Cool, thanks guys. At this point I really just wanted to know wether
there are any roadblocks. I'll do a bugzilla if I persue this further.
I have to do some dynamic method invocation to test some codegen and
JUnit is pretty brain dead for that kind of stuff.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Nick Boldt <> wrote:
> If you can't find how/where to hook in your custom call out to testng, I
> could add an empty task "testng" in buildAll.xml or buildAllHelper.xml which
> would look for your own "testng" target in your foo.releng/buildExtra.xml or
> bar.releng/testExtra.xml, and execute that task if found.
> We already do this for all the other custom callbacks provided from PDE like
> preFetch, postFetch, preAssemble, postAssemble, etc. See
> common.releng/builder/all/customTargets.xml and look for something like
> this:
> <target name="prePackage">
>        <ant target="buildExtra.xml" antfile="${helper}">
>                <property name="theTarget" value="prePackage" />
>        </ant>
> </target>
> If none of those hooks make sense for your needs, open a bug asking for a
> new testng task as outlined above (or something else, if you have a better
> idea) and I'll make add it.
> David Carver wrote:
>> If you are using an ANT driven build you can remove the test or testLocal
>> from the build, and create your own targets to get executed. You would also
>> need to launch and configure your testing environment. You might be able to
>> add it to the Dependencies and have the testing platform created, and then
>> re-use that in your target environment. I'm not familiar with TestNG but I
>> assume they have a headless runner that you could execute instead of the
>> standard junit headless runner.
>> So short answer, yes, I think creating a custom target might be the way to
>> go.
>> Dave
>> Miles Parker wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I filed a bug on this a while back,
>>> ( and I'm still
>>> wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what it would take to support testng
>>> through Athena. Would it be a "simple" matter of including the appropriate
>>> zips and then adding a custom build task to execute the tests?
>>> cheers,
>>> Miles_______________________________________________
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> Nick Boldt ::
> Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena
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