Hi. In DT 2.6.2 color grading of my D7200 RAW files produced more natural
results and was quite close to that what Nikon's native Capture NX-D does.
Have no idea how to restore my image processing workflow on Darktable 3.0
to get identical result as they were DT 2.6.2. I did try all chroma
preservation options in the base curve module, none of them was as close to
the camera's JPEG as the DT 2.6.2 did by default. The image still looks
less saturated than the JPEG. I have turned off all automatic JPEG
processing enhacements at my camera to make my results more predictable, no
extra saturation is added, usually I slightly add saturation in post. When
I try to increase the saturation then the skin tones get weird - everything
what is red on the face (lips, spots e.t.c.) are being accentuated and the
skin still looks more pale and grey that it was in DT 2.6.2 when i did
increase saturation. The point is that I can't get to the state when the
colors at starting point were OK for me as it was in DT 2.6.2. I did a lot
of experiments and still can't find a way to match the skin tones. The base
curve presets for my D7200 in both DT  versions look identical. The problem
is that they produce now different results no matter how I change the base
curve module options. If I try to fix skin tones in DT 3.0 the color
adjustments are shifting colors on other image parts and e.g. clothes and
background get wrong colors. I did not have such notable issues with DT


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