Re: Beagle license change proposal from MIT/X11 to GPLv3

2008-06-01 Thread Miguel de Icaza

>   Recently we came to know that some distributions have difficulty with 
> the 
> current Beagle license. Specifically, Debian does not recognise 
> Creative-Common Attribution 2.0 (CC-by-2.0) as a valid free software license 
> [1]. However Beagle requires Semweb which is dual licensed under CC-by-2.0 
> and GPLv2-and-later. We used to include Semweb by accepting the CC-by-2.0 
> license. GPLv2 is incompatible with the Apache license (required by 
> Lucene.Net).
>   We have always released Beagle under MIT/X11 and would love to continue 
> doing 
> so. However I feel it is more important to make it possible for distributions 
> to package Beagle. I fully respect Debian's concerns and I would like to 
> propose that we include Semweb under GPLv3 and release Beagle under the same 
> GPLv3 license. GPLv3 is thankfully compatible with Apache license.

This sounds like a bogus claim.   For one, if MIT X11 was a problem for
code, you have larger problems in your hands, Mono's own class libraries
are MIT X11.

There is no need to change Beagle's license from MIT X11 to the GPLv3
for them to package/bundle it as it has already been pointed out in this

Additionally, I dislike the idea of moving away from the MIT X11 as it
would prevent us from using any of that code in other places, like for
example the Mono class libraries.   We have just gone in the opposite
direction precisely because the GPL is incompatible with too many uses
that we wanted for Mono's C# compiler and dual licensed it as GPL and
MIT X11.

Alternatively, it might be easier to get the folks that develop SebWeb
to add another dual license to their package.

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: State of the Pooch

2005-05-09 Thread Miguel de Icaza

> If we move away from GNOME CVS, will we lose out on the translations side?
> Right now, it looks like random gnome translators are stumbling onto our
> project and and translating it into all kinds of languages, which I'm very
> impressed by.

An option for translations would be to keep the master po file on the
GNOME CVS and have a script that updates it once a week or so.

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: beagle inotify ABI change

2005-04-02 Thread Miguel de Icaza

> And now I update inotify, fixing a little atomicity issue uncovered over
> the last week:

Am using NLD.  When I try to install it, I get:

linux:~/kernels # rpm -i *
error: Failed dependencies:
mkinitrd >= 1.2 is needed by kernel-default-

Where can I get this package?

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Hi, my name is Ubuntu. Can Beagle come out to play.

2005-04-02 Thread Miguel de Icaza

> It basically makes Lucene.Net less secure, the posix patch is there for 
> a reason, and it is more sophisticated than the original solution, but 
> since hoary wont be shipping with mono 1.0.6 (apparently) i decided it 
> was time to break beagle and make it play nice.

A better fix would be to just copy the definition for the Mono.Posix
call that you are missing.  

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