Re: End of a cypherpunk era?

2005-03-07 Thread Steve Thompson

--- Anonymous [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still, if we could achieve mutual respect and freedom in the physical
 world, we would happily pay the price of increased rudeness online.

Speak for yourself.  



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End of a cypherpunk era?

2005-03-07 Thread Anonymous
Ian Grigg writes at

: FC exile finds home as Caribbean Brit
: Vince Cate (writes Ray Hirschfeld) created a stir a number of years ago
: by relocating to the Caribbean island nation of Anguilla, purchasing a
: Mozambique passport-of-convenience, and renouncing his US citizenship
: in the name of cryptographic and tax freedom.
: Last Thursday I attended a ceremony (the first of its kind in Anguilla)
: at which he received his certificate of British citizenship.
: But Vince's solemn affirmation of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth, her
: heirs and successors was done for practical rather than ideological
: reasons. Since giving up his citizenship, the US has refused to grant
: him a visa to visit his family there, or even to accompany his wife to
: St. Thomas for her recent kidney surgery. Now as a British citizen he
: expects to qualify for the US visa waiver program.
: Is this the end of an era, a defining cypherpunk moment?

Cypherpunk responds in the comments:

 I never saw this kind of thing as being central to the cypherpunk
 concept. In fact, to me it seems like the wrong direction to go. The
 point of being a cypherpunk is to live in cypherspace, the mythical land
 where online interactions dominate and we can use information theory and
 mathematics to protect ourselves. Of course, cypherspace is inevitably
 grounded in the physical world, so we have to use anonymous remailers
 and proxies to achieve our goals.

 But escaping overseas is granting too much to the primacy of the
 physical. It would be better for Vince Cate and other expats to help
 create anonymizing technology and other infrastructure to allow people
 to work and play freely in the online world.

 And tying it back to this blog, the gold at the end of the cipherpunk
 rainbow is a payment system which can be deployed and exploited
 anonymously. That's hard, for many reasons, not least because most people
 are happy and eager to share information goods for free. Modern-day
 online communism (creative commons, open source, etc) actually undercuts
 cypherpunk goals by reducing the need and motivation for anonymous
 payment systems. How can you buy and sell information goods online,
 when everyone gives everything away freely?

Re: End of a cypherpunk era?

2005-03-07 Thread Justin
On 2005-03-06T00:03:01+0100, Anonymous wrote:
 Ian Grigg writes at
 : Is this the end of an era, a defining cypherpunk moment?

It doesn't make much sense to renounce your U.S. citizenship if your
relatives, who you care about and who you want to visit, still live there.

What did Vince Cate expect?  He wants to be free to enter the U.S.
temporarily, but doesn't want to be a citizen of a country the U.S.
deems sufficiently similar to itself?  From the American State's
perspective, he is dangerous.  He is a near-anarchist, and individuals
with that kind of status threaten the existence of the U.S.

Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who
have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for
anything else thereafter.   --Hemingway, Esquire, April 1936

Re: End of a cypherpunk era?

2005-03-07 Thread Anonymous
EMC writes:
 Loudly renouncing ones citizenship is a lot less effective in destroying 
 the infrastructure of oppression, than anonymously telling everyone in the 
 world how they can make a 20 megaton thermonuclear explosion working for a 
 few years in their basement using only non-radioactive materials that can 
 never be made illegal to own.

That would certainly be conducive to destruction, but I imagine we'd see
a lot more than just the infrastructure of oppression being destroyed
in such a world.  The problem, vs your dolphins, is that nukes can be
delivered anonymously, hence used without fear of retribution.

 There are two types of societies in the world.  Those in which everyone 
 has a deadly weapon that can never be take away, and against which there 
 is no defense.  And those in which everyone has an inpenetrable shield 
 that can never be taken away, and against which no weapon is effective.

No, I don't think every society in the world falls into one of these
two categories.  Don't you recognize that we live in a world where there
are neither perfect shields nor perfect weapons?

 Dolphins are an example of the former.  Usenet is an example of the 
 latter.  Dolphins are polite, friendly, and respectful of eachother, and 
 no group of dolphins can ever form a government to oppress the rest of 

 We should try to be more like dolphins in cypherspace, while attracting as 
 little attention to ourselves in other places.

Unfortunately, cypherspace even more than cyberspace tends towards the
perfect-shield side of the equation.  You can't harm a person if your
only interactions are anonymous communications.  About the worst you
can give him is a stern talking-to.  If your social analysis is correct,
then cypherpunk technologies are going to make online interactions even
less polite, friendly and respectful.

Still, if we could achieve mutual respect and freedom in the physical
world, we would happily pay the price of increased rudeness online.