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Gil wrote:
Faustine writes:

>best is write code, write code. The main thing is to DO something, whatever
>your skills and talents are. Spare everyone the hot air and just do it.

>>What *you* say is hot air; what *I* say is "policy analysis."

But who's listening? 

It's all hot air until you start seeing results. 

I'm rather fond of the "billions of taxpayer-dollars saved" metric myself;
others might be "lives saved", "strategic assets protected" etc. Once again:
what matters to you and what are you doing about it? 

I'll be the first to admit there are few things more intrinsically worthless
and boring than policy analysis done for its own sake in a vacuum. It's just a
tool to be put to USE, like any other. Tools can be shoddy or well-crafted,
simple or complex--but at the end of the day, can you say you really got the
job done with it or not. 

Despite anything certain people around here have said to the contrary,
precision and accuracy in analysis matter: I'm sure they wouldn't have any
confusion about whether it's better to arm themselves with a bag full of
rocks or a FN Herstal 5.7mm Weapons System. Think about it. You have all these
fucking idiots on Capitol Hill stumbling around making policy by the equivalent
of whacking each other over the head with stones. Crude tools that--despite
being messy, ugly and inefficient--get the job done, more or less.

I say it's time for libertarians to step up to the plate and start training with
the analytic equivalent of precision weaponry.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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