lmtpd - deliver: <$msgid$>, from=<$from$>, to=<$to$>, uid=$uid$,
lmtpd - sieve discard: <$msgid$>, from=<$from$>, to=<$to$>
lmtpd - sieve redirect: <$msgid$>, from=<$from$>, to=<$to$>, redirect=<$redirect>
lmtpd - sieve error: <$msgid$>, from=<$from>, to=<$to$>, error=$error$
imapd - expunge: <$msgid$>, uid=$uid$, mailbox=$mboxname$

Does something like that sound reasonable?

Yes, although I doubt that you want imapd/ipop3d to log the UID of
every single message which is expunged.

Given we're suggesting logging the msgid, from, to, mailboxname and uid of every message delivered, I don't see too much of a problem in logging the msgid, mailbox name and uid of every message expunged, it should be a pretty similar order of magnitude and would provide very useful tracking information.


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