Re: Is beagle completely dead now?

2011-02-14 Thread guido iodice
2011/2/14 Adam Tauno Williams :

> Both F-Spot and Banshee are absolutely top-notch applications.  Don't
> forget Tomboy as well, which seems to be surviving.

I'm not in agree. Banshee is only a bit better tha Rhythmbox. RB with
some plugins is pretty feature-pair with Banshee.
About f-spot, it is true that Shotwell is a less mature software, but
it is *faster*.

>> On the other hand, Mono on iOS, Android, etc. have all been warmly
>> welcomed by the communities that adopt them -- and they have much
>> larger user bases to boot.  Why wouldn't they target them?
> They are proprietary platforms - so the zealots probably aren't as into
> 'defending' them.

Who are zealots? Are they the GNU project that releases GNU Emacs for
Windows, Mac, AIX, Solaris, Ultrix and even MS DOS?
Actually, labels like "zealot", "extremist" and so on, applied to some
people, are obsolete.
On the other hand, I know a zealot: he still loves Silverlight while
Microsoft loves html5/js/css3 now.

The point is different: really, I don't see any "warm" around mono.
This is simply because there is not a mono killer application. Beagle
could be it, because it was very much better that free and non-free
alternatives. The distance between Banshee and RB is short, the
distance between Beagle and alternatives was very long.

Mono is great as framework, I know. But today I can have a very good
desktop without it, if I want. But I cannot have a good desktop
without Python.
Do you see the point now?

> And very useful.

and amazing.
dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: Is beagle completely dead now?

2011-02-13 Thread guido iodice
Recoll is good, but is different from Tracker and Beagle and it does't
fit with GNOME desktop very good.

On the other hand, tracker 0.8 and 0.9 are pretty usable. I use it on
a PC and works well, also if Beagle was far better.

It is very sad that mono folks are so committed with applications like
f-spot or banshee, that have many good alternatives, or on mono-mac,
mono-iOS, mono-android mono-whatyouwant, while Beagle died.

In the past I appreciate beaglefs that could be the first step of a
next generation database-based filesystem. Now I use mono to cut my
dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-22 Thread guido iodice
2009/9/22 Adam Tauno Williams 

> And many of the leading Open Source
> projects are in Mono: Monodevelop, F-Spot, Banshee, Tomboy, etc... The
> Mono ecosystem is thriving, and will do so with or without Beagle.

Banshee is leading something? when? where?
Monodevelop is a leading IDEs? when? where?
Is your a joke?

You know: RH deleted mono from Fedora. Canonical will not include Banshee in
default installation of Ubuntu Karmic.

> Garbage.  This is a claim of pure unadulterated ignorance.  The "patent
> deal" has nothing whatsoever at-all to do with Mono.  This has been
> explained dozens of times.

No. MS-Novell deal covers *all* MS patents. Please read it.
It is true it is not only or mainly for Mono but it covers Mono. Only Novell
version of Mono, of course.
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-22 Thread guido iodice
2009/9/22 Adam Tauno Williams 

> I haven't paid much attention to Tracker

Today it doesn't work. Period.
I used tracker on tree releases of Ubuntu. After 1 week I purged it to
install Beagle.

> Claiming he is "stupid" is also absurd.  He wrote a good chunk of
> Gnumeric;  solid evidence against stupidity.

I already wrote MdI is not stupid. What is stupid is to leave unmantained
one of the best software developed with Mono, Beagle. Then if MdI is not a
studip - and I think he is not a stupid - he can find a solution.

I hope he is not too busy with codep...@microsoft ... ;-)
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-22 Thread guido iodice
2009/9/22 Joe Shaw 

> Novell's a big company, and Mono is a totally separate entity from
> their desktop business.  If Novell wants to put resources toward
> Beagle, it's going to come from the SUSE organization and not Miguel's
> Mono organization.
> I agree with you, though, in that I am not really sure what Novell's
> aims are with Monotouch, but that's orthogonal to this.
I apologize for "stupid" to Miguel De Icaza, I mentioned him because his
role in Mono and in Novell. Well, MdI  is *not* stupid at all. To leave
Beagle unmantained is stupid.
If you are his friend, please say him Beagle is dying. Because he is not a
stupid, I think MdI will do something.

I think only Novell could save Beagle: Beagle is written in Mono. No one, no
company, want to write software in Mono because patent issue. You know, this
issue is too dangerous for business.

But Novell have a deal with MS on patents, then Novell can. Novell can
demostrate the patent deal is useful for users. If not, all FLOSS users will
realize the deal is not a serious thing.

Imagine Red Hat men laughing when they see Microsoft is asking for money for
patent licenses on Monotouch :)
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-22 Thread guido iodice
2009/9/13 Joe Shaw 

> Since I left Novell nearly
> two years ago, there has been none.  I think it's safe to say that
> Novell no longer has any dedication to the project.  I don't mean that
> as a dig -- having worked on Ximian and SUSE distributions you have to
> make strategic and tactical decisions where to put your resources,
> since you can't hack full time on everything.  It appears clear that
> desktop search hasn't panned out as they thought and that experimental
> projects like Dashboard, Association Browser, etc. aren't feasible.

Can Novell leave unmantained a piece of its desktop? This is a suicide for
Corporate users need to search in Evolution mail, IM messages, files,
visited web pages and more in the same time. Only Beagle can do it, if
upgraded and mantained.
Beagle can do the difference on enterprise desktop. To leave it unmantained
is stupid.
Well, I think there are some stupids men in Novell (did someone say
"Miguel"?), but I hope not so stupid.
Monotouch can't be Novell core business
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-11 Thread Guido Iodice
Il giorno ven, 11/09/2009 alle 10.46 +0200, Enrico Minack ha scritto:

> Ubuntu seems
> to count on a system called Tracker (wasn't there something in Beagle's
> history called tracker?), which never succeeded for me to find ANYTHING.

:-) true, very true.


tel. 338-9977034

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: About to declare 'unmaintained'

2009-09-10 Thread guido iodice
I love Beagle. I don't want it die.
But I'm not a c# developer, so I can't help.
But Beagle is part on Suse desktop. Novell CAN'T leave Beagle unmantained.

Can you write to Novell, De Icaza or other "big"?
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

Re: (resend)patch to beaglefs

2009-07-20 Thread guido iodice
2009/7/18 Joe Shaw 

> Hi Guido,
> Looks pretty straightforward.  Would you mind filing a bug at
> and attaching a patch?  I'm not able to
> check it in at the moment, and that will ensure that it doesn't get
> lost.
> Thanks,
> Joe

Dashboard-hackers mailing list

(proposal) BeagleFS GUI

2009-07-10 Thread guido iodice
Hi dears,

I wrote a simple GUI for BeagleFS (yes, I love it).

You can find it on my blog:
(my blog is in Italian, but you can find links to source and binaries

Well, I would like to integrate it in Beagle-search and propose the
patch to you, but I'm not able to find a Monodevelop project.
Does it exist?

Thank you.
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

(resend)patch to beaglefs

2009-07-06 Thread guido iodice
Dears, I'm a Beagle fan:

I discovered that *beaglefs* has a bug because new beagle syntax.

Sorry, I'm unable to use 'diff' and 'patch' properly.

Changement is simple, in hit.c:

beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:File OR type:IMLog"); /* CHANGHE */
/* beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:IMLog"); */        /* DELETE OR

Thank you.
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

(resend)patch to beaglefs

2009-07-06 Thread guido iodice
Dears, I'm a Beagle fan:

I discovered that *beaglefs* has a bug because new beagle syntax.

Sorry, I'm unable to use 'diff' and 'patch' properly.

Changement is simple, in hit.c:

beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:File OR type:IMLog"); /* CHANGHE */
/* beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:IMLog"); */        /* DELETE OR

Thank you.
 * beaglefs/hit.c - Query hit processing engine
 * Robert Love 
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Robert Love
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2



#include "hit.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "dir.h"

static char *query_text;
static GMainLoop *hit_main_loop;

 * beagle_hit_set_query - Set the query used by the filesystem to 'query'.
 * A copy of 'query' is made and must be freed via g_free().
beagle_hit_set_query (const char *query)
	g_return_if_fail (query);
	query_text = g_strdup (query);

 * hit_to_new_inode - create a new beaglefs inode object via beagle_inode_new()
 * and initialize its default values via a BeagleHit object.
 * Returns the newly allocated inode object, which must be freed via a call to
 * beagle_inode_free().
static beagle_inode_t *
hit_to_new_inode (BeagleHit *hit)
	BeagleTimestamp *hit_time;
	beagle_inode_t *inode;
	time_t timestamp;

	g_return_val_if_fail (hit, NULL);

	hit_time = beagle_hit_get_timestamp (hit);
	if (!beagle_timestamp_to_unix_time (hit_time, ×tamp))
		time (×tamp); /* current time is better than nothing */

	inode = beagle_inode_new (beagle_hit_get_uri (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_mime_type (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_type (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_source (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_score (hit));

	return inode;

 * hits_added_cb - Our callback for the libbeagle "hits-added" signal.  For
 * each hit, create a new inode object and add it to the filesystem.
static void
hits_added_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED BeagleQuery *query,
	   BeagleHitsAddedResponse *response) 
	GSList *hits, *elt;

	hits = beagle_hits_added_response_get_hits (response);
	for (elt = hits; elt; elt = g_slist_next (elt)) {
		beagle_inode_t *inode;

		inode = hit_to_new_inode (BEAGLE_HIT (elt->data));

		beagle_dir_write_lock ();
		beagle_dir_add_inode (inode);

 * hits_subtracted_cb - Our callback for the libbeagle "hits-subtracted"
 * signal.  For each hit, remove the corresponding inode from the filesystem.
static void
hits_subtracted_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED BeagleQuery *query,
		BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse *response) 
	GSList *hits, *elt;

	hits = beagle_hits_subtracted_response_get_uris (response);
	for (elt = hits; elt; elt = g_slist_next (elt)) {
		const char *name;

		name = strrchr (elt->data, G_DIR_SEPARATOR);

		beagle_dir_write_lock ();
		beagle_dir_remove_inode_by_name (name);
		beagle_dir_write_unlock ();

static void *
hit_thread_start (G_GNUC_UNUSED void *ignored)
	BeagleClient *client;
	BeagleQuery *query;
	BeagleRequest *request;

	client = beagle_client_new (NULL);
	if (!client)
		g_critical ("Failed to instantiate a BeagleClient.");

	hit_main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
	query = beagle_query_new ();
	request = BEAGLE_REQUEST (query);

	beagle_query_add_text (query, query_text);
	beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:File OR type:IMLog"); /* CHANGHE */
	/* beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:IMLog"); *//* DELETE THIS */ 

	g_signal_connect (query,
			  G_CALLBACK (hits_added_cb),

	g_signal_connect (query,
			  G_CALLBACK (hits_subtracted_cb),

	if (!beagle_client_send_request_async (client, request, NULL))
		g_critical ("Failed to send BeagleQuery to Beagle.");

	g_main_loop_run (hit_main_loop);

	g_object_unref (query);
	g_object_unref (client);
	g_main_loop_unref (hit_main_loop);
	g_free (query_text);

	return NULL;

 * beagle_hit_init - Initialize the hit engine.
beagle_hit_init (void)
	g_thread_init (NULL);
	g_type_init ();

	if (!g_thread_create (hit_thread_start, NULL, FALSE, NULL))
		g_critical ("Failed to launch hit engine thread.");

 * beagle_hit_destroy - Force a return from the main loop, destroying the hit
 * engine thread.
beagle_hit_destroy (void)
	g_main_loop_quit (hit_main_loop);
Dashboard-hackers mailing list

patch to beaglefs

2009-07-06 Thread guido iodice
Dears, I'm a Beagle fan:

I discovered that *beaglefs* has a bug because new beagle syntax.

Attached there is a good hit.c file based on 1.0.4 version by opensuse.
Sorry, I'm unable to use 'diff' and 'patch' properly.

Changement is simple:

beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:File OR type:IMLog"); /* CHANGHE */
/* beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:IMLog"); *//* DELETE OR

Thank you.
 * beaglefs/hit.c - Query hit processing engine
 * Robert Love 
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Robert Love
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2



#include "hit.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "dir.h"

static char *query_text;
static GMainLoop *hit_main_loop;

 * beagle_hit_set_query - Set the query used by the filesystem to 'query'.
 * A copy of 'query' is made and must be freed via g_free().
beagle_hit_set_query (const char *query)
	g_return_if_fail (query);
	query_text = g_strdup (query);

 * hit_to_new_inode - create a new beaglefs inode object via beagle_inode_new()
 * and initialize its default values via a BeagleHit object.
 * Returns the newly allocated inode object, which must be freed via a call to
 * beagle_inode_free().
static beagle_inode_t *
hit_to_new_inode (BeagleHit *hit)
	BeagleTimestamp *hit_time;
	beagle_inode_t *inode;
	time_t timestamp;

	g_return_val_if_fail (hit, NULL);

	hit_time = beagle_hit_get_timestamp (hit);
	if (!beagle_timestamp_to_unix_time (hit_time, ×tamp))
		time (×tamp); /* current time is better than nothing */

	inode = beagle_inode_new (beagle_hit_get_uri (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_mime_type (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_type (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_source (hit),
  beagle_hit_get_score (hit));

	return inode;

 * hits_added_cb - Our callback for the libbeagle "hits-added" signal.  For
 * each hit, create a new inode object and add it to the filesystem.
static void
hits_added_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED BeagleQuery *query,
	   BeagleHitsAddedResponse *response) 
	GSList *hits, *elt;

	hits = beagle_hits_added_response_get_hits (response);
	for (elt = hits; elt; elt = g_slist_next (elt)) {
		beagle_inode_t *inode;

		inode = hit_to_new_inode (BEAGLE_HIT (elt->data));

		beagle_dir_write_lock ();
		beagle_dir_add_inode (inode);

 * hits_subtracted_cb - Our callback for the libbeagle "hits-subtracted"
 * signal.  For each hit, remove the corresponding inode from the filesystem.
static void
hits_subtracted_cb (G_GNUC_UNUSED BeagleQuery *query,
		BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse *response) 
	GSList *hits, *elt;

	hits = beagle_hits_subtracted_response_get_uris (response);
	for (elt = hits; elt; elt = g_slist_next (elt)) {
		const char *name;

		name = strrchr (elt->data, G_DIR_SEPARATOR);

		beagle_dir_write_lock ();
		beagle_dir_remove_inode_by_name (name);
		beagle_dir_write_unlock ();

static void *
hit_thread_start (G_GNUC_UNUSED void *ignored)
	BeagleClient *client;
	BeagleQuery *query;
	BeagleRequest *request;

	client = beagle_client_new (NULL);
	if (!client)
		g_critical ("Failed to instantiate a BeagleClient.");

	hit_main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
	query = beagle_query_new ();
	request = BEAGLE_REQUEST (query);

	beagle_query_add_text (query, query_text);
	beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:File OR type:IMLog"); /* CHANGHE */
	/* beagle_query_add_text (query, "type:IMLog"); *//* DELETE THIS */ 

	g_signal_connect (query,
			  G_CALLBACK (hits_added_cb),

	g_signal_connect (query,
			  G_CALLBACK (hits_subtracted_cb),

	if (!beagle_client_send_request_async (client, request, NULL))
		g_critical ("Failed to send BeagleQuery to Beagle.");

	g_main_loop_run (hit_main_loop);

	g_object_unref (query);
	g_object_unref (client);
	g_main_loop_unref (hit_main_loop);
	g_free (query_text);

	return NULL;

 * beagle_hit_init - Initialize the hit engine.
beagle_hit_init (void)
	g_thread_init (NULL);
	g_type_init ();

	if (!g_thread_create (hit_thread_start, NULL, FALSE, NULL))
		g_critical ("Failed to launch hit engine thread.");

 * beagle_hit_destroy - Force a return from the main loop, destroying the hit
 * engine thread.
beagle_hit_destroy (void)
	g_main_loop_quit (hit_main_loop);
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