General Anthony Zinni, a former head of the
US Central Command, says: "I wouldn't get sucked into the
cities. There would be a lot of casualties on our side, we'd kill a
lot of civilians and destroy a lot of infrastructure, and the images
on Al Jazeera [television] wouldn't help us at all." 

One of the cockier supporters of great US expectations is a
retired army general, Barry McCaffrey, who was in charge of the
24th Mechanised Division in the 1991 war.

He predicts: "If we decide to employ force, in 21 days it'll be all
over. They're not going to believe what we do to them."


"Cockier?"  Cock-sucking fascist traitor, I'd say McCaffrey is, just
from what he did to the US, never mind his war crimes.  But he's too much 
a DC insider to have any relatives who'll be drooling and defecating 
bigeyed in their rubber suits..    
Though perhaps he might be close enough to a neutron surprise
when the swamp is sterilized...

How do you say "Blame it on NIMA" in Mandarin? 

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