Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Tyler Durden
"And I don't usually get quite this MAD, but such ignorance, such blindness, 
is the reason we are in this mess. "

I'm not so sure Mr Donald is ignorant OR blind. He seems to be something 
I've never seen in real life before: Completely aligned with US foreign 
policy, past/present/future.

I'm starting to think that Mr Donald's contributions to Cypherpunks may be 
part of his job description.


Subject: Re: I am anti war.  You lot support Saddam
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 01:40:51 -0500
At 08:14 PM 12/23/2003 -0800, CIA-apologist "James A. Donald" 

James A. Donald
> > > > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a
> > > > victim.
Jamie Lawrence:
> > > Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit
> > > by attempting to credit me with such statements.
James A. Donald
> > You were telling us that the USG's terrible mistreatment of
> > Saddam is a great shame on the US, which whatever it sounds
> > like to you, sounds to me very like "poor little victimized
> > Saddam"
Jamie Lawrence
> I absolutely said no such thing. You are a liar.
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 11:18:51 -0500, message ID
: : "I do care that the US fails to adhere to
: : international law."
 implying that US treatment of Saddam violated international
You also said;
: : "knocking over a crippled tyrant."
implying oh dear, that terrible big bully USA is kicking a poor
little cripple in his poor little wheelchair, think of the poor
little Saddam falling out of his wheelchair.
These images are not appropriate to someone who claims to
believe what you just claimed to believe, and you were not
saying what you claimed you were saying.
As the thread title says, I am anti war, you support Saddam.

> Getting back to what we were talking about, here's a bit that
> you didn't want to respond to:
> As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to impute
> motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on
> wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical
> arguments and obscure cause and effect based on international
> relations in the '60s, bundled together with some sort of New
> American Century twine about how if we don't kill all the
> "ragheads" (your words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or
> worse.

I did not suggest killing all the ragheads, and in other forums
I have regularly argued against claims about Islam or arabs
that would rationalize and justify such an action.
"Similarly anyone who opposes the war in Iraq should start by
visualizing himself as the heir of  King John Sobieski, not the
heir of Saladin.  Anyone opposing the war in Iraq needs oppose
it from the point of view that Americans and their way of life
should win, deserve to win, and the raghead fanatics should
lose, and their way of life perish."
-James A. Donald, post on this thread, 12/20/2003
"...raghead fanatics should lose, and their way of life perish."

Down the memory hole we go folks.  James is almost as much in denial about 
his lying as GWB.  Confront him as you will, let the  facts not be 
obstacles.  Genocidal monsters unleashed, with the blessing of James, as we 
will not consider the consequences, because "we can do no wrong".  Oh yeah.

There is ample evidence that the 'anti war' crowd is largely
pro Saddam, evidence in this mailing list, considerably
stronger evidence in the newsgroups, evidence in the streets,
and in the editorials of the BBC and the telegraph, and
evidence in your own utterances.  Let us discuss that.
Funny, then, and quite logically inconsistent, that this thread is titled 
"I am antiwar...".  I have not seen anything evidencing "antiwar: mentality 
from you, as you just justify it as all well, fine and dandy.  Oh yeah, if 
WE kill 10,00o Iraqis, that's worth just 1 measly disheveled Saddam.  
You've got some funny math goin', boy.  That's not even counting the 
Billions$$ of US $DEBT we cannot afford now.

Dean at least has a legitimate excuse to be unhappy about the
capture of Saddam, since it queers his chances in the election,
but there are an awful lot of other people distressed about the
capture and coming execution of Saddam.  What is your excuse?
Who gives a flying F*CK about Dean, about Commies, about Capitalists, et 
al.  Despite repeated and voluminous, historically verifiable and 
irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you refuse to even acknowledge there 
is ANY base grievance against US foreign policy, which has led to the 
current state of affairs (so-called "war on terror", blah blah blah).  In 
your rather logically and cerebrally challenged world vi

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Michael Kalus
Hash: SHA1

> It really is that they hate us for our (relative) freedom.

Believe it or not, but most people do not care about what way you live. 
The only way they know about your "freedom" by watching american TV. So 
blame it on yourself.

>  I
> can see that on this list with all the big salt tears wept for
> poor little victimized Saddam, and the outraged indignation
> that various third worlders have been cruelly deprived of the
> wonderful socialism so generously bestowed upon them by various
> bloodstained, but nonetheless benevolent and popular,
> dictators.

Sponsored either by the US or the ones you love to hate: USSR (who has 
perished over 10 years ago).


Version: PGP 8.0.3


Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Jamie Lawrence
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> --
> James A. Donald
> > > > > Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two 
> > > > > towers had it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts 
> > > > > himself in the corner with the people who are stupid, 
> > > > > evil, and losers.
> Jamie Lawrence:
> > > >  Anyone who babbles such inane false relations is a dope.
> James A. Donald;
> > > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim. 

Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit by attempting
to credit me with such statements. Your repeated attempts to
impute opinions to others that they don't actually hold, really, is
pathetic and boring.

As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to
impute motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on
wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical arguments
and obscure cause and effect based on international relations in the
'60s, bundled together with some sort of New American Century twine
about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your words, not mine),
we'll be enslaved or worse.

As far as your babbling and frothing about how I and many others must be
Saddam supporters, you're just not making any sense, intentionally
ignoring what people say, and just generally acting like a fool. If you 
want to do something other than bat at strawmen and denounce the commies 
you keep seeing in your bedsheets, then please, begin to do so. Otherwise...
Tim nailed it: you're just a statist who found a new god.


"If it was so, it might be; and it were so, it would be; but as it isn't,
it ain't. That's logic."
   - Lewis Carrol

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread J.A. Terranson
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> When one sees someone arguing that Americans had 9/11 coming,
> he frequently starts quoting improbable "facts" that originate 
> from Chomsky, and backs them up with one of the nuttier BBC 
> correspondents. 

Fuck Chomsky.  We had it coming.  Years ago.  One cause above *all* others
(although there are dozens):


We have, through our total support of the israeli mass murder state, earned
the retribution of civilized peoples. 

We lost 3k on 9/11.  So what.  How many have we killed through the goddamned

J.A. Terranson

"Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: "The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens." 

The Promise of World Peace

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
> > > > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a
> > > > victim.

Jamie Lawrence:
> > > Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit
> > > by attempting to credit me with such statements.

James A. Donald
> > You were telling us that the USG's terrible mistreatment of 
> > Saddam is a great shame on the US, which whatever it sounds 
> > like to you, sounds to me very like "poor little victimized 
> > Saddam"

Jamie Lawrence
> I absolutely said no such thing. You are a liar.

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 11:18:51 -0500, message ID
: : "I do care that the US fails to adhere to
: : international law."
 implying that US treatment of Saddam violated international

You also said;
: : "knocking over a crippled tyrant."
implying oh dear, that terrible big bully USA is kicking a poor
little cripple in his poor little wheelchair, think of the poor
little Saddam falling out of his wheelchair.

These images are not appropriate to someone who claims to
believe what you just claimed to believe, and you were not
saying what you claimed you were saying.

As the thread title says, I am anti war, you support Saddam.

> Getting back to what we were talking about, here's a bit that
> you didn't want to respond to:
> As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to impute
> motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on 
> wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical 
> arguments and obscure cause and effect based on international 
> relations in the '60s, bundled together with some sort of New 
> American Century twine about how if we don't kill all the
> "ragheads" (your words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or
> worse.


I did not suggest killing all the ragheads, and in other forums
I have regularly argued against claims about Islam or arabs
that would rationalize and justify such an action.

There is ample evidence that the 'anti war' crowd is largely
pro Saddam, evidence in this mailing list, considerably
stronger evidence in the newsgroups, evidence in the streets,
and in the editorials of the BBC and the telegraph, and
evidence in your own utterances.  Let us discuss that.

Dean at least has a legitimate excuse to be unhappy about the
capture of Saddam, since it queers his chances in the election,
but there are an awful lot of other people distressed about the
capture and coming execution of Saddam.  What is your excuse? 

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread baudmax23
At 12:20 AM 12/24/2003 -0800, "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jamie Lawrence
> > > As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to
> > > impute motives to others that you imagine they might
> > > hold, based on wildy improbable chains of cause and
> > > effect in philosophical arguments and obscure cause and
> > > effect based on international relations in the '60s,
> > > bundled together with some sort of New American Century
> > > twine about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your
> > > words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or worse.
James A. Donald
> > Liar:
> >
> > I did not suggest killing all the ragheads, and in other
> > forums I have regularly argued against claims about Islam
> > or arabs that would rationalize and justify such an action.
> "...raghead fanatics should lose, and their way of life
> perish."
That was the "raghead fanatic way of life should perish."  Not
"raghead fanatics should perish"
Oh some distinction and what if they do not lay down in the dust and 
relinquish their "way of life" as you demand, then you will have no choice 
but to make them perish?  The James A. Donald definition of 
"freedom":  relinquish your way of life, or else?

> Funny, then, and quite logically inconsistent, that this
> thread is titled "I am antiwar...".  I have not seen anything
> evidencing "antiwar: mentality from you,
I am anti war:  You are pro war.  Just that you are backing the
side in the war that wants to kill me.
If it was up to me, we wouldn't be in this war, we'd have spent it on 
alternative energy instead.  I think with $150+ Billion we'd have made 
progress on that front, thereby negating any "need" we have for Mideast oil.

The mentality of people like you endangers us ALL, both here in "the 
homeland" as well as innocents abroad.  That is the real message here which 
you have refused to hear, instead advocating continuation of the policies 
which have led us here.  Policies based on well established and documented 
history of which you are both ignorant and in denial of.

I hope you feel safer this Christmas, with your Code Orange.  Oh yeah, but 
how can that be, I mean, aren't we safer now that that evil dictator Saddam 
has been captured?!  hah hah hah sure we are.  And all along we should have 
been focusing on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda who are the real threats.  Oh well, 
what's $150B worth of military and intelligence resources...


 James A. Donald

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should 
have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence 
from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own 

--George Washington
Smash The State! mailing list home
Extropian Principles... the Future, Now

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Jamie Lawrence
On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> James A. Donald;
> > > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim.
> Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> > Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit by 
> > attempting to credit me with such statements.
> You were telling us that the USG's terrible mistreatment of 
> Saddam is a great shame on the US, which whatever it sounds 
> like to you, sounds to me very like "poor little victimized 
> Saddam"

I absolutely said no such thing. You are a liar.

Please reference when I said anything about a "poor little vicimized
Saddam", "Terrible mistreatment", or anything even similar. Fact is, you
are full of shit. You are not only full of shit, but you are also
attempting to further your statist goals by attacking people who might
say that you are full of shit.

No matter what I say, you will hear what you will hear. Which reaffirms my 
general conclusion, which is you're not interesting.

> And you still have not told us your take on the fall of the two 
> towers -perhaps like Chomsky you are going to tell us that it 
> was a great crime -- which Americans should be terribly ashamed
> for forcing Bin Laden to commit? 

Simple: the people who want to do things like knock over buildings,
should die. That taxpayer funded operations should kill them is silly,
for both the base reason and the effect.

Getting back to what we were talking about, here's a bit that you didn't
want to respond to:

>As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to
>impute motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on
>wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical arguments
>and obscure cause and effect based on international relations in the
>'60s, bundled together with some sort of New American Century twine
>about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your words, not mine),
>we'll be enslaved or worse.
>As far as your babbling and frothing about how I and many others must be
>Saddam supporters, you're just not making any sense, intentionally
>ignoring what people say, and just generally acting like a fool. If you
>want to do something other than bat at strawmen and denounce the commies
>you keep seeing in your bedsheets, then please, begin to do so. Otherwise...
>Tim nailed it: you're just a statist who found a new god.

Are you going to babble, or respond? Read out loud as: "James Donald has
failed to respond". Or perhaps, "James Donald only reponds when he can
score a point."

Really, if you want to talk, then talk.

Terrorism is stopped at home. (Synonyms abound. Freedom fighters have
killed lots of counter-ensurgents.) If you would like to do anything
more than promote war profits, then at least be a patriot. At least
patriots were statists that were interesting.

James: Give up before you really squander your goodwill.



Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Tim May
On Dec 23, 2003, at 3:07 PM, Jamie Lawrence wrote:

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:
James A. Donald;
You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim.
Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit by attempting
to credit me with such statements. Your repeated attempts to
impute opinions to others that they don't actually hold, really, is
pathetic and boring.
Chomsky lies. You repeat the sentiments of Chomsky and thus you are 
support Chomsky and are thus a liar and a supporter of the KGB High 
Command and a lap dog of the running dogs of the Kremlin.

As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to
impute motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on
wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical arguments
and obscure cause and effect based on international relations in the
'60s, bundled together with some sort of New American Century twine
about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your words, not mine),
we'll be enslaved or worse.
You obviously endorse the views of George McGovern and other pinko(e)s 
who wish to pervert our precious bodily fluids.

As far as your babbling and frothing about how I and many others must 
Saddam supporters, you're just not making any sense, intentionally
ignoring what people say, and just generally acting like a fool. If you
want to do something other than bat at strawmen and denounce the 
you keep seeing in your bedsheets, then please, begin to do so. 
Tim nailed it: you're just a statist who found a new god.
Chomsky lies. and you are obviously a sock puppet for the Trilateralist 

--Tim May, who has noticed for a long time that the cadence and even 
the phrasing that James Donald uses is remarkably like the cadence of 
those who used to talk about "the running dogs of capitalism." But he 
uses replacement phrases like "sock puppets of the KGB" instead. Which 
I guess shows that his indoctrination ran deep, though he is now 
ostensibly infiltrating the libertarian fringe.

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread Bill Stewart
At 04:40 PM 12/23/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:
Chomsky lies. and you are obviously a sock puppet for the Trilateralist 
It's amazing how many people are building burgers these days
instead of doing technical work, now that crashed.
Usually they're round, and Wendy's makes square ones,
but I haven't seen the trilateralist flavor before...

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread baudmax23
At 08:14 PM 12/23/2003 -0800, CIA-apologist "James A. Donald" 

James A. Donald
> > > > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a
> > > > victim.
Jamie Lawrence:
> > > Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit
> > > by attempting to credit me with such statements.
James A. Donald
> > You were telling us that the USG's terrible mistreatment of
> > Saddam is a great shame on the US, which whatever it sounds
> > like to you, sounds to me very like "poor little victimized
> > Saddam"
Jamie Lawrence
> I absolutely said no such thing. You are a liar.
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 11:18:51 -0500, message ID
: : "I do care that the US fails to adhere to
: : international law."
 implying that US treatment of Saddam violated international
You also said;
: : "knocking over a crippled tyrant."
implying oh dear, that terrible big bully USA is kicking a poor
little cripple in his poor little wheelchair, think of the poor
little Saddam falling out of his wheelchair.
These images are not appropriate to someone who claims to
believe what you just claimed to believe, and you were not
saying what you claimed you were saying.
As the thread title says, I am anti war, you support Saddam.

> Getting back to what we were talking about, here's a bit that
> you didn't want to respond to:
> As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to impute
> motives to others that you imagine they might hold, based on
> wildy improbable chains of cause and effect in philosophical
> arguments and obscure cause and effect based on international
> relations in the '60s, bundled together with some sort of New
> American Century twine about how if we don't kill all the
> "ragheads" (your words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or
> worse.

I did not suggest killing all the ragheads, and in other forums
I have regularly argued against claims about Islam or arabs
that would rationalize and justify such an action.
"Similarly anyone who opposes the war in Iraq should start by
visualizing himself as the heir of  King John Sobieski, not the
heir of Saladin.  Anyone opposing the war in Iraq needs oppose
it from the point of view that Americans and their way of life
should win, deserve to win, and the raghead fanatics should
lose, and their way of life perish."
-James A. Donald, post on this thread, 12/20/2003
"...raghead fanatics should lose, and their way of life perish."

Down the memory hole we go folks.  James is almost as much in denial about 
his lying as GWB.  Confront him as you will, let the  facts not be 
obstacles.  Genocidal monsters unleashed, with the blessing of James, as we 
will not consider the consequences, because "we can do no wrong".  Oh yeah.

There is ample evidence that the 'anti war' crowd is largely
pro Saddam, evidence in this mailing list, considerably
stronger evidence in the newsgroups, evidence in the streets,
and in the editorials of the BBC and the telegraph, and
evidence in your own utterances.  Let us discuss that.
Funny, then, and quite logically inconsistent, that this thread is titled 
"I am antiwar...".  I have not seen anything evidencing "antiwar: mentality 
from you, as you just justify it as all well, fine and dandy.  Oh yeah, if 
WE kill 10,00o Iraqis, that's worth just 1 measly disheveled 
Saddam.  You've got some funny math goin', boy.  That's not even counting 
the Billions$$ of US $DEBT we cannot afford now.

Dean at least has a legitimate excuse to be unhappy about the
capture of Saddam, since it queers his chances in the election,
but there are an awful lot of other people distressed about the
capture and coming execution of Saddam.  What is your excuse?
Who gives a flying F*CK about Dean, about Commies, about Capitalists, et 
al.  Despite repeated and voluminous, historically verifiable and 
irrefutable evidence to the contrary, you refuse to even acknowledge there 
is ANY base grievance against US foreign policy, which has led to the 
current state of affairs (so-called "war on terror", blah blah blah).  In 
your rather logically and cerebrally challenged world view, everything else 
is nothing but a "sock-puppet KGB conspiracy" against the US/CIA (which is 
giving the KGB considerably more credit I'm sure, then they deserve, if 
they were half as inept and incompetent as the CIA during the so-called 
"cold war period construct").

You see, all I care about is:  I am not going to pay the bill for this 
inane shit (insane policy), and I would not give my life for it.  I would 
not ALLOW any youth under my discretion to be seduced by these lies to lay 
down their life for this SHIT.  This is not freedom ,or liberty, or 
liberation.  You, James A Donald, are an armchair pussy Neo-con, who 
advocates others putting their lives and resources on the line for this 
utter CRAP and HYPOCRISY, and yet would not do so yourself (you are 
probably physically UNFIT for such military duty yourself).  Intellectual, 

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
Jamie Lawrence
> > > As it stands, you seem only capable of attempting to
> > > impute motives to others that you imagine they might
> > > hold, based on wildy improbable chains of cause and
> > > effect in philosophical arguments and obscure cause and
> > > effect based on international relations in the '60s,
> > > bundled together with some sort of New American Century
> > > twine about how if we don't kill all the "ragheads" (your
> > > words, not mine), we'll be enslaved or worse.

James A. Donald
> > Liar:
> >
> > I did not suggest killing all the ragheads, and in other
> > forums I have regularly argued against claims about Islam
> > or arabs that would rationalize and justify such an action.

> "...raghead fanatics should lose, and their way of life
> perish."

That was the "raghead fanatic way of life should perish."  Not
"raghead fanatics should perish"

> Funny, then, and quite logically inconsistent, that this
> thread is titled "I am antiwar...".  I have not seen anything
> evidencing "antiwar: mentality from you,

I am anti war:  You are pro war.  Just that you are backing the
side in the war that wants to kill me.

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
> > > > Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two 
> > > > towers had it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts 
> > > > himself in the corner with the people who are stupid, 
> > > > evil, and losers.

Jamie Lawrence:
> > >  Anyone who babbles such inane false relations is a dope.

James A. Donald;
> > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim.

Jamie Lawrence wrote:
> Incorrect. I said no such thing, and you're being a twit by 
> attempting to credit me with such statements.

You were telling us that the USG's terrible mistreatment of 
Saddam is a great shame on the US, which whatever it sounds 
like to you, sounds to me very like "poor little victimized 

And you still have not told us your take on the fall of the two 
towers --perhaps like Chomsky you are going to tell us that it 
was a great crime -- which Americans should be terribly ashamed
for forcing Bin Laden to commit? 

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
> > That was the "raghead fanatic way of life should perish." 
> > Not "raghead fanatics should perish"

> Oh some distinction...

The difference between killing people and setting them free 
doubtless seems trivial to the fans of slavery and terror.

>. and what if they do not lay down in the dust?

More likely they will dance in the streets.  Observe what 
happened in Afghanistan.

James A. Donald
> > I am anti war:  You are pro war.  Just that you are backing 
> > the side in the war that wants to kill me.

> If it was up to me, we wouldn't be in this war,

Probably we would not be in the Iraq war, but the fans of 
tyranny, yourself among them, would still be seeking to enslave 
us, which leads to events such as 9/11

It really is that they hate us for our (relative) freedom.   I 
can see that on this list with all the big salt tears wept for 
poor little victimized Saddam, and the outraged indignation 
that various third worlders have been cruelly deprived of the 
wonderful socialism so generously bestowed upon them by various 
bloodstained, but nonetheless benevolent and popular,

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-24 Thread James A. Donald
J.A. Terranson
> We had [9/11] coming.  Years ago.  One cause above *all* 
> others (although there are dozens):
>   Israel.
> We have, through our total support of the israeli mass murder 
> state, earned the retribution of civilized peoples.
> We lost 3k on 9/11.  So what.  How many have we killed 
> through the goddamned israelis?

Considerably less than three thousand.  And "we" did not kill 
them.  The Israelis did.  There are lots of states worse than 
Israel -- Iraq for one.

In particular, the people in the two towers did not kill them.

If Palestinians had bombed the white house or congress, that 
might well have been just.  But Bin Laden's boys were children
of wealth, power, and privilege.  Even if they had been bombing 
Washington, they did not have just cause.  And they were not 
bombing Washington, they were bombing the two towers.

The 9/11 terrrorists were not Palestinians.  They were not 
avenging Israeli dispossession of Palestinians, and had they 
been, they would have been hitting the wrong target. 

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-22 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald
> > > > Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two 
> > > > towers had it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts 
> > > > himself in the corner with the people who are stupid, 
> > > > evil, and losers.

Jamie Lawrence:
> > >  Anyone who babbles such inane false relations is a dope.

James A. Donald;
> > You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim. 
> > Care to give us your take on the two towers?

Tim May:
> Straw man. You keep bringing up the World Trade Center attack 
> as if Saddam ordered it

Not a straw man.  Those who think poor little Saddam was a 
victim, for the most part also think that the US 'created" the 
afghan resistance, and, particularly if they were European, 
think the that Americans had 9/11 coming to them.

Saddam was not behind the 9/11 attack, but he was and is allied 
with those that were, and, the point of my argument, western 
socialists allied with him and them.  Bin Laden, in obviously 
violation of the Koran which mandates capitalism, has taken 
socialism on board, Saddam, originally a secularist, has taken 
Sunni Islamicism on board, bridging what small ideological gap 
there was between him and Bin Laden, and western socialists are 
alarmingly willing to overlook the arabism and islamicism of 
the few remaining socialists in power.

During the invasion of Iraq, most of the arab news feeds, or at 
least their corresponding english language websites, were 
reasonably fair and balanced, while the BBC went over the top 
with Saddamite propaganda.  When I read the Al Jazeera web 
site, most of the entirely over the top propaganda came from 
western correspondents.  Al Jazeera's own correspondants were 
for the most part OK.

The western intellectuals are not reacting to this as a war of 
caucasians vs semites, but a war of ideologies -- German 
originated ideology vs English originated ideologies, with 
Saddam and Bin Laden incarnating Heidegger and Bush incarnating 
Locke.   Very likely Saddam had nothing to do with causing 
9/11, but Chomsky and the BBC did have something to do with 
causing 9/11.

When one sees someone arguing that Americans had 9/11 coming,
he frequently starts quoting improbable "facts" that originate 
from Chomsky, and backs them up with one of the nuttier BBC 

 James A. Donald

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-22 Thread Tim May
On Dec 21, 2003, at 7:58 PM, James A. Donald wrote:
James A. Donald
Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two towers
had it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts himself in
the corner with the people who are stupid, evil, and
Jamie Lawrence:
Anyone who babbles such inane false relations is a dope.
You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim. Care
to give us your take on the two towers?
Straw man. You keep bringing up the World Trade Center attack as if 
Saddam ordered it, or was involved in some central way. No credible 
evidence has been presented...not even the usually-unreliable 
sources...that Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks. (Whether some Iraqis 
celebrated or not is beside the point...if that were the criterion for 
launching a war, we'd be at war with Syria, Egypt, France, China, and 
Malaysia, to name a few.)

Going after the actual planners, financiers, and attackers involved in 
the 9/11 attacks is of course justified.

"Liberating" Afghanistan and letting women in Kabul bare their legs and 
all was not justified (oh, and the women in Kabul are back to wearing 

Inasmuch as Iraq and the Baath regime was never linked in any credible 
or substantive way, beyond the merest of "maybe they met with Bin 
Laden's guys" rumors, and inasmuch as a 9/11 link was never even 
alleged by warmongers like Cheney and Perle and Rumsfield, the claim 
that Iraq was attacked because of the World Trade Center attack is 

You really are, down deep, a statist. You may have changed your stripes 
from supporting the Marxist variant of statism, but what you now 
support remains statism to the core.

--Tim May

Re: I am anti war. You lot support Saddam

2003-12-22 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
> > And now the guys on this list are weeping big salt tears 
> > about poor victimized Saddam.

Jamie Lawrence:
> I don't care if he got a shave. I do care that the US fails 
> to adhere to international law.

The US army would be wholly in compliance with international 
law even if it nailed Saddam's head to a post in central 
Baghdad with a nine inch nail.  Saddam is not entitled to POW 
protections.  He was running the war effort out of uniform and 
hidden amongst civilians, which has always been a 
shoot-on-the-spot violation of the rules of war, and his war 
effort consisted largely of terrorist attacks directed at 
civilians, which regrettably has not been a shoot-on-the-spot 
violation, but arguably should be.

> I fail to understand why our "war" on "terrorism", which is 
> apparently the mode that drives most of this sort of feeling, 
> suddenly required knocking over a crippled tyrant.

The title of this thread is 'I am anti war.  You lot support 
Saddam"  I don't defend the war on Iraq.  Why are you 
supporting Saddam?

James A. Donald
> > Anyone who wants to argue that the guys in the two towers 
> > had it coming, and poor Saddam is a victim, puts himself in 
> > the corner with the people who are stupid, evil, and 
> > losers.

Jamie Lawrence:
> Anyone who babbles such inane false relations is a dope.

You have just told us that poor little Saddam is a victim. Care 
to give us your take on the two towers? 

 James A. Donald