Quote of the Day, Re: Usenet as solution to Al-Jazeera jamming

2003-03-29 Thread barabbus
>"Sometimes  when you're in government you have to do things for the
>whether they like it or not. That's what governing is all about," said
Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, R-Brunswick.

"Sometimes when you're trying to remain free you have to do things to
leaders whether they like it or not."  Barabbas

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Let the fragging begin!

2003-03-22 Thread barabbus
Someone is in the 101st Airborne seems to have shown some unexpected
individual initiative.

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re: Spending a billion dollars an hour produces a hell of a light show

2003-03-22 Thread barabbus
>Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>As the Iraqis themselves said, and I paraphrase (because the quote is
not handy): "If the U.S. says they know the locations of secret weapons
projects, of underground bunkers, etc., why don't they simply give the
locations to the U.N. weapons inspectors who can then go to those  

>The U.S. had no response.

Once the war is over senior people in the U.S. administration better
have proof acceptable to the international community in open forums if
they do not wish to share a similar fate as their Iraqi counterparts.


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Zombie Patriots: America's Divine Wind

2003-03-17 Thread barabbus
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty "
--- Thomas Jefferson

Its a fact that leading public officials who violate the U.S. Constitution are rarely 
held accountable. In the U.S., in particular, this means all laws based on the 
illegally adopted 14th Amendment, and all laws based on the illegal re-interpretation 
of Commerce Clause by an FDR-extorted Supreme Court which held that a farmer who grew 
his own wheat on his own land and fed it to his own chickens and cows affected 
interstate commerce. 

Most of the federal laws passed since the Civil War rest upon these two pillars (e.g., 
the DEA).  Asking for redress regarding these issues is pointless.  Unconstitutional 
or not (and I assure you they most certainly are) they now form the core of federal 
authority.  The time has come once again for those in the American federal government 
to once again fear the people.

Though many will cheer on those who support these and similar views the truth is few 
will consider converting thought into action. Given the consequences this is 
understandable.  Fear is the greatest weapon of tyrants and we all fear, well nearly 
all.  There is one segment of all societies for which fear can most quickly be 
transformed into action: the terminally ill. Much of our fear is based on uncertainty. 
 The terminally ill have had one major aspect of that uncertainty removed.

I'm suggesting that terminally ill citizens who agree that the time for action has 
come and who no longer fear the consequences, take their case directly to legislators, 
judges, and law enforcement officers.  These super-empowered citizens, whom I call 
Zombie Patriots(tm), may hold the key to resetting the balance between American 
citizens and government to its origin.

Although the number of these tyrants is large it is small compared with the terminally 
ill.  If only a few percent became Zombie Patriots it could turn the tide within a 
year or two.  Governments are at their weakest when the enemy they face is internal 
and pervasive. The War on Some Terrorist(tm) is the friend of those who seek liberty. 
Its only when enough innocent people are victimized that governments get enough 
push-back that they must confront fundamental changes.

Become a Zombie Patriot and give the gift of liberty.


"One of these centuries, the brutes, private or public, who believe that they can rule 
their betters by force, will learn the lesson of what happens when brute force 
encounters mind and force." - Ragnar Danneskold, from Atlas Shrugged 

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