Re: Enraptured in Babylon

2003-03-29 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 10:04:25PM -0600, Neil Johnson wrote:
> Just saw this banner ad at (They  must be real hard up for revenue).
> The text of the ad:
>   Find out from Tim LaHaye and other end time scholars !
>   Subscribe to the "Left Behind" Prophecy Club !

Well, Wired News (my former employer) is owned by Terra Lycos, whose
U.S. entity is Lycos Inc. in Waltham, Mass. As of when I was there,
Lycos had no dedicated sales staff for Wired News, so it's entirely
likely that you saw an ad purchase for run-of-U.S.-sites or something

My point is only don't conclude that Wired News is that hard up for
revenue. They're still around. If they were losing tons of money (they
got very high CPM rates), I suspect WN would have been eliminated in
one of the rounds of Terra Lycos layoffs in the last few years,
including one as recently as last month.


Re: Enraptured in Babylon

2003-03-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 10:04 PM 03/27/2003 -0600, Neil Johnson wrote:
Tim, you must be psyhic ...
Just saw this banner ad at (They  must be real hard up for revenue).
The text of the ad:
  Find out from Tim LaHaye and other end time scholars !
  Subscribe to the "Left Behind" Prophecy Club !
Clicking on the ad sends you to:
Guess the revenue from "Left Behind" Books is starting to slip...
While that's possible, it's also possible that somebody's trying
to exploit an already-working popularity trend.
Agoramedia sells self-help books and such.

Re: Enraptured in Babylon

2003-03-28 Thread Neil Johnson
Tim, you must be psyhic ...

Just saw this banner ad at (They  must be real hard up for revenue).

The text of the ad:

  Find out from Tim LaHaye and other end time scholars !
  Subscribe to the "Left Behind" Prophecy Club !

Clicking on the ad sends you to:

There they will send you a free sample of their weekly newsletter, IF you send 
them your e-mail address. 

If you want more, its ONLY $29.95 for a subscription which includes access to 
their "members only" website.

>From the Web Page:

Join Now and Find Out !
- Is the UN a precursor of the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT prophesized in the Bible ?

- Could the ANTICHRIST be alive now? If so, how can he identify so does not 
deceive us?
 (That's the exact way the text is written)

- Are ATM's and other revolutions in global banking foretelling of  THE MARK 
(I always thought RAH might be an agent of Satan  :) )

Guess the revenue from "Left Behind" Books is starting to slip... 
Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

Enraptured in Babylon

2003-03-26 Thread Tim May
Remember what we were talking about a few days ago, about Bush maybe  
seeing himself as the key actor in a Christian fundamentalist  
millenialist "Left Behind" Rapture sequence? Remember what I said about  
Babylon, the Antichrist, JC's reign for a thousand years?

The "Washington Post" ran an article several weeks ago, March 8,  
reporting the same thing:

I just saw it today, referenced by someone on one of the newsgroups.  
Here are several paragraphs, under Fair Use. Read the full article.

Direst of Predictions For War in Iraq
End-Time Interpreters See Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled
Will Invasion of Iraq  Beget Armageddon?

By Bill Broadway
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 8, 2003; Page B09
In recent weeks, the prophetic interpreters have been citing a new  
reason they believe the end is coming: the impending U.S. war with  
Iraq. Anxious discussions have arisen on prophecy Web sites, in Bible  
study groups and churches, and at such gatherings as last month's 20th  
International Prophecy Conference in Tampa. Its title: "Shaking of  
Nations: Living in Perilous Times."
"The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and  
its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East,"  
writes John, possibly the apostle, of a container of God's anger  
emptied on the ancient land of Babylon, now Iraq. The kings will move  
their armies through the Euphrates valley en route to Har Megiddo  
(Armageddon) in northern Israel.
Then comes the clincher. In Chapter 9, Verse 11 -- yes, that's 9:11 --  
John says the leader of an army of locusts released to fight humankind  
is named Abaddon in Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek. Both words mean  
Destroyer, one of several meanings for the name "Saddam."
He said he and other "pre-trib guys," those who believe Jesus will  
"rapture" believers before the Great Tribulation, are convinced that  
the Antichrist will rule the world from a restored Babylon. That's why  
Hitchcock, too, thinks an invasion of Iraq will be a catalyst for  
end-time events.
"Once the U.S. gets Saddam out of the way," sanctions will be lifted,  
oil wells will flow again at full capacity and Iraq (Babylon) will  
regain its power, allowing the Antichrist to mount an army for an  
assault on Israel, he said. The stage is thus set for the Rapture,  
Armageddon, the Glorious Appearing and the other stages.

--end excerpt--