At 09:20 AM 8/18/04 -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>>Hey, I have an idea! Why don't I write a script crossposting
>>everything from sci.crypt to cypherpunks! How about a few dozen
>>other "on-topic" newsgroups and mailing lists too?
>Go ahead. Are you going to reformat them for legibility first, if
>necessary? Are you going to personally decide, in *your* opinion,
>what's worth forwarding and what isn't?

>In the meantime, remember that Declan's main purpose here is to sniff
>around for stories. Which is fine, until he starts pretending he's
>Tim May (I knew Tim May -- he wished I didn't -- and, Mr. McCullagh

1. Having a mainstream meme injector like DMcC is occasionally useful,
(Consider that DHS lameass document security made it to the big time
and was reported here first.)
2. How the hell can we be reading about crossposting *and* Tim May
and *not anywhere* in your flame see the word "plonk" ???  With all
the implied discussion about consumer-end technological filtering vs.
central censorship?
3. In all honesty I think Declan's partial-quote followed by a <snip>
a URL saves bandwidth and also does positively reinforce the folks
feeding the authors of the partially quoted content.  Of course,
(or even registration-only) services don't get such caring treatment,
get fair-used 'with prejudice'.  And you are free to abuse
of course, such is the nature of things; and they are free to post their
as .GIFs.

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