Re: Trojan horse attack involving many major Israeli companies, executives

2005-06-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler

Amir Herzberg wrote:
Nicely put, but I think not quite fair. From friends in financial and 
other companies in the states and otherwise, I hear that Trojans are 
very common there as well. In fact, based on my biased judgement and 
limited exposure, my impression is that security practice is much better 
in Israeli companies - both providers and users of IT - than in 
comparable companies in most countries. For example, in my `hall of 
shame` (link below) you'll find many US and multinational companies 
which don't protect their login pages properly with SSL (PayPal, Chase, 
MS, ...). I've found very few Israeli companies, and of the few I've 
found, two actually acted quickly to fix the problem - which is rare! 
Most ignored my warning, and few sent me coupons :-) [seriously]

Could it be that such problems are more often covered-up in other 
countries? Or maybe that the stronger awareness in Israel also implies 
more attackers? I think both conclusions are likely. I also think that 
this exposure will further increase awareness among Israeli IT managers 
and developers, and hence improve the security of their systems.

there is the story of the (state side) financial institution that was 
outsourcing some of its y2k remediation and failed to perform due 
diligence on the (state side) lowest bidder ... until it was too late 
and they were faced with having to deploy the software anyway.

one of the spoofs of SSL ... was originally it was supposed to be used 
for the whole shopping experience from the URL the enduser entered, thru 
shopping, checkout and payment. webservers found that with SSL they took 
a 80-90% performance hit on their thruput ... so they saved the use of 
SSL until checkout and payment. the SSL countermeasure to MITM-attack is 
that the URL the user entered is checked against the URL in the 
webserver certificate. However, the URL the users were entering weren't 
SSL/HTTPS ... they were just standard stuff ... and so there wasn't any 
countermeasure to MITM-attack.

If the user had gotten to a spoofed MITM site ... they could have done 
all their shopping and then clicked the checkout button ... which might 
provide HTTPS/SSL. however, if it was a spoofed site, it is highly 
probable that the HTTPS URL provided by the (spoofed site) checkout 
button was going to match the URL in any transmitted digital 
certificate. So for all, intents and purposes .. most sites make very 
little use of https/ssl as countermeasure for MITM-attacks ... simply 
encryption as countermeasure for skimming/harvesting (evesdropping).

in general, if the naive user is clicking on something that obfuscates 
the real URL (in some case they don't even have to obfuscate the real 
URL) ... then the crooks can still utilize https/ssl ... making sure 
that they have a valid digital certificate that matches the URL that 
they are providing.

the low-hanging fruit of fraud ROI ... says that the crooks are going to 
go after the easiest target, with the lowest risk, and the biggest 
bang-for-the buck. that has mostly been the data-at-rest transaction 
files. then it is other attacks on either of the end-points. attacking 
generalized internet channels for harvesting/skimming appears to be one 
of the lowest paybacks for the effort. in other domains, there have been 
harvesting/skimming attacks ... but again mostly on end-points ... and 
these are dedicated/concentrated environments where the only traffic ... 
is traffic of interest (any extraneous/uninteresting stuff has already 
been filtered out).

Re: Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

2005-02-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Peter Gutmann wrote:
Neither.  Currently they've typically been smart-card cores glued to the 
MB and accessed via I2C/SMB.
and chips that typically have had eal4+ or eal5+ evaluations. hot topic 
in 2000, 2001 ... at the intel developer's forums and rsa conferences

Re: Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

2005-02-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Erwann ABALEA wrote:
  I've read your objections. Maybe I wasn't clear. What's wrong in
installing a cryptographic device by default on PC motherboards?
I work for a PKI 'vendor', and for me, software private keys is a
nonsense. How will you convice Mr Smith (or Mme Michu) to buy an
expensive CC EAL4+ evaluated token, install the drivers, and solve the
inevitable conflicts that will occur, simply to store his private key? You
first have to be good to convice him to justify the extra depense.
If a standard secure hardware cryptographic device is installed by default
on PCs, it's OK! You could obviously say that Mr Smith won't be able to
move his certificates from machine A to machine B, but more than 98% of
the time, Mr Smith doesn't need to do that.
Installing a TCPA chip is not a bad idea. It is as 'trustable' as any
other cryptographic device, internal or external. What is bad is accepting
to buy a software that you won't be able to use if you decide to claim
your ownership... Palladium is bad, TCPA is not bad. Don't confuse the
the cost of EAL evaluation typically has already been amortized across 
large number of chips in the smartcard market. the manufactoring costs 
of such a chip is pretty proportional to the chip size ... and the thing 
that drives chip size tends to be the amount of eeprom memory.

in tcpa track at intel developer's forum a couple years ago ... i gave a 
talk and claimed that i had designed and significantly cost reduced such 
a chip by throwing out all features that weren't absolutely necessary 
for security. I also mentioned that two years after i had finished such 
a design ... that tcpa was starting to converge to something similar. 
the head of tcpa in the audience quiped that i didn't have a committee 
of 200 helping me with the design.

Re: Banks Test ID Device for Online Security

2005-01-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Bill Stewart wrote:
Yup.  It's the little keychain frob that gives you a string of numbers,
updated every 30 seconds or so, which stays roughly in sync with a server,
so you can use them as one-time passwords
instead of storing a password that's good for a long term.
So if the phisher cons you into handing over your information,
they've got to rip you off in nearly-real-time with a MITM game
instead of getting a password they can reuse, sell, etc.
That's still a serious risk for a bank,
since the scammer can use it to log in to the web site
and then do a bunch of transactions quickly;
it's less vulnerable if the bank insists on a new SecurID hit for
every dangerous transaction, but that's too annoying for most customers.
in general, it is something you have authentication as opposed to the 
common shared-secret something you know authentication.

while a window of vulnerability does exist (supposedly something that 
prooves you are in possession of something you have), it is orders of 
magnitude smaller than the shared-secret something you know 

there are two scenarios for shared-secret something you know 

1) a single shared-secret used across all security domains ... a 
compromise of the shared-secret has a very wide window of vulnerability 
plus a potentially very large scope of vulnerability

2) a unique shaerd-secret for each security domain ... which helps limit 
the scope of a shared-secret compromise. this potentially worked with 
one or two security domains ... but with the proliferation of the 
electronic world ... it is possible to have scores of security domains, 
resulting in scores of unique shared-secrets. scores of unique 
shared-secrets typically results exceeded human memory capacity with the 
result that all shared-secrets are recorded someplace; which in turn 
becomes a new exploit/vulnerability point.

various financial shared-secret exploits are attactive because with 
modest effort it may be possible to harvest tens of thousands of 

In one-at-a-time, real-time social engineering, may take compareable 
effort ... but only yields a single piece of authentication material 
with a very narrow time-window and the fraud ROI might be several orders 
of magnitude less. It may appear to still be large risk to individuals 
.. but for a financial institution, it may be relatively small risk to 
cover the situation ... compared to criminal being able to compromise 
50,000 accounts with compareable effort.

In some presentation there was the comment made that the only thing that 
they really needed to do is make it more attactive for the criminals to 
attack somebody else.

It would be preferabale to have a something you have authentication 
resulting in a unique value ... every time the device was used. Then no 
amount of social engineering could result in getting the victim to give 
up information that results in compromise. However, even with relatively 
narrow window of vulnerability ... it still could reduce risk/fraud to 
financial institutions by several orders of magnitude (compared to 
existing prevalent shared-secret something you know authentication 

old standby posting about security proportional to risk

Re: Academics locked out by tight visa controls

2004-09-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
At 08:03 AM 9/20/2004, John Kelsey wrote:
I guess I've been surprised this issue hasn't seen a lot more 
discussion.  It takes nothing more than to look at the names of the people 
doing PhDs and postdocs in any technical field to figure out that a lot of 
them are at least of Chinese, Indian, Arab, Iranian, Russian, etc., 
ancestry.  And only a little more time to find out that a lot of them are 
not citizens, and have a lot of hassles with respect to living and working 
here.  What do you suppose happens to the US lead in high-tech, when we 
*stop* drawing in some large fraction of the smartest, hardest-working 
thousandth of a percent of mankind?

in '94 there was report (possibly sjmn?) that said at least half of all 
cal. univ. tech. PHDs were awarded to foreign born. during some of the tech 
green card discussions in the late '90s ... it was pointed out that the 
internet boom (bubble) was heavily dependent on all these foreign born  
since there was hardly enuf born in the usa to meet the demand.

in the late 90s there were some reports that many of these graduates had 
their education paid by their gov. with directions to enter an us company 
in strategic high tech areas for 4-8 years  and then return home as 
tech transfer effort. i was told in the late 90s about one optical 
computing group in a high tech operation  where all members of the 
group fell into this category (foreign born with obligation to return home 
after some period).

another complicating factor competing for resources during the late 90s 
high-tech, internet boom (bubble?) period was the significant resource 
requirement for y2k remediation efforts.

nsf had recent study on part of this
graduate enrollment in science and engineering fields reaches new peak; 1st 
time enrollment of foreign students drops

Anne  Lynn Wheeler 

Re: TCPA not virtualizable during ownership change (Re: Overcoming the potential downside of TCPA)

2002-08-16 Thread lynn . wheeler

I arrived at that decision over four years ago ... TCPA possibly didn't
decide on it until two years ago. In the assurance session in the TCPA
track at spring 2001 intel developer's conference I claimed my chip was
much more KISS, more secure, and could reasonably meet the TCPA
requirements at the time w/o additional modifications. One of the TCPA guys
in the audience grossed that I didn't have to contend with the committees
of hundreds helping me with my design.

There are actually significant similarities between my chip and the TPM

I'm doing key gen at very first, initial power-on/test of wafer off the
line (somewhere in dim past it was drilled into me that everytime something
has to be handled it increases the cost).

Also, because of extreme effort at KISS, the standard PP evaluation stuff
gets much simpler and easier because most (possibly 90 percent) of the
stuff is N/A or doesn't exist

early ref:

or refs at (under subject aads chip strawman):

brand  other misc. stuff:

random evauation refs: anybody seen (EAL5) semi-formal
specification for FIPS186-2/x9.62 ecdsa? formal fips186-2/x9.62 definition
for eal 5/6 evaluation

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 8/15/2002 6:44 pm wrote:

I think a number of the apparent conflicts go away if you carefully
track endorsement key pair vs endorsement certificate (signature on
endorsement key by hw manufacturer).  For example where it is said
that the endorsement _certificate_ could be inserted after ownership
has been established (not the endorsement key), so that apparent
conflict goes away.  (I originally thought this particular one was a
conflict also, until I noticed that.)  I see anonymous found the same

But anyway this extract from the CC PP makes clear the intention and
an ST based on this PP is what a given TPM will be evaluated based on:

p 20:
| The TSF shall restrict the ability to initialize or modify the TSF
| data: Endorsement Key Pair [...] to the TPM manufacturer or designee.

(if only they could have managed to say that in the spec).


Re: Challenge to David Wagner on TCPA

2002-08-13 Thread lynn . wheeler

actually it is possible to build chips that generate keys as part of
manufactoring power-on/test (while still in the wafer, and the private key
never, ever exists outside of the chip)  ... and be at effectively the same
trust level as any other part of the chip (i.e. hard instruction ROM).
using such a key pair than can uniquely authenticate a chip 
effectively becomes as much a part of the chip as the ROM or the chip
serial number, etc. The public/private key pair  if appropriately
protected (with evaluated, certified and audited process) then can be
considered somewhat more trusted than a straight serial number aka a
straight serial number can be skimmed and replayed ... where a digital
signature on unique data is harder to replay/spoof.  the hips come with
unique public/private key where the private key is never known.

sometimes this is a difficult consept ... the idea of a public/private key
pair as a form of a difficult to spoof chip serial   when all uses of
public/private key, asymmetric cryptograhy might have always been portrayed
as equilanet to x.509 identity certificates (it is possible to show in
large percentage of the systems that public/private key digital signatures
are sufficient for authentication and any possible certificates are both
redundant and superfulous).

misc. ref (aads chip strawman):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 6/13/2002 11:10 am wrote:

This makes a lot of sense, especially for closed systems like business
LANs and WANs where there is a reasonable centralized authority who can
validate the security of the SCP keys.  I suggested some time back that
since most large businesses receive and configure their computers in the IT
department before making them available to employees, that would be a time
that they could issue private certs on the embedded SCP keys. The
employees' computers could then be configured to use these private certs
for their business computing.

However the larger vision of trusted computing leverages the global
internet and turns it into what is potentially a giant distributed
computer.  For this to work, for total strangers on the net to have trust
in the integrity of applications on each others' machines, will require
some kind of centralized trust infrastructure.  It may possibly be
multi-rooted but you will probably not be able to get away from this

The main problem, it seems to me, is that validating the integrity of the
SCP keys cannot be done remotely.  You really need physical access to the
SCP to be able to know what key is inside it.  And even that is not enough,
if it is possible that the private key may also exist outside, perhaps
because the SCP was initialized by loading an externally generated
public/private key pair.  You not only need physical access, you have to be
there when the SCP is initialized.

In practice it seems that only the SCP manufacturer, or at best the OEM who
(re) initializes the SCP before installing it on the motherboard, will be
in a position to issue certificates.  No other central authorities will
have physical access to the chips on a near-universal scale at the time of
their creation and installation, which is necessary to allow them to issue
meaningful certs.  At least with the PGP web of trust people could in
principle validate their keys over the phone, and even then most PGP users
never got anyone to sign their keys.  An effective web of trust seems much
more difficult to achieve with Palladium, except possibly in small groups
that already trust each other anyway.

If we do end up with only a few trusted root keys, most internet-scale
trusted computing software is going to have those roots built in. Those
keys will be extremely valuable, potentially even more so than Verisign's
root keys, because trusted computing is actually a far more powerful
technology than the trivial things done today with PKI.  I hope the
Palladium designers give serious thought to the issue of how those trusted
root keys can be protected appropriately.  It's not going to be enough to
say it's not our problem.  For trusted computing to reach its potential,
security has to be engineered into the system from the beginning - and that
security must start at the root!

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Re: maximize best case, worst case, or average case? (TCPA)

2002-06-30 Thread lynn . wheeler

security modules are also inside the swipe  pin-entry boxes that you see
at check-out counters.

effectively both smartcards and dongles are forms of hardware tokens 
the issue would be whether a smartcard form factor might be utilized in a
copy protection scheme similar to TCPA paradigm  a single hardware chip
that you register for all you applications  or in the dongle paradigm
 you get a different smartcard for each application (with the downside
of the floppy copy protection scenario where a user with a half dozen
active copy protected applications all wanted their smartcard crammed
into the same smartcard reader simultaneously).

many of the current chipcards  i believe are used in the magnetic
stripe swipe mode for authenticating specific transactions   most of
the rest are used for password substitute at login type events. Many of the
chipcards following the straight payment card model result in end-user
having large number of different institutional tokens (similar to the
floppy copy protect paradigm).  Following the institutional-specific and/or
application-specific token paradigm starts to become difficult to manage as
the number of tokens increase and the probability that multiple are
required simultaneously increases.

That eventually leads into some sort of person-centric or device-centric
paradigm  not so much an issue of the form factor  (floppy, chipcard,
dongle, etc)  but an issue of whether there are potentially large
numbers of institutional/application specific objects or small numbers of
person/device specific objects.

So a simple issue is the trade-off between the institutional/application
specific objects  which seem to have some amount of acceptance (payment
cards, chip cards, various dongle forms, etc) but in many instances can
scale poorly ... especially if  multiple different such objects have to be
available concurrently  vis-a-vis switching to a person/device specific
object paradigm (chipcard, dongles, etc, potentially exactly same
formfactor but different paradigm)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 6/30/2002 12:39 pm wrote:

I think dongles (and non-copyable floppies) have been around since the
80s at least...maybe the 70s.  Tamper-resistant CPU modules have been
since the ATM network, I believe, in the form of PIN processors stored
inside safes)

The fundamental difference between a dongle and a full trusted module
containing the critical application code is that with a dongle, you can
just patch the application to skip over the checks (although they can be
repeated, and relatively arcane).

If the whole application, or at least the non-cloneable parts of the
application, exist in a sealed module, the rest of the application can't
be patched to just skip over this code.

Another option for this is a client server or oracle model where the really

sensitive pieces (say, a magic algorithm for finding oil from GIS data,
or a good natural language processor) are stored on vendor-controlled
hardware centrally located, with only the UI executing on the end user's

What I'd really like is a design which accomplishes the good parts of
ensuring that when code claims to be executing in a certain form, it really
and providing a way to guarantee this remotely -- without making it easy
to implement restrictions on content copying.  It would be nice to have the
good parts of TCPA, and given the resistance to DRM, if security and TCPA
have their fates bound, they'll probably both die an extended and painful

I suppose the real difference between a crypto-specific module and a
purpose module is how much of the UI is within the trusted platform
If the module is only used for handling cryptographic keys, as an addition
an insecure general purpose CPU, with no user I/O, it seems unlikely to be
useful for DRM.  If the entire machine is inside the envelope, it seems
obviously useful for DRM, and DRM would likely be the dominant application.
If only a limited user IO is included in the envelope, sufficient for
user authentication and keying, and to allow the user to load
initially-trusted code onto the general purpose CPU, but where the user
can fully use whatever general purpose code on the general purpose CPU,
even uncertified code, with the certified module, it's not really useful
for DRM, but still useful for the non-DRM security applications which are
the alleged purpose behind TCPA.

(given that text piracy doesn't seem to be a serious commercial concern,
simply keeping video and audio playback and network communications outside
the TCPA envelope entirely is good enough, in practice...this way, both
authentication and keying can be done in text mode, and document
distribution control, privacy of records, etc. can be accomplished,
there is ALSO the ability to do arbitrary text processing and computing
outside the trusted envelope, .)

If it's the user's own data being protected, you don't 

Re: PKI: Only Mostly Dead

2002-06-10 Thread lynn . wheeler

I think there is even less I than most people suspect. I've recently
taken to some manual sampling of  SSL domain name server certificates ...
and finding certificates that have expired ... but being accepted by
several browsers that i've tested with (no complaints or fault

there was thread in another forum where I observed that back when
originally working on this payment/ecommerce thing for this small
client/server startup that had invented these things called SSL  HTTPS ...
my wife and I had to go around to various certificate manufactures with
regard to some due diligence activity. I think w/o exception that they all
made some comment about the PK being technical ... and the I being
service ... and providing service is an extremely hard thing to do (and
they hadn't anticipated how really hard it is).

some past ssl domain name certificate threads:

As i've observed previously there are a number of ways that the technical
stuff for PK can be done w/o it having to equate to (capital) PKI ...
some recent threads on this subject: some certification 
authentication landscape summary from recent threads some certification 
authentication landscape summary from recent threads some certification 
authentication landscape summary from recent threads some certification 
authentication landscape summary from recent threads IBM alternative to PKI? IBM alternative to PKI? IBM alternative to PKI? IBM alternative to PKI? IBM alternative to PKI? Proxy PKI. Was: IBM alternative
to PKI? Proxy PKI. Was: IBM alternative
to PKI? Proxy PKI. Was: IBM alternative
to PKI? Proxy PKI Proxy PKI Proposal: A replacement for 3D
Secure ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI .. addenda ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI .. addenda II ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ... part II ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI .. addenda ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ... part II ALARMED ... Only Mostly Dead ...
RIP PKI ... part III

[EMAIL PROTECTED] at 6/1/2002 2:18am wrote:

Peter Gutmann should be declared an international resource.

Thankyou Nobody.  You should have found the e-gold in your acount by now :

Only one little thing mars this picture.  PKI IS A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS
USED EVERY DAY BY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.  Of course this is in reference to
use of public key certificates to secure ecommerce web sites.  Every one
those https connections is secured by an X.509 certificate infrastructure.
That's PKI.

  Opinion is divided on the subject -- Captain Rum, Blackadder, Potato.

The use with SSL is what Anne|Lynn Wheeler refer to as certificate
manufacturing (marvellous term).  You send the CA (and lets face it,
going to be Verisign) your name and credit card number, and get back a
It's just an expensive way of doing authenticated DNS lookups with a ttl of
year.  Plenty of PK, precious little I.

The truth is that we are surrounded by globally unique identifiers and we
them every day.  URLs, email addresses, DNS host names, Freenet selection
keys, ICQ numbers, MojoIDs, all of these are globally unique!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a globally unique name; you can use that
address from anywhere in the world and it will get to the same mailbox.

You can play with semantics here and claim the exact opposite.  All of the
cases you've cited are actually examples of global distinguisher + locally
unique name.  For example the value 1234567890 taken in isolation could be
anything from my ICQ number to my shoe size in kilo-angstroms, but if you
it as the pair { ICQ domain, locally unique number } then it makes
(disclaimer: I have no idea whether that's either a valid ICQ number or my