Re: [MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-15 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> Dave has his own point of view -- there is overlap, of course, but
> it's not coterminous with the official activities of the CryptoRights
> Foundation.
> -Declan

Oh no? Could you please explain how it is that Dave has twice fired his
fellow CryptoRights board members when they have questioned his idea of
official activites of the CryptoRights Foundation? It appears to many
observers that "Dave's will" and "CryptoRight's Mission" are one and the

What Cypherpunks have worked with Dave for any extended period of time and 
not walked away totally frustrated?

Re: [MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-14 Thread Declan McCullagh
Dave has his own point of view -- there is overlap, of course, but
it's not coterminous with the official activities of the CryptoRights


On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 07:46:26PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
> You don't need to worry about this anyway, Peter. It is doubtful that an 
> organization such as CryptoRights would hire cypherpunks, given its scope 
> of political activities and its association with fascist single world 
> governments.
> See:
> and:,1284,46035,00.html

Re: [MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-13 Thread Anonymous
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> Dave Del Torto wrote:
> > Resumes should be in plain
> > ASCII text format with a PGP signature (detached sigs are OK) and on
> > floppy disk or CD-R also containing a copy of the applicant's PGP
> > public key.
> Fuck off.

You don't need to worry about this anyway, Peter. It is doubtful that an 
organization such as CryptoRights would hire cypherpunks, given its scope 
of political activities and its association with fascist single world 



Re: [MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-13 Thread Bill Stewart
At 05:21 AM 12/13/2002 +, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

Dave Del Torto wrote:

> Resumes should be in plain
> ASCII text format with a PGP signature (detached sigs are OK) and on
> floppy disk or CD-R also containing a copy of the applicant's PGP
> public key.

Fuck off.

If you think that a PGP key is good enough, you don't know the threats you
are facing with GAK and the like. If you think a resume should be
Peter Fairbrother

He didn't say you needed a resume to get into the meeting;
he said you needed it if you wanted to apply for a job
so they can show the people they're asking for grant money
that they've got a bunch of highly qualified people that
are interested in working on the project.
If it's like most projects, the resume is largely separate from
whether everybody knows whether you write great code quickly,
but it can be a hook to remind them who's interested.

Personally, I like resumes to be in hand-written well-styled HTML :-)

Re: [MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-13 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Dave Del Torto wrote:

> Resumes should be in plain
> ASCII text format with a PGP signature (detached sigs are OK) and on
> floppy disk or CD-R also containing a copy of the applicant's PGP
> public key. 

Fuck off. 

If you think that a PGP key is good enough, you don't know the threats you
are facing with GAK and the like. If you think a resume should be

Peter Fairbrother

   i sing of Olaf glad and big
   whose warmest heart recoiled at war:
   a conscientious object-or
   his wellbelovid colonel (trig
   westpointer most succinctly bred)
   took erring Olaf soon in hand;
   but-though an host of overjoyed
   noncoms (first knocking on the head
   him) do through icy waters roll
   that helplessness which others stroke
   with brushes recently employed
   anent this muddy toiletbowl,
   while kindred intellects evoke
   allegiance per blunt instruments-
   Olaf (being to all intents
   a corpse and wanting any rag
   upon what God unto him gave)
   responds, without getting annoyed
   "I will not kiss your fucking flag"
   straightaway the silver bird looked grave
   (departing hurriedly to shave)
   but -though all kinds of officers
   (a yearning nation's blueeyed pride)
   their passive prey did kick and curse
   until for wear their clarion
   voices and boots were much the worse,
   and egged the firstclassprivates on
   his rectum wickedly to tease
   by means of skillfully applied
   bayonets roasted hot with heat-
   Olaf (upon what were once knees)
   does almost ceaselessly repeat
   "there is some shit I will not eat"
   our president,being of which
   assertions duly notified
   threw the yellowsonofabitch
   into a dungeon,where he died
   Christ (of His mercy infinite)
   i pray to see;and Olaf,too
   preponderatingly because
   unless statistics lie he was
   more brave than me:more blond than you

by ee cummings

who was an American
and a man
but he's dead now

[MPUNKS] Cypherpunks December Mtg: HIGHFIRE Design Session

2002-12-12 Thread Dave Del Torto
Hash: SHA1

[Starting the 2nd decade with new challenges & opportunities! -ddt]

December 2002
Cypherpunks Physical Meeting Announcement

General Info: 
DATE:   Saturday 14 December 2002
TIME:   12:00 - 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)
PLACE:  Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF HQ)
454 Shotwell Street
San Francisco, California 94110

  Arrive: "noon-ish"
  Random Section: 12:00 - 1:00 (informal milling about)
   Deterministic Session:  1:00 - 2:00 (general topics & updates)
 HIGHFIRE Design Session:  2:00 - 5:00

Executive Summary:

The December 2002 physical meeting will feature a major announcement 
from the CryptoRights Foundation, and a collaborative open security 
design session for the CryptoRights "HIGHFIRE" (human rights 
firewall) humanitarian communications privacy system. Design 
objectives include a hardware security appliance for secure 
networking/etc by small human rights and journalism NGOs, and the 
integration with the hardware of of a mailserver with secured 
services and remote administration and cryptographically-enhanced 
adaptive mail filtering software. Bring your thinking caps, a pencil 
and paper and any open source code you might want to contribute on 

NOTE: CRF will be accepting resumes at the meeting from responsible 
security professionals with a social conscience interested in 
positions (starting January 2003) on CRF's security research, 
software & hardware engineering, documentation, technical support and 
field deployment/training teams in 2003. Resumes should be in plain 
ASCII text format with a PGP signature (detached sigs are OK) and on 
floppy disk or CD-R also containing a copy of the applicant's PGP 
public key. Unsigned documents in proprietary formats with lots of 
eye-candy will be handled appropriately.

For location/directions/maps and other information, please visit the 
usual web pages:

 December Meeting:

Agenda items are being sought for the February meeting. See:


Version: PGP 3.14159
