There is a SnippetMode, but alas it's already set to true. However, in FilterMail.cs I found

// If this is the richest part we found for multipart emails, add its content to textcache
                           if (this.depth == 1 && this.count == 0)
                               child.CacheContent = true;
                               child.CacheContent = false;

If I make child.CacheContent unconditionally true (and then re-index of course) the results are just what I want for attachments. Snippet is still null for phrase searches but perhaps that's inevitable? I'm ok with my hacked solution, but a command-line option to turn this on would be really nice! Or does the logic need re-visiting?

Thanks for your help. Cheers, Roger

D Bera wrote:
I notice that the snippet feature seems a bit fragile - that is, it returns
null under various circumstances, even though the content is correctly
found. The circumstances include (as far as I can see) any child indexable
such as a mail attachment, some mail (but not all), and also any phrase
search. Snippets for mail attachments would be particularly useful! Is this
a known problem?

When you say content correctly found, I think you mean the search
returns results but snippet is empty - right ? I don't remember this
off the top of my head, but it could be that snippets for child
indexables (email attachments) are turned off.  The magic is in
FilterMail.cs - see if there is a simple Snippet=false or
CacheContent=false and set it to true if it exists. Might just work. I
can check and come back later but I have to fix the URI problem first.

- dBera

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