Kerry vs. beagle-search

2007-05-23 Thread Aviram Jenik
Here's a strange thing - running Kerry I search for a certain word and get 28 
matches. I run the same search on beagle-search and get showing top 37 of 40 
top matches.
This happens repeatedly, for just about every keyword - Kerry always shows 
substantially less results and misses some of the matches.

I'm using beagle 0.2.17 on Debian SID and Kerry 0.2.1. 

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Kerry vs. beagle-search

2007-05-23 Thread Aviram Jenik

On Wednesday 23 May 2007 Debajyoti Bera wrote:
 As far as I know, kerry has trouble
 with handling email attachments, there might be more result types kerry
 does not handle. 

Yes, some of the differences is exactly in the number of mail attachments. But 
other times it's just certain mails that Kerry misses (not attachments, not 
special file types).

 There could be a bug with kerry too. The best you can do 
 is, run query which returns small number of results in kerry and
 beagle-query. Check which results are not shown in kerry, and file bugs
 about them in (there should an open bug about email attachments).

Ok, I'll try to do that when I have some time - I just wanted to check and 
make sure it's a known problem and not some misconfiguration or something 
completely new.

Thanks for the quick reply :-)

 - dBera

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Beagle crash

2007-04-25 Thread Aviram Jenik
This happened twice in a row, each time I deleted ~/.beagle and restarted 
beagle. EXCERCISE THE DOG is set, so after a while the log shows:

20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX: Unable to 
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX: System.IO.IOException: Read 
timed out.
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Net.WebConnectionStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, 
Int32 size) [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlInputStream.Read (System.Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 
count) [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.NonBlockingStreamReader.ReadBuffer () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.NonBlockingStreamReader.Read () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput+XmlParserInputSource.Read () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput.ReadSourceChar () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlParserInput.PeekChar () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.PeekChar () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.SkipWhitespace () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.ProcessDTDSubset () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.DTDReader.GenerateDTDObjectModel () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.GenerateDTDObjectModel (System.String name, 
System.String publicId, System.String systemId, System.String internalSubset, 
Int32 intSubsetStartLine, Int32 intSubsetStartColumn) [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadDoctypeDecl () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadDeclaration () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at 
Beagle.Filters.FilterSvg.DoPullProperties () [0x0]
20070425 23:20:43.1856 07747 IndexH  WARN EX:   at Beagle.Daemon.Filter.Open 
(System.IO.FileSystemInfo info) [0x0]

and all indexing stops. This is beagle from Debian unstable:
$ dpkg -l | grep beag
ii  beagle0.2.16.3-2  
indexing and search tool for your personal data
ii  libbeagle00.2.16.3-2 

The strange thing is that after the first time I put a .noindex file 
in /home/aviram/vmware/, but it still tried to index that dir.

- Aviram

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

beagle losing indexes?

2006-09-12 Thread Aviram Jenik
Up until the latest version, beagle has been working fairly well for me, 
indexing and searching close to 50,000 emails.

I then upgraded to 0.2.9 and strange things started to happen, like emails not 
showing up in the search. I removed the indexing files (by deleting 
~/.beagle) and restarted beagle, but the index count remained low.

Then I repeated the clean-up (deleted the .beagle dir and restarted beagle) 
and watched the indexing more closely:

$ beagle-index-info | grep -A 2 KMail
Name: KMail
Count: 16082
Indexing: True

$ beagle-index-info | grep -A 2 KMail
Name: KMail
Count: 17539
Indexing: True

$ beagle-index-info | grep -A 2 KMail
Name: KMail
Count: 9083
Indexing: True

Notice how the index count drops.

Nothing was changed between the 2nd and 3rd beagle-index-info calls. In fact, 
I was away from my computer. At this point beagled-helper is at 100% CPU, but 
the index count remains static.

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list


2005-10-04 Thread Aviram Jenik
On my system, Holmes just displays a list of files that matched the query. 
There is no title, date, or hit indication - just a list of file names with 
full paths. Best works nicely, so I imagine it's not a dependency problem. Am 
I missing something?

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

best doesn't show the mail icon

2005-09-26 Thread Aviram Jenik
Silly question, but it's been bothering me for a while.

The mail backend results don't appear with the envelope icon in best. IM 
results (kopete in my case) have the proper icon, but mail results (Kmail in 
my case) simply have no icon.

Where does best search for the icon? Am I just missing a file or something?

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: best doesn't show the mail icon

2005-09-26 Thread Aviram Jenik
On Monday, 26 September 2005 22:40, D Bera wrote:
 Just a thought, after you get the results, press ctrl-u in best, that
 opens the source window, 

Nice trick :-)

 copy the contents of the source window to a 
 file and attach the file.

See attached.

- Aviram
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8
style type=text/css media=screen
body, html {
  background: white;
  margin: 0;
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.icon img {
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  padding: 4px;

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//  max-width: 48px;
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//  padding: 4px;
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.name { 
  font-size: 1.3em;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: black;

.date { 
  font-size: 1em;
  color: black;
  margin-bottom: 0.6em;
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  margin-left: 16px;

.snippet { 
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  color: gray;
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#reveal {

td.footer { 
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  td class=icon
a href=action:_tile_316!Open
  td class=content
div class=namea href=action:_tile_316!Openbest doesn't show the 
mail icon/a
From a href=action:_tile_316!MailAviram Jenik lt;[EMAIL 
!-- Start attachment stuff --
!-- End attachment stuff --
div class=dateReceived Today, 21:05/div
div class=dateFolder: iBeagle/i (local)/div
ul class=actions
li id=opena href=action:_tile_316!OpenOpen/a/li
li id=email-forwarda href=action:_tile_316!ForwardForward 
  td class=icon
a href=action:_tile_317!Open
  td class=content
div class=namea href=action:_tile_317!Openbest doesn't show the 
mail icon/a
From a href=action:_tile_317!MailAviram Jenik lt;[EMAIL 
!-- Start attachment stuff --
!-- End attachment stuff --
div class=dateReceived Today, 21:05/div
div class=dateFolder: isent-mail/i (local)/div
ul class=actions
li id=opena href=action:_tile_317!OpenOpen/a/li
li id=email-forwarda href=action:_tile_317!ForwardForward 
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: (SOLVED) best doesn't show the mail icon

2005-09-26 Thread Aviram Jenik
On Tuesday, 27 September 2005 00:08, D Bera wrote:
  just trying to wrap my head around holmes) but the Kmail backend is
  new, i dont think its results are returning read/not-read status yet,
  and as a result, best gets confused. But thats just brainstorming.

 Thats not how it should happen. If it marked read or answered a
 different icon is used, otherwise the generic mail icon is used.

 Aviram: do you have the following file

No, I did not. Apparently this file arrives with a debian package called 
gnome-icon-theme. As soon as I apt-get install'ed it, best showed the mail 
icon correctly.
Perhaps this should be added to the list of prerequisites? 

Anyway, thanks for the quick help.

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Files backend problem

2005-09-20 Thread Aviram Jenik

I've been having problems with the Files backend from the pre-0.1 CVS that 
still happen with 0.1. 

The description of the problem is identical to the one described earlier - 
best freezes during rendering if any files appear in the search results, 
and indexing stops (even indexing of other backends). Also, beagle-shutdown 
leaves zombies that are only killed by kill -9.

Here is the last snippet of the IndexHelper log. After that no indexing is 
done and best freezes. If I kill beagle and restart it while disabling the 
files backend, everything works ok:

05-09-20 03405 IndexH ERROR: Exception occurred duing 
05-09-20 03405 IndexH ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object 
reference not set to an instance of an object
in 0x0 unknown method
in (wrapper managed-to-native) GLib.Value:g_value_get_string (GLib.Value)
in 0xe GLib.Value:op_Explicit (Value val)
in 0x00163 Beagle.Filters.FilterPPT:ExtractMetaData (Gsf.Input sumStream, 
Gsf.Input docSumStream)
in 0x0011f Beagle.Filters.FilterPPT:DoPullProperties ()
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=44.7 MB, 
size=5.02, 100.4%
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: Process too big, shutting down!
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: CancelIfBlocking 
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: (1) Waiting for 2 workers...
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: waiting for server 
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: waiting for HandleConnection (8)
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: 
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: Server 
'/home/aviram/.beagle/socket-helper' shut down
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: (2) Waiting for 1 worker...
05-09-20 03405 IndexH DEBUG: waiting for HandleConnection (8)

This has made the files backend practically unusable for me. I tried deleting 
the indexes and re-indexing, but that doesn't help. Note that early CVS 
versions (right after 0.0.12) worked fine on the same file system.

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Files backend problem

2005-09-20 Thread Aviram Jenik
On Tuesday, 20 September 2005 14:42, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:

 Joe: The work-around should go into gsf-sharp, till the
 mono-marshaller/gtk-sharp (not sure of which one is doing this) gets
 fixed.  Thinking of submitting a patch for the same.  Whom should I post
 it to?

I'm not Joe, but I think the bugzilla is a good place to put the patch in. 
Alternatively, I'll be happy if you could send it to me personally for 

But does it make sense that  it makes beagled misbehave so badly?

 V. Varadhan

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Kmail support

2005-09-20 Thread Aviram Jenik

I've been using D Bera's kmail support code for a few weeks now, and it works 
wonderful for indexing and searching for both Maildir and IMAP cache 
It has a nice ability to auto-detect maildir directory and seems to be quite 
stable (I have 70,000+ mails). Overall, it fulfils 100% of my needs with 
regards to email search, and makes beagle the killer application on my 

I was hoping it'll merge into the 0.1 release, but I saw it wasn't there, and 
isn't in the CVS either - are there plans to include it any time soon?

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Maildir support status

2005-07-29 Thread Aviram Jenik
On Thursday 28 July 2005 22:15, Joe Shaw wrote:
 If you can adapt your backend to be a full KMail backend, I am happy to
 include it.

I'd be happy to see that happening :-)

Also, I suggest considering Bera's integration with KDE as well:

It works nicely for me (KDE, Debian SID). 

Perhaps the best course of action would be to add a ./configure option 
(something like --enablekdesupport), and that will include Bera's KDE code 
instead of the gnome code.

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Maildir support status

2005-07-29 Thread Aviram Jenik

On Saturday 30 July 2005 00:17, Joe Shaw wrote:

 On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 00:02 +0300, Aviram Jenik wrote:
  A 'desktop-launch' script sounds like a good solution - is it already in
  the CVS? If so, perhaps a wiki entry (KDE users, add the following
  script to your path) would solve the problem for future KDE users?

 We ship it in SUSE/NLD, and support for it is in Beagle.  

Looks like this should solve my problem.

The last 'showstopper' remaining for kmail (or maildir indexing) is maildir 
showing up well in best (I think it's

BTW, I have just index over 40,000 mails (by doing 'addroot' for every maildir 
directory - this is a temporary solution until Bera completes a Maildir 
crawler) and the indexing was performed surprisingly fast - and completely in 
the background. Quite impressive :-)

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Maildir support status

2005-07-27 Thread Aviram Jenik

I'm a KDE user that uses beagle for indexing Maildir info. I would like to 
share my experience so far, and what I had to do to get Maildir working in 

Maildir support has been integrated in version 0.0.12, but has drastically 
improved in the current CVS version. This, in combination with the speed 
improvements (especially during beagled startup) makes indexing my entire 
maildir (over 10,000 mails) feasible.


1. Kmail sometimes adds custom headers to mail files. Specifically, the 
anti-virus wizard will add a custom header to the beginning of an email file. 
This makes beagle (gnomevfs, actually) misrecognize those mail files.
You can check it with gnomevfs-info. Make sure it returns 'message/rfc822' as 
the mime type. If not, use sed, or your favorite file-and-replace utility to 
remove the custom headers or to add a fictitious Return-Path line:

To the beginning of the file. Don't forget to delete the beagle db and 

2. KDE users should install nautilus (to get best's 'reveal in file manager' 
working), and make sure mail files are open with kmail by default (right 
click on the mail file and choose properties. You'll find it from there)

3. Kmail names mail folders as directories that start with a dot ('.'). Beagle 
skips those 'hidden' directory, so you have to manually add all mail folders:
$ beagle-config indexing AddRoot /home/user/Mail/
(this is a bug/enhancement request:

4. Maildir files are handled by the directory crawler, which means that 
'beagle-index-info' will show mail files as Files and not as Mail. Don't 
worry if your Mail count stays at zero. 

5. Note that 'best' also searches maildir files as 'files' and not 'mail'. 
This is a bug (

The last remaining 'showstopper' for me, is the fact that best shows the file 
names (which looks like: 1115122924.6214.qBfSs:2,S, in folder cur) instead 
of the subject, from, to, and other interesting fields. This problem is 
mentioned here: and makes 
searching fairly impractical for more than 3-4 results. You have to click on 
each result to see what it is :-(

Other than that, Maildir is handled quite nicely. Thanks for the great work!

Any comments/corrections/ideas are of course welcomed.

- Aviram
Dashboard-hackers mailing list