declare NO internal stack variables 
whatsoever.  Any scratchpad memory must be declared outside and a 
pointer passed into the routine.

So after doing my primary crypto operation using Rijndael, I would then 
wash out the key and key schedule memory using an application of 
Rijndael itself.  I would perhaps seed this process occasionally and 
chain it.

So do you think I should use Rijndael itself to wash out this data?


Washing sensitive data

2003-02-28 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
Hash: SHA1

On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 01:03 AM, Jeroen C. van Gelderen wrote:

 Incidentally, the correct and portable (modulo compiler bugs) approach 
 at the language level is to mark the array volatile. This means that 
 stores to the array cannot be optimized out and neither can function 
 calls to functions in which a volatile variable is manipulated (this 
 is transitive).

 You will still have to disable caching and swapping at the OS (and 
 maybe the hardware) level to make sure no copies linger around. And in 
 some cases (again, what is your threat model?), you will want to 
 overwrite your data with random bytes because overwriting with zeroes 
 makes offline forensics easier.

OK, I am adopting 'volatile'.  In the discussion on this topic a few 
months back, someone pointed out that a solid compiler MUST implement 
volatile correctly otherwise device drivers run the risk of producing 
smoke and sparks from your computer.  I assume gcc is a solid compiler.

Also, I initially allocate all a single locked page of working scratch 
pad memory and pass it into my sensitive code.  The sensitive code does 
not declare ANYTHING sensitive on the stack.

Here we go.  Assume these declarations:

typedef unsigned char t_byte;
typedef unsigned long t_word;
typedef volatile t_byte vt_byte;

We have this code:

void main(void) {
 int pagesize = getpagesize();
 vt_byte *page = malloc(pagesize);
 if (page) {
 if (mlock((caddr_t)page, pagesize) == 0) {
 munlock((caddr_t)page, pagesize);
 free((void *)page);

Now, the routine to do all the sensitive stuff uses page for ALL its 
working memory.  It calls a routine 'wash_bytes' to wipe out whatever 
it uses in the page.

I have decided that wash_bytes will use a simple and fast random number 
generator to randomize the memory.  I have already written a nice 
implementation of the Mersenne Twister, so here is the relevant 
laundromat code:

#include mersenne.h

static t_mersenne twister;

void set_wash_seed(t_word seed) {
 mersenne_start(twister, seed);

void wash_bytes(vt_byte a[], int n) {
 for (...) {
 t_word w = mersenne_next(twister);
 /* put the 4 bytes of w into the next 4 bytes of a[] */

Periodically my main program will call set_wash_seed with a fresh 
simple word of entropy, but because the Mersenne Twister has such a 
long period I'll probably let it ride for quite a while.

This should give any forensics cryptanalysts a bitch of time.  I assume 
the main danger of zero blocks is that it give them handy reference 
points within the captured memory image.  I doubt they'll be able to 
recognize any MT sequences, especially if occasionally reseeded.  :-)

This stuff is wacky!!!

- -- Patrick

Version: PGP 8.0


Re: Degenerate Political Pressure (was RE: The Wimps of War)

2003-02-15 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Thursday, February 13, 2003, at 05:45 PM, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

Heck, go read some Patrick O'Brien Jack Aubrey Books. The Royal Navy
earned its own keep with prizes, etc., until long after the
Napoleonic wars...

Come to think of it, the rise of book-entry settlement cooincides
nicely with the end of war for profit.

How would you distinguish the actions of the Royal Navy from those of 
ordinary pirates?  Just prettier uniforms, better weaponry, and a bitch 
back in London with a crown on her head, or what?

-- Patrick

RE: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-09 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
From: James A. Donald [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If the optimizer ever optimizes away a write to volatile
memory, device drivers will fail.  Most device drivers are
written in C.  If anyone ever produces a C compiler in which
volatile does not do what we want, not only are they out of
spec, but smoke will start coming out of hardware when the
device drivers are recompiled.

Good point #1.  Excellent point, in fact.

Yup, granted.
however, saying after a security breach this wasn't my fault, the compiler
was out of spec isn't going to help much.
in the real world, murphys law applies more often than anyone elses; you can
virtually guarantee you will meet up *sometime* with an out of spec compiler

Good point #2.  Excellent point, in fact.

So, given 1 and 2, it sounds like a good strategy might be:

a.  Declare your sensitive variables volatile and zero them normally.
b.  Check the assembler output because you have to do that anyway  :-)
c.  If (b) exposes an out-of-spec compiler, report it far and wide to all 
available e-mail lists.  Then preferably use a different compiler.  If 
that's not an option, try the va_list trick and go to (b).

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 02:22 PM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 08:35:06AM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
 That's an interesting idea.  You'd take the pointer returned by alloca and
 pass it to memset.  How could the optimizer possibly know that the pointer

With GCC, it's a builtin, so it will know.


 I was thinking the only way to really stymie the optimizer might be to 
 the program flow depend on something read from a file!  You could have a
 file with a single 0 word in it.  At the beginning of your program, just
 one time, you say this:

I'm afraid optimizations could remove this too. The point, if I understand
it correctly, is that operations on memory have, from the compiler's POV,
a zero lifetime, since the block is freed just afterwards. So, whether you
write zero or anything else there, this write can be discarded, since it's
not used afterwards. Dead write, kind of.

You got me thinking again, and I think you're right.  Allow me to simulate 
the optimizer's thinking.

Here's the original code:

  if (!fool_opt) sensitive = 0;
  if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

Here is a logical equivalent:

  if (fool_opt) {
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();
  } else {
sensitive = 0;
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

Now the compiler can optimize the else case as follows:

  if (fool_opt) {
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();
  } else {

This is logically equivalent to:

  if (!fool_opt || !sensitive) 

So you're correct, the compiler can view the sensitive = 0 statement as a 
dead write as you say.

DOH!!!  :-o

So it sounds like Welschenbach's var-arg trick is still the best bet at 
this point for a portable zeroize technique.

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 10:20 AM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 07:36:41PM -0500, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
 Everybody probably also knows about the gnupg trick, where they define a
 recursive routine called burn_stack:
 Then there's the vararg technique discussed in Michael Welschenbach's book
 Cryptography in C and C++:

How about a simple alloca/memset ? Though it would possibly be more
subject to `optimizations'.
Vincent Penquerc'h

That's an interesting idea.  You'd take the pointer returned by alloca and 
pass it to memset.  How could the optimizer possibly know that the pointer 
pointed right into the stack frame?  For all the compiler knew, the pointer 
might point to some device block somewhere, so the compiler would not dare 
remove the memset.  UNLESS the compiler knew about alloca and by data flow 
analysis could establish that the pointer still pointed to the stack frame 
at the time of the memset.  So yeah, it might indeed be subject to 

I was thinking the only way to really stymie the optimizer might be to have 
the program flow depend on something read from a file!  You could have a 
file with a single 0 word in it.  At the beginning of your program, just 
one time, you say this:

unsigned int fool_opt;
FILE *fp = fopen();
fread(fool_opt,sizeof(unsigned int),1,fp);

The compiler has no idea there's a zero in fool_opt.

Now when you want to zero-out a variable, you'd say something like this:

unsigned int sensitive;
sensitive = result_of_bizarre_encryption();

/* Now let's zero out the sensitive variable. */

if (!fool_opt) sensitive = 0;
if (!sensitive) die_horribly_because_this_should_never_happen();

The die horribly routine would do something like this:


I guarantee you, there is no way on earth an optimizer can get past that one!!

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-08 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
At 02:22 PM 11/8/2002 +, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

while (!is_all_memory_zero(ptr)) zero_memory(ptr);

Right, unfortunately the compiler might be insightful enough just to 
optimize that whole thing to skip() -- Dijkstra's null statement.

Even Welschenbach calls ispurged immediately after purgevars to make 
sure the memory is actually zero.  The ispurged routine is also defined 
using va_list, and if you turn on assertion checking it dies if the memory 
is nonzero.

The problem is you NEVER KNOW if the compiler is just being clever and 
optimizing the assertion away, e.g.:

sensitive = 0;
if (sensitive) abort();

The compiler will simply know to optimize this whole thing to skip().

However, it is highly unlikely the compiler will be able to see through 
va_list manipulations.  This problem is a real bear.  I guess you just have 
to check the assembler output, eh?

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
From: Trei, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Moderator's note: FYI: no pragma is needed. This is what C's
volatile keyword is for. Unfortunately, not everyone writing in C
knows the language. --Perry]

Thanks for the reminder about volatile.  It is an ancient and valuable 
feature of C and I suppose it's implemented correctly under gcc and some of 
the Windoze compilers even with high optimization options like -O2.


Those of us who write code need to be reminded of this
now and then.

Everybody probably also knows about the gnupg trick, where they define a 
recursive routine called burn_stack:

static void
burn_stack (int bytes)
char buf[64];

memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf);
bytes -= sizeof buf;
if (bytes  0)
burn_stack (bytes);

Then there's the vararg technique discussed in Michael Welschenbach's book 
Cryptography in C and C++:

static void purgevars_l (int noofvars, ...)
  va_list ap;
  size_t size;
  va_start (ap, noofvars);
  for (; noofvars  0; --noofvars)
  switch (size = va_arg (ap, size_t))
  case 1:  *va_arg (ap, char *) = 0;
  case 2:  *va_arg (ap, short *) = 0;
  case 4:  *va_arg (ap, long *) = 0;
   memset (va_arg(ap, char *), 0, size);
  va_end (ap);

Here's an example of how you might call the routine:

  purgevars_l(2, sizeof (la), la,
   sizeof (lb), lb);

But hey, if volatile keyword works then so much the better.  I would 
recommend examining the assembly language output of your compiler to verify 
that it honours volatile.

-- Patrick

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
From: Trei, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Moderator's note: FYI: no pragma is needed. This is what C's
volatile keyword is for. Unfortunately, not everyone writing in C
knows the language. --Perry]

Thanks for the reminder about volatile.  It is an ancient and valuable 
feature of C and I suppose it's implemented correctly under gcc and some 
of the Windoze compilers even with high optimization options like -O2.

Oops, I missed your real point, which is that volatile ought to suffice 
as a compiler guide and there is no need for an additional pragma.  By 
declaring a variable as volatile, the compiler would also leave untouched 
any code which refers to that variable.

Too bad that volatile is not guaranteed to work in all major ANSI-compliant 
compilers.  Oh well.  I wonder how gcc does with it?

I guess we should stick with either the recursive routine trick or the 
var-arg trick.

-- Patrick

Re: [OT] why was private gold ownership made illegal in the US?

2002-07-03 Thread Patrick Chkoreff

  Roosevelt needed to in effect devalue the dollar during the Great
  However doing a straight devaluation was politically unacceptable
  at the time.  Because the dollar was pegged to gold, devaluing the
  dollar meant in effect increasing the value of gold in terms of dollars.

Roosevelt did devalue the dollar.  On January 31, 1934, he issued an 
Executive Order which devalued the dollar from 23.22 grains of gold down to 
13.71 grains.  That was a 59% devaluation.

As you say, devaluing the dollar did increase the value of gold in terms of 
dollars.  The value of gold in terms of dollars jumped from $20.67 to 
$35.00, an increase of 69%.

Roosevelt did not have the advantage
  of modern economics and he made many economic mistakes which prolonged
  the depression, but devaluing the dollar was not one of them.

Yeah, good thing Roosevelt didn't make the mistake of devaluing the 
dollar!  Whew!  :-)

  Americans could be living in a People's Republic today.
  Confiscating gold was clearly the lesser of the evils.

Yes, the only way to avoid communism was to devalue the dollar and make 
possession of a yellow metal punishable by fine and imprisonment.  Anybody 
can see that.  :-)

Seriously though, we didn't avoid communism at all.  FDR was our first 
communist president.

-- Patrick
