At 0:55 -0800 2003/03/30, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 06:09 PM 03/29/2003 -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
>>Check out
>>  If all the Iraqi farmers/civilians have half this guy's stash...
>It's probably safer to invade Iraq than, say, Switzerland,
>because the Iraqi government probably didn't trust all its
>ethnic minorities with weapons, or at least not enough to buy them for everyone.

Bit on BBC a couple of weeks ago listed Iraq as having the highest private gun 
ownership  rate in the world, after the anarchic warlord states in Africa.  Had a nice 
interview at an open-air gun market, one of the sellers said that Smith & Wesson was 
quite popular.

J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
buy stuff, damnit:

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