I am still trying to resize raw before demosaicing to speed up raw
I now get the zoom level using the following code:
float scale = 1.0;
int closeup = dt_control_get_dev_closeup();
if (piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_FULL)
scale = dt_dev_get_zoom_scale(self->dev, zoom, closeup ? 2.0 : 1.0, 0);
else if (piece->pipe->type == DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW)
scale = dt_dev_get_zoom_scale(self->dev, zoom, closeup ? 2.0 : 1.0, 1);
This works fine in modify_roi_out, but sometimes gives 1 instead of what I
expect (the zoom factor) when called from modify_roi_in.
My problem is to manage to get the scale and use it correctly.
My module would resize the raw image.
Thus, input and output have different dimentions.
I tried to set the roi_out width and height with modify_roi_out, this works
However, even after trying various things in modify_roi_in, I don't manage
to get the full image as ivoid.
First thing that I don't understand is where roi_in is modified between
modify_roi_out and modify_roi_in, as at the beginning of modify_roi_in, the
roi_in width is equal to roi_out width, while they were different at the
end of roi_out?
Also, in modify_roi_out I tried to save the scale in roi_out->scale, but in
modify_roi_in if I try to print roi_out->scale, I always get 1.
Is the roi_out variable used in modify_roi_out different from the one in
Maybe am I not catching something about the role of these passes.
Thanks for any help!
2018-05-10 23:13 GMT+02:00 rawfiner :
> Thank you for your answer.
> 2018-05-09 13:22 GMT+02:00 johannes hanika :
>> heya,
>> On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 12:27 PM, rawfiner wrote:
>> > 2018-05-08 17:16 GMT+02:00 johannes hanika :
>> >> i'm guessing you want to detect whether you are running a
>> >> DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_FULL pipe in darkroom mode (as opposed to
>> >> DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW or _EXPORT) and then do this downscaling
>> >> yourself before running your algorithm on reduced resolution.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Yes, and I would like to know the zoom factor in case of
>> > DT_DEV_PIXELPIPE_PREVIEW , in order to downscale only if the image is
>> > sufficiently zoomed out (for example, I don't want to downscale the
>> image if
>> > the zoom is at 90%, but I want to downscale if it is below 50%).
>> right. to determine the total scale factor, you would need to do
>> something like for instance in sharpen.c:
>> const int rad = MIN(MAXR, ceilf(d->radius * roi_in->scale /
>> piece->iscale));
>> which determines the pixel radius scaled by input buffer scaling
>> (iscale) and region of interest scaling (roi_in->scale).
> Yes, I have seen that kind of things in the code of non local means.
> Yet, if I understand correctly, this allows to retreive the scale factor
> for an already downscaled image, i.e. when the image was downscaled
> previously in the pipeline.
> What I would like is a bit different, as it would be to know if I can
> downscale the image or not, depending on the zoom level in the darkroom.
> But I guess that I will find the necessary information in the function
> dt_iop_clip_and_zoom_mosaic_half_size_f() that you pointed me out!
>> note that the preview pipe is what fills the whole image but
>> downscaled (iscale != 1) in the navigation view in the top left
>> corner. the "full" pipeline fills the pixels in the center view of
>> darkroom mode, at exactly the scale and crop you see on screen (iscale
>> == 1 mostly but the other scale and bounds in roi_in will change with
>> the current view).
>> to find out whether you're running either one of the two you'd write
>> something similar to bilat.c:
>> if(self->dev->gui_attached && g && piece->pipe->type ==
> Ok, thank you for these explainations
> I think I have everything I need to make some new trials!
> Regards,
> rawfiner
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