I've been thinking about putting my mediawiki documenation builds on the build 
server. The neat thing about that is that I could theoretically at least upload 
the docs to the eclipse website without any local intervention at all -- and 
without using any external bandwidth. The really cool thing that would mean is 
that any committer (or patch contributor) could edit a chunk of WikiText, 
commit it and the next time the build occurred they'd have their changes show 
up on webpage help, a downloadable PDF, and the Eclipse help system for the 
nightly! Right now it's a bit of a pain because I have to trigger the ant build 
locally and then upload both the docs and website changes which both take some 

I think I can figure out how to do the upload using http -- though any guidance 
about how to handle authorization would be appreciated -- but I'm wondering if 
there is a more direct route such as exists with the promote scripts, i.e. just 
having a link from the user builds dir. Has anyone done anything like this with 
automated docs?

While I'm on the subject, is everyone still doing cron jobs for promotes or is 
the a more seamless / immediate solution that works for that?

-Miles _______________________________________________
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