From: "AARG! Anonymous" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Think about it: this one innocuous little box holding the TPME key could
> ultimately be the root of trust for the entire world.  IMO we should
> spare no expense in guarding it and making sure it is used properly.
> With enough different interest groups keeping watch, we should be able
> to keep it from being used for anything other than its defined purpose.

Now I know the general opinion of AARG, and I can't say I much disagree. But
I want to comment on something else here, which I find to be a common trait
with US citizens: "it can't happen here". The Chinese gov't can do anything
they like, because any citizen who would try to "keep watch" would find
himself shot. What basic law of the universe says that this can't happen in
the US? What exactly will prevent them, 10 years from now, to say
"compelling state interests require that we get to do whatever we want with
the little box"? You already have an official "gov't against 1st ammendment"
policy, from what I've read.


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