Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"?? (Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread Adam Back
Remote attestation does indeed require Palladium to be secure against
the local user.  

However my point is while they seem to have done a good job of
providing software security for the remote attestation function, it
seems at this point that hardware security is laughable.

So they disclaim in the talk announce that Palladium is not intended
to be secure against hardware attacks:

| "Palladium" is not designed to provide defenses against
| hardware-based attacks that originate from someone in control of the
| local machine.

so one can't criticise the implementation of their threat model -- it
indeed isn't secure against hardware based attacks.

But I'm questioning the validity of the threat model as a realistic
and sensible balance of practical security defenses.

Providing almost no hardware defenses while going to extra-ordinary
efforts to provide top notch software defenses doesn't make sense if
the machine owner is a threat.

The remote attestation function clearly is defined from the view that
the owner is a threat.

Without specifics and some knowledge of hardware hacking we can't
quantify, but I suspect that hacking it would be pretty easy.  Perhaps
no soldering, $50 equipment and simple instructions anyone could

more inline below...

On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 09:36:09PM -0400, Arnold G. Reinhold wrote:
> [about improving palladium hw security...] Memory expansion could be
> dealt with by finding a way to give Palladium preferred access to
> the first block of physical memory that is soldered on the mother
> board.

I think standard memory could be used.  I can think of simple
processor modifications that could fix this problem with hardware
tamper resistance assurance to the level of having to tamper with .13
micron processor.  The processor is something that could be epoxyied
inside a cartridge for example (with the cartridge design processor +
L2 cache housings as used by some Intel pentium class processors),
though probably having to tamper with a modern processor is plenty
hard enough to match software security given software complexity


Re: Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"?? (Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread Tal Garfinkel
> Software-based attacks are redistributable.  Once I write a program
> that hacks a computer, I can give that program to anyone to use.  I
> can even give it to everyone, and then anyone could use it.  The
> expertise necessary can be abstracted away into a program even my
> mother could use.
> Hardware-based attacks cannot be redistributed.  If I figure out how
> to hack my system, I can post instructions on the web but it still
> requires technical competence on your end if you want to hack your
> system too.
> While this doesn't help a whole lot for a DRM goal (once you get the
> non-DRM version of the media data, you can redistribute it all you
> want).

I think this assumption may be incorrect. In order for content providers
to "win" the DRM fight it seems like they need to address two issues. 

First, put up a big enough barrier for most users that circumventing
access controls is infeasible, or simply not worth it.

Second, put up a big enough barrier for most users that gaining access to
copies of media with the access controls removed is either infeasible,
or simply not worth it.

I believe tamper resistant hardware solves the first problem, even if,
as Adam conjectures, all that is required to access media protected by
Palladium is a $50 kit (which remember, you can't obtain legally) and
some hardware hacking. This seems to rule out well over %99 of the 
media consuming public. 

The problem of obstructing the distribution of media is really a different
topic. I think that solving this problem is easier than most folks 
think.  Again, you don't have to totally stop it P2P, or that kid in the
shopping mall selling copied CD's. All you have to do is put up big
enough technical and legal barriers that the general public would rather
just pay for the media.

While it may be the case that Palladium is not a serious barrier to
the average CS graduate student, Cypherpunk, or even the home user who
has a modicum of hardware clue, I don't think this will kill it as an
effective technology for supporting DRM, assuming that the software
cannot be broken.


Re: Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"??(Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold
At 4:52 PM +0100 10/22/02, Adam Back wrote:

Remote attestation does indeed require Palladium to be secure against
the local user. 

However my point is while they seem to have done a good job of
providing software security for the remote attestation function, it
seems at this point that hardware security is laughable.

I think the most important phrase above is "at this point." Palladium 
is still being designed.  I'd argue that the software/firmware 
portion is the trickiest to get right. It seems rational for 
Microsoft to let that design mature, then analyze the remaining 
hardware threats and turn the hardware engineers loose to try to plug 

Palladium has to be viewed in the larger context of a negotiation 
between Microsoft and Hollywood (I include here all the content 
owners: movie studios, recording industry, book publishers, etc. ). 
Hollywood would prefer a completely closed PC architecture, where 
consumers' use of the computer could be tightly monitored and 
controlled.  They perceive general purpose computing as we know and 
love it to be a mortal threat to their continued existence. Keeping 
the content of DVDs and future media locked up is not enough in their 
eyes. They want all material displayed to be checked for watermarks 
and blocked or degraded if the PC owner hasn't paid for the content.

Microsoft wants to preserve general purpose computing because it 
realizes that in a closed architecture, the OS would become a mere 
commodity component and the consumer electronics giants would 
eventually displace Microsoft. On the other hand, Microsoft needs 
Hollywood provide the kind of content that will drive PC sales and 
upgrades. The base line PC platform of today or even two years ago is 
powerful enough for most consumers and businesses. People are keeping 
their PCs longer and not upgrading them as often. Most everyone who 
wants a PC (at least in North America) already has one. Microsoft 
needs something new to drive sales.

I expect Microsoft and Hollywood to haggle over the final specs for 
Palladium PCs and no doubt additional hardware protection measures 
will be included.  The actual spec may well be kept secret, with NDA 
access only. Hollywood will hold two strong card at the table: its 
content and the threat of legislation.  I'm sure Senator Hollings is 
watching developments closely.

The big question in my mind is how to get PC consumers a place at the 
bargaining table. It seems to me that PC consumers have three tools: 
votes, wallets and technology. The Internet is well suited to 
political organizing. Remember the amount of mail generated by the 
modem tax hoax? Consumer boycotts are another powerful threat, given 
how powerful and upgradable existing computer already are. Technology 
can provide an alternative way to gain the benefits that will be 
touted for controlled computing.  Anti-virus and anti-DDS techniques 
come to mind. Also, since I expect an eventual push to ban 
non-Palladium computers from the Internet, alternative networking 
technology will be important.

The Palladium story is just beginning.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"?? (Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread Rick Wash
On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 04:52:16PM +0100, Adam Back wrote:
> So they disclaim in the talk announce that Palladium is not intended
> to be secure against hardware attacks:
> | "Palladium" is not designed to provide defenses against
> | hardware-based attacks that originate from someone in control of the
> | local machine.
> so one can't criticise the implementation of their threat model -- it
> indeed isn't secure against hardware based attacks.
> But I'm questioning the validity of the threat model as a realistic
> and sensible balance of practical security defenses.
> Providing almost no hardware defenses while going to extra-ordinary
> efforts to provide top notch software defenses doesn't make sense if
> the machine owner is a threat.

This depends.  I would say this is an interesting threat model.  It
makes the attacks non-redistributable.

Software-based attacks are redistributable.  Once I write a program
that hacks a computer, I can give that program to anyone to use.  I
can even give it to everyone, and then anyone could use it.  The
expertise necessary can be abstracted away into a program even my
mother could use.

Hardware-based attacks cannot be redistributed.  If I figure out how
to hack my system, I can post instructions on the web but it still
requires techinical competence on your end if you want to hack your
system too.

While this doesn't help a whole lot for a DRM goal (once you get the
non-DRM version of the media data, you can redistribute it all you
want), it can be very useful for security.  It can help to eliminate
the 'script kiddie' style of attackers.


Re: Palladium -- trivially weak in hw but "secure in software"??(Re: palladium presentation - anyone going?)

2002-10-22 Thread alan
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Rick Wash wrote:

> Hardware-based attacks cannot be redistributed.  If I figure out how
> to hack my system, I can post instructions on the web but it still
> requires techinical competence on your end if you want to hack your
> system too.
> While this doesn't help a whole lot for a DRM goal (once you get the
> non-DRM version of the media data, you can redistribute it all you
> want), it can be very useful for security.  It can help to eliminate
> the 'script kiddie' style of attackers.

Not really.  It depends on what they are exploiting.  Does every piece of 
code need to be validated all the time? Once a program is running, does 
something running in its code space get revalidated or soes it just run?

I don't see how paladium stops buffer overflows or heap exploits or format 
bugs or any of the standard exploits that are in use today.  (Not without 
crippling the entire system for bot the user and the programmer.)

It seems to change little for script kiddies if the machines are going to 
communicate with other systems.  (Unless the DRM holders will control who 
and how you can connect as well.  And they just might do that as well...)

The perveyors of this also claim it will stop spam and e-mail viruses. 
They only way it can do that is by making paladium based systems 
incompatable with every non-DRM machine on the planet.  (So much for 
getting e-mail from your relatives!)

The only problem this hardware seems to solve is shackling the user into 
what data they can see and use.  If Microsoft follows their standard 
coding practices, the script kiddie problem will not go away with this 
technology. It will probably increase.  

And it will be illegal to effectivly stop them.