[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

2008-11-12 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

на всех root 644
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

2008-11-12 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

ls -laF /usr/local/dpsearch
total 464
drwxr-xr-x   9 root wheel   1536 Nov 12 22:56 ./
drwxr-xr-x  17 root wheel   1024 Oct 25 17:28 ../
drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 Nov 12 15:15 acronym/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  124 Nov  3 11:21 acronym.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  213 Oct  6 19:21 cached-video.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  199 Nov 13 00:09 cached-zoo.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 1291 Nov 12 15:15 cached.conf-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 7377 Oct 30 22:28 disallows.conf*
drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 Nov 13 01:13 etc/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 3193 Oct  8 03:13 indexer-video.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 4651 Nov 13 01:48 indexer-zoo.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www39165 Nov 12 15:15 indexer.conf-dist*
drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel   6144 Nov 12 15:15 langmap/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  228 Oct  9 03:35 langmap.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 4000 Nov 12 15:15 langmap.conf-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 3839 Nov 12 15:15 opensearch.htm-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 3962 Nov 12 15:15 rss.htm-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www14953 Oct  8 06:33 search-video.htm*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www22280 Nov 12 23:15 search-zoo.htm*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www12116 Nov 12 15:15 search.htm-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  804 Oct  8 04:04 searchd-video.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  820 Nov 12 16:42 searchd-zoo.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 1750 Nov 12 15:15 searchd.conf-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  263 Nov  3 20:07 sections.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 3312 Nov 12 15:15 sections.conf-dist*
drwxr-xr-x  10 root wheel512 Oct  5 00:52 share/
drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel   1024 Nov 12 15:15 stopwords/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  496 Nov  3 11:22 stopwords.conf*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 1000 Nov 12 15:15 stopwords.conf-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  764 Nov 12 15:15 stored.conf-dist*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 4197 Nov  4 00:03 storedoc-zoo.htm*
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 2244 Nov 12 15:15 storedoc.htm-dist*
drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 Nov 12 15:15 synonym/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www  150 Nov  3 11:22 synonym.conf*
drwxr-xr-x   6 root wheel512 Nov 13 00:23 var/
-rwxr--r--   1 infodog  www 4779 Nov 12 01:49 videotube.htm*

ls -laF /usr/local/dpsearch/etc
total 84
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel512 Nov 13 01:13 ./
drwxr-xr-x  9 root  wheel   1536 Nov 12 22:56 ../
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www  180 Oct  8 19:36 acronym.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www22185 Nov 12 16:41 modsearch.htm
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www  820 Nov 12 16:42 modsearchd.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www 4197 Nov  4 00:03 modstoredoc.htm
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www  290 Oct 29 21:04 sections.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www  366 Oct  8 19:39 stopwords.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  www  200 Oct  8 19:41 synonym.conf

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] stored href

2008-11-13 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: stored href

I need to do one thing.
I use Gruopbysite yes and use Google results grouping with PagesInGroup 2.
Is possible use $(sitelimit_href) only on the pages in group and NOT in the 
first result?

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-13 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

 At 21:53:56  13/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Yes, you can change your search template in this way:

IF NAME=grouped CONTENT=yes
!IFNOT NAME=sitelimit_href CONTENT=   a 
href=$(self)$(sitelimit_href)$(allresfrom.lng) $(url.host)!IFNOT 

Thx Maxime, will try it!
I have another question,
I have indexed for example this site www.airsimmer.com .
If i search air simmer , dp no find result, only if i type airsimmer i find 
It's my bug? or?
i use cached dm mode.

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-13 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: stored href

DataparkSearch doesn't break-up words onto parts for western languages as the 
spaces are used traditionally between words, so it's not a bug, it's an 
expected behavior.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-13 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

 At 00:57:13  14/11/08, Maxime wrote:
DataparkSearch doesn't break-up words onto parts for western languages as the 
spaces are used traditionally between words, so it's not a bug, it's an 
expected behavior.

It will be possible in future release?

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-13 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: stored href

Is there any reason to do so except parsing host names ? I doubt it would worth 
to implement it.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-14 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

Its usefull only for parse host or url. But for me its important.
with mnogosearch is possible?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-14 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

Ok, Thanx!
Other thing, How can i do for make like www.43n39e.ru try also results?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: stored href

Take look into doc/samples directory of dpsearch distribution. There are 
janus.htm.en, qsimilar.conf and qsimilar8.htm.en files. janus.htm.en is a 
search template us used at 43n39e.ru, qsimilar.conf is a indexer configuration 
file to index the content of qtrack table, qsimilar8.htm.en ias a search 
template is used to draw try also results with AJAX-like technique (you also 
need htmlhttprequest_commented.js file from this directory with some 
javascripts functions defined there).
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

I have see that use a different db in .conf file
DBAddr pgsql://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/qsimilarsearch/?dbmode=cache

and a different searchd address searchd://v.sochi.org.ru/?label=qsimilar

What is qsimilarsearch db?
i need to set up new db?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: stored href

Yes, qsimilarsearch is an another search database and you need to setup 
additional one for you.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] audio search webpage

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Joel Friday
Subject: audio search webpage

I am making my own audio search webpage like this one here: 

Except it will have only audio for mp3 and not that other jazz like white pages 
and stuff. Can I do something like that with this search engine for my website?

Joel Friday
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] video search help

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: video search help

Hi , maxime I need your help.
I have find this topic about video indexes 

from that, I have compiled my video.conf file like this:

DBAddr mysql://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/video/?dbmode=crc-multi

Section ytid 0 64 video_id=([^\']*) $1
Section ytid 0 64 video_id=([^\']*)' $1

Period 7d
Realm hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/categories*
URL http://www.youtube.com/categories
Period 2h
Server page hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/
Period 180d
Realm regex ^http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$
disallow http://www.youtube.com/player*
Allow * 

then i run ./indexer /usr/local/dpsearch/etc/video.conf

it start index process, but spot after 5 urls.
There is something wrong in this conf?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: stored href

2008-11-15 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: stored href

 At 21:39:24  15/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Yes, qsimilarsearch is an another search database and you need to setup 
additional one for you.

Thx, I will try!
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] substring search help needed..

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Dan Waterloo
Subject: substring search help needed..

I've got the latest dpsearch installed, using fc8, and ran an index, scanned a 
site, and now am working on the searches.

There is a page on in the data base, that has the following text on it:

*   | | |  |  |
.SUBCKT OP-260/AD   1 2 99 50 24

when i do a search using 
as the search string, the results show the page (here's the search url...

but when i search for a substring  of the term, i.e.
dpsearch says there is no results (here's the search url...

Any suggestions on how to match on substrings that are partial words?
Thank you!

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: substring search help needed..

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: substring search help needed..

Substrung search works only with SQL-based dbmodes (single and multi). Which 
dbmode do you use ? 
Note, by default dpsearch uses cache dbmode which doesn't support substring 
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: label variables

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: label variables

What DBAddr commands do you have in your search template ?
You should also define labeled DBAddr commands here, something like:
DBAddr searchd://localhost/?label=web
DBAddr searchd://localhost/?label=qvideo

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: substring search help needed..

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Dan Waterloo
Subject: Re: substring search help needed..

originally it was setup with cached, but i deleted the database tables, 
switched over to dbmode=single in indexer.conf and searchd.conf, and re-crawled 
and re-indexed, and is still not working in substring search mode. any 
additional suggestions?

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: video search help

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: video search help

Try to start it once again. It seems that can happens for fresh database.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: substring search help needed..

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Dan Waterloo
Subject: Re: substring search help needed..

Just figured out that I needed to change the dbmode in search.htm, too.
it's working now,  thanks for your advice!

 At 21:27:05  16/11/08, Dan Waterloo wrote:
originally it was setup with cached, but i deleted the database tables, 
switched over to dbmode=single in indexer.conf and searchd.conf, and 
re-crawled and re-indexed, and is still not working in substring search mode. 
any additional suggestions?

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: video search help

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: video search help

 At 21:29:24  16/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Try to start it once again. It seems that can happens for fresh database.

it start and this is my result:

 ./indexer /usr/local/dpsearch/etc/video.conf
indexer[4780]: {00} indexer from dpsearch-4.50-mysql started with 
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/categories
indexer[4780]: {01} ROBOTS: http://www.youtube.com/robots.txt
indexer[4780]: {01} [] Subdoc URL: http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=mp
indexer[4780]: {01} SubDoc.robots.txt: 'Disallow /browse'
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vwERoUMGhw
indexer[4780]: {01} [] Subdoc URL: about://www.youtube.com/watch
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8rJ1WML60Y
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru4YP0Ptu4A
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8TIeFgOhaM
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og3YLkw6pGo
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj7BMyUNuRA
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVJuWZGmQUY
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLz1xyFMMCQ
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxtqxI32yV4
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF80tDo8oGE
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xwlhgrOWmU
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGmd54PTfyw
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VabiELLGR2c
indexer[4780]: {01} URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJq04V2IoHk
indexer[4780]: {01} [] Subdoc URL: about://www.youtube.com/watch
indexer[4780]: {01} Done (24 seconds, 16 documents, 351925 bytes, 14.32 
indexer[4780]: {00} Total 64 seconds, 16 documents, 351925 bytes,  5.37 
Kbytes/sec,  4.00 sec/doc, 21995 bytes/doc.
indexer[4780]: {00} Neo PopRank: 0 documents, 0 pas,  0.00 Kpas/sec,  0.00 
sec/doc,  0.00 pas/doc.
indexer[4780]: {00} Sun 16 20:38:42 [4780] Flushing all buffers...
indexer[4780]: {00} Done

why only these 14 videos?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. .lib, .spi, etc

2008-11-16 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Dan Waterloo
Subject: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. .lib, 
.spi, etc

I'd like to crawl 1 domain (in this example, domain.com), and limit the 
indexing to all files within that website that end in .lib, which are text 

What would the line look like in indexer.conf?... I've tried the following, and 
it doesn't appear to work...

Realm Regex http://www.domain.com/*\.lib

I've also added the following line in the indexer.conf file: (this should 
indicat that a .lib file is a text file?)
AddType text/plain  *.txt  *.pl *.js *.h *.c *.pm *.e *.lib 

Thanks, Dan
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: label variables

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: label variables

Thx, it work now!
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: video search help

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: video search help

 At 23:24:59  16/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Try to replace
Realm hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/categories*
URL http://www.youtube.com/categories
Realm hrefonly http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=mp*
URL http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=mp

Since there is an redirect from http://www.youtube.com/categories to 

Done , but same result...
any other suggestions?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: video search help

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: video search help

Please show the full output for the command:
./indexer -qiamv5 -u http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=mp
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. .lib, .spi, etc

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. 
.lib, .spi, etc

You need to crawl the directory tree as well, so you need one more Realm 
Realm regex http://www.domain.com/.*/

To start indexing from the root page you may use the command
Server page http://www.domain.com/

Also you need to correct your main Realm command:
Realm Regex http://www.domain.com/.*\.lib

Mind the dot before the asterisk in it.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: video search help

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: video search help

 At 15:56:01  17/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Please show the full output for the command:
./indexer -qiamv5 -u http://www.youtube.com/browse?s=mp

It's really too long!! it start like:
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6bff2f8a Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6bff7c20 Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6bffc2cd Size: 21-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6eff17b0 Size: 21-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6eff6ec7 Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6eff7705 Size: 38-48
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6eff8360 Size: 223-328
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6eff8fb5 Size: 21-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6effc061 Size: 28-24
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6effc3b9 Size: 93-144
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 6effd3ce Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71ff2e24 Size: 22-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71ff3b25 Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71ff6600 Size: 309-600
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71ff954e Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71ffa229 Size: 457-848
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 71fff0f5 Size: 155-352
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74ff1924 Size: 23-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74ff2705 Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74ff6368 Size: 22-16
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74ff88fd Size: 16-8
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74ff8c9a Size: 80-128
indexer[788]: {01} [tree/wrd] ARetrieved rec_id: 74fffb8c Size: 16-8

and end like:

indexer[788]: {01} Log 2FF updated, ndel:1, nwrd:0
indexer[788]: {00} Total 547 seconds, 0 documents, 0 bytes,  0.00 Kbytes/sec,  
0.00 sec/doc, 0 bytes/doc.
indexer[788]: {00} Neo PopRank: 0 documents, 0 pas,  0.00 Kpas/sec,  0.00 
sec/doc,  0.00 pas/doc.
indexer[788]: {00} Flushing cached buffers for mysql://[EMAIL 
indexer[788]: {00} Mon 17 20:22:06 [788] Flushing all buffers...
indexer[788]: {00} Done

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Как сделать по одному результату с домена?

2008-11-17 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: VipRaskrutka
Subject: Как сделать по одному результату с домена?

Как настроить скрипт, чтоб при поиске (поиск идет по многим серверам) выдавало 
по одному результату с домена?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: how to index yahoo answers

i need to index http://it.answers.yahoo.com/.

every url is like this:


Can someone tell me the roght realm command?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Последние изменение в DataparkSearch

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Последние изменение в DataparkSearch

Добавлена команда ActionSQL
Добавлен оператор allinsection

Максим, поведайте, что это и как можно использовать?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: how to index yahoo answers

I'm not sure what youindend to index, perhaps this set of Server/Realm commands 
would interested you:
Server page http://it.answers.yahoo.com/
Realm regex hrefonly http://it.answers.yahoo.com/dir/.*link\=list
Realm disallow http://it.answers.yahoo.com/question/index.*link\=
Realm regex http://it.answers.yahoo.com/question/index
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Последние изменение в DataparkSearch

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Последние изменение в DataparkSearch

Это описано в блоге:
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: how to index yahoo answers

 At 21:55:54  18/11/08, Maxime wrote:
I'm not sure what youindend to index, perhaps this set of Server/Realm 
commands would interested you:
Server page http://it.answers.yahoo.com/
Realm regex hrefonly http://it.answers.yahoo.com/dir/.*link\=list
Realm disallow http://it.answers.yahoo.com/question/index.*link\=
Realm regex http://it.answers.yahoo.com/question/index

Thx, will try these cmd.
and this realm can work for index wikipedia?

Realm http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/*
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] words highlight queston

2008-11-18 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: words highlight queston

Hi again,
if i search nokia on my dp installation, my first result is:


all ok, but why the word nokia in my url is not highlighted?

note: I use $(URL) var, and cache mode.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. .lib, .spi, etc

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. 
.lib, .spi, etc

A page of a site is crawled only if there is an appropriate Server/Realm/Subnet 
command and there isn't any Disallow command prevents to do so.

With the following command you crawl all target site to follow all links on it 
looking for urls:
Server hrefonly http://www.domain.com/

With the following command you index all urls that end in .lib or .spi:
Realm regex http://www.doamain.com/.*\.(lib|spi)$

As well, make sure that remote httpd-server supply a text/plain , text/html or 
text/xml Content-Type header with these files. Otherwise you need to specify a 
parser to convert such data to one of types specified above.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. .lib, .spi, etc

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Dan Waterloo
Subject: Re: limit index to domain, text files with specific extensions, i.e. 
.lib, .spi, etc

Can you clarify what causes a website to be crawled, and what causes a url to 
be inserted into the database (indexed?)?

I'd like to crawl the following domain:

and only insert urls (from www.domain.com) into the database (index) for urls 
that end in .lib or .spi

Sorry I'm a bit confused about this. Thank you for the help.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Максимальная длина

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Максимальная длина

проскакивают следующие результаты и прочие
в indexer.conf search.htm searchd.conf
прописана длина
MinWordLength 2
MaxWordLength 25

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Максимальная длина

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: Максимальная длина

но они идут слитно и видимо не обрабатываются, в свою очередь все это попадает 
в снипет и растягивает его чуть ли не в 2 экрана по горизонтали
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Максимальная длина

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Максимальная длина

Обрабатываются, запятая - символ-разделитель слов. Такие фрагменты выводятся 
так, как указаные на оригинальной странице.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Segmentation fault..

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Segmentation fault..

indexer[31896]: {01} aspell error: No word lists can be found for the language 
indexer[31896]: {01} URL: http://www.wikio.it/entities
Segmentation fault

How to fix it?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-19 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: how to index yahoo answers

Yes, but probably you would like avoid special pages of Wikipedia, if so, you 
need to place the following  Realm before your:
Realm disallow regex http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/.*\:
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-20 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: Re: how to index yahoo answers

 At 10:19:22  20/11/08, Maxime wrote:
Yes, but probably you would like avoid special pages of Wikipedia, if so, you 
need to place the following  Realm before your:
Realm disallow regex http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/.*\:

my command:

MaxHops 5
Server http://it.wikipedia.org/
Realm disallow regex http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/.*\:
Realm http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/*

but indexer still index special pages!
what's wrong?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to index yahoo answers

2008-11-20 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: how to index yahoo answers

What are you expect with Server command ? BTW, it never give the control to 
next Realm commands. Probably you need to place this command after Realm 
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: sim
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

у меня точно такая же проблема, в настройках везде UTF-8, search.htm тоже в 
UTF-8, все результаты UTF-8. Вокруг битых символов все вроде нормально. Что еще 
можно посмотреть или сделать?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Задать секцию внутри body для ограничения результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: sim
Subject: Задать секцию внутри body для ограничения результатов

Возможно ли, используя заданную в HTML некую подсекцию, как-то так:

ограничить поиск только этой областью? Просто на сайте в начале body 
повторяющиеся фрагменты, не хочется, чтобы они индексировались.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

Какая кодировка у sql-базы, соответствует ли она LocalCharset ?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Задать секцию внутри body для ограничения результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Задать секцию внутри body для ограничения результатов

Да, командой Section можно задать регулярное выражение для вычленения значения 
секции из тела документа. Например так:
Section Goodone 3 128 !--searcharea[^\]*--(.*) !--/searcharea[^\]*-- 

См. http://www.dataparksearch.org/dpsearch-indexcmd.ru.html#section_cmd

Вы также можете использовать один из поддерживамых видов комментариев для 
исключения неугодных фрагментов страниц из индексирования. См. 
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: sim
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

вроде да
MySQL-кодировка:  UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
LocalCharset UTF-8

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

Какой dbmode у вас используется ? В какой месте бьются символы (заголовок, 
цитата документа, или в тексте шаблона) ?

Попробуйте указать кодировку явно в параметре charset команды DBAddr:
DBAddr mysql://foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/search/?dbmode=cachecharset=utf8

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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Как сделать по одному результату с домена?

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Как сделать по одному результату с домена?

Группировка результатов по сайту осуществляется командой GroupBySite yes, 
которую можно передавать как CGI-параметр GroupBySite=yes

Что считать сайтом можно задавать командой MaxSiteLevel, см. 

Если dpsearch скомпилирован с группировкой результатов а-ля Google, то число 
страниц с одного сайта в одной группе при группировке задается командой 
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-22 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: sim
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

у меня dbmode=multi
к сожалению, после добавления charset=utf8, русский текст становится нечитаемым
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

Возможно кодировка по-умолчанию при соединении с базой у вас не utf8, в этом 
случа вам необходимо все переиндексировать.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Ограничение кол-ва ссылок

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Ограничение кол-ва ссылок

Максим, подскажите как реализовать блокировку обработки страниц содержащих 
ссылки(внутр./внеш.) более заданного кол-ва?
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Ограничение кол-ва ссылок

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Ограничение кол-ва ссылок

Такой возможности нет.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: sim
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

DBAddr mysql://foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/search/?dbmode=multicharset=utf8
сделал indexer -C и indexer
в таблицах базы (смотрю phpmyadmin) все показывается в UTF-8 корректно, но 
теперь, хотя поиск производится, но весь русский текст - вопросами
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Проблема с выводом результатов

Проверьте, что в вашем поисковом шаблоне устаовлено значение BrowserCharset, 
соответсвующее кодировке вашего веб-сервера.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] thumb pic in search results

2008-11-23 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: mike
Subject: thumb pic in search results


How would it be possible to make something like this in the search results, 

It would be a cool feature I belief,


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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

2008-11-25 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: mod_dpsearch exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Если вы указываете DBAddr в modsearchd.conf, то указывать DBAddr в 
modsearch.htm уже не нужно. Попробуйте убрать DBAddr из modsearch.htm
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-25 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Смотрите сообщения в error_log вашего сервера.
Вы можете проверить работоспособность search.cgi запустив его изкомандной строки
./search.cgi test
test - любой тестовый запрос (ели несколько слов, то в кавычках).
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Тогдапроблема скорее всего в насройках веб-сервера. Смотрите логи, проверьте 
владельца search.cgi и права на его выполнение из-под веб-сервера.
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Альберт
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Я только недавно начал работать с серверами, не могу найти где логи ошибок 
(FreeBSD 6). Права на search.cgi и /cgi-bin/ 777
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Альберт
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Нашел какие-то логи там пишет:
[Tue Nov 25 21:57:50 2008] [error] [client 86.57.***.**] Premature end of 
script headers: search.cgi
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[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Проверьте, чтобы владельцем search.cgi был пользователь, указанный командой 
User в конфиге вашего веб-сервера.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] mysql error

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dearste
Subject: mysql error

how to solve this?

 ./indexer -TWH
indexer[2169]: {00} indexer from dpsearch-4.50-mysql, config test OK with 
indexer[2169]: {00} Writing url data and limits for mysql://[EMAIL 
{sql.c:5486} Query: SELECT i.sval,u.rec_id,u.status FROM url u,urlinfo i WHERE 
u.rec_id=i.url_id AND i.sname='Content-Language' AND u.status0 AND u.rec_id0 
ORDER BY u.rec_id LIMIT 10
SQL-server message: MySQL driver: #1030: Got error 28 from storage 

indexer[2169]: {00} Error: DB err: MySQL driver: #1030: Got error 28 from 
storage engine - MySQL driver: #1030: Got error 28 from storage engine 
indexer[2169]: {00} url data and limits Done
indexer[2169]: {00} Wed 26 23:00:21 [2169] Flushing all buffers...
indexer[2169]: {00} Done
indexer[2169]: {00} Cached buffers flush Done

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: mysql error

2008-11-26 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: mysql error

Probably, you have no space left on one of your partitions. Please check disk 
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: thumb pic in search results

2008-11-27 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: mike
Subject: Re: thumb pic in search results

It works so easy and it looks so good!


Thank you!
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-11-29 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Альберт
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Можно поподробнее?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Выдача результатов search.htm

2008-11-29 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: Выдача результатов search.htm

Спасибо разработчикам за труды, отличная поисковая система.

В выдаче результатов нет найденых слов, они правильно найдены (в кэш копии есть 
они), а в выдаче нет.

Вот и у вас тоже так 


пробовал изменить значения. но результата это не дало!

# Uncoment this line to change default maximal excerpt size. Default value is 
ExcerptSize 312

# Uncomment this line to change number of characters before and after search 
# in excerpts. Default value is 40.
ExcerptPadding 60

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites

2008-11-29 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: mike
Subject: how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites

How would we go about having an option to search for audio, video, images or 
Any indepth support would be awesome!
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Хостинг

2008-12-01 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Flo
Subject: Хостинг

Какие минимальные требования к хостингу для DataparkSearch?
Может ли он работать на виртуальном выделенном сервере:

- Дисковое пространство (Гб):10
- Вычислительная мощность: 2×800 (Эквивалентна серверу с N процессорами Xeon с 
частотой X МГц)
- RAM, Мб (гарантировано):1024
- Ubuntu 8.04

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites

2008-12-01 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: mike
Subject: Re: how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites


Thanks.. but I meant, how can we organize the search results to display them 
seperate, or to search for them seperatly?

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Хостинг

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Flo
Subject: Re: Хостинг

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: how to sort audio, video, images, plain sites

You can setup several search databases with different SQL-databases and 
different values for VarDir and index multimedia data in these databases.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Подключение удаленных индексаторов

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: Подключение удаленных индексаторов

indexer.conf (удаленный) в точности повторяет оригинальный, за исключением

DBAddr pgsql://***:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/***/?dbmode=cachecached=localhost:7000

DBAddr pgsql://***:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/***/?dbmode=cachecached=ip_host:7000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Выдача результатов search.htm

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: Re: Выдача результатов search.htm

Отвечу сам себе, сделал :)

В indexer.conf установил значения в 100 раз большие касаемых размера документов.

В search.cgi  опытным путём (методом научного тыка)

# Uncoment this line to change default maximal excerpt size. Default value is 
ExcerptSize 1

# Uncomment this line to change number of characters before and after search 
# in excerpts. Default value is 40.
ExcerptPadding 30

# Uncomment this line to specify maximum IdexDocSizeLimit value specified in 
IndexDocSizeLimit 6553600

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Подключение удаленных индексаторов

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: Подключение удаленных индексаторов

понеслась родная
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] search.htm использвание трех баз и разбиение на категории.

2008-12-02 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: search.htm использвание трех баз  и разбиение на категории.


Не могу понять:

1. Как в search.htm указать более одной базы?
В документации не нашёл.

2. А можно ли сделать так, чтобы можно было на странице поисковика сделать 
несколько секций и для каждой своя база.

Т. е.  Поиск по  -- 1. Интернет (база DBAddr  mysql://user:[EMAIL 

  2. Site1  (база DBAddr  mysql://user:[EMAIL 

  3. Site2  (база DBAddr  mysql://user:[EMAIL 

В форме поиска на сайте выбирается список, которому соответствует своя база.

Что нужно прописать в internet_indexer.conf, site1_indexer.conf, 
site2_indexer.conf и в search.htm?
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: search.htm использвание трех баз и разбиение на категории.

2008-12-03 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: search.htm использвание трех баз  и разбиение на категории.

Для каждой из трех баз нужно создать отдельный файл indexer.conf и 
индексировать каждую базу в отдельности. В search.htm (или searchd.conf) нужно 
указать все три базы, одну из которых нужно выбрать главной и указать её DBAddr 
первым. Для остальных баз в DBAddr нужно указать параметр label. После этого 
задавая соответствующее значение CGI-параметру label=, передаваемому 
search.cgi можно выбирать базу, по которой осуществляется поиск. Если параметр 
label= не указан или его значение нулевое, поиск осуществляется по главному 
DBAddr (для которого label не указан).

Если вы все три базы укажите без присвоения label, то поиск при неуказанном 
CGI-параметре label будет осуществляться по всем трем базам, результаты поиска 
по ним - объединены. Таким образом, вспомогательные базы вы можете указать 
дважды, без задания label и с указанием параметра label для них.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: segfault in storedoc.cgi

2008-12-04 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: segfault in storedoc.cgi

возможно вам нужно включить создание посмертных дампов на вашей системе. 
Попробуйте дать команду 
limits -c unlimited
для пользователя из-под которого запускается storedoc.cgi
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: search.htm использвание трех баз и разбиение на категории.

2008-12-04 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: Re: search.htm использвание трех баз  и разбиение на категории.

Спасибо , Maxime!

Не знал точно где прописать параметр label , точнее после чего.
Нашёл здесь ответ) 

ещё очень немаловажно в параметрах для каждой базы должен быть свой vardir
прописал, уррра, всё работает, две базы сейчас подключены, сделал вот так в 

#  Основная база
DBAddr  mysql://user:[EMAIL 
#  Дополнительная база
DBAddr  mysql://user:[EMAIL 

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Core was generated by indexer

2008-12-04 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Core was generated by indexer


GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as amd64-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols 
Core was generated by `indexer'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so
Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15
Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.4
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libpq.so.5...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libpq.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypt.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypt.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libssl.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libssl.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypto.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypto.so.5
Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
#0  0x0008006ccb44 in DpsVarListFind () from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
[New Thread 0x802002a80 (LWP 100417)]
[New Thread 0x802002900 (LWP 100378)]
[New Thread 0x802002780 (LWP 100351)]
[New Thread 0x802002600 (LWP 100340)]
[New Thread 0x802002480 (LWP 100337)]
[New Thread 0x802002180 (LWP 100205)]
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 6 (Thread 0x802002180 (LWP 100205)):
#0  0x00080198659c in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1  0x000801986545 in usleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2  0x0008009ee268 in usleep () from /lib/libthr.so.3
#3  0x00406097 in ?? ()
#4  0x00407255 in ?? ()
#5  0x00402e3e in ?? ()
#6  0x000800532000 in ?? ()
#7  0x in ?? ()
#8  0x in ?? ()
#9  0x0004 in ?? ()
#10 0x7fffe890 in ?? ()
#11 0x7fffe898 in ?? ()
#12 0x7fffe89b in ?? ()
#13 0x7fffe89e in ?? ()
#14 0x in ?? ()
#15 0x7fffe8c3 in ?? ()
#16 0x7fffe8dd in ?? ()
#17 0x7fffe8e9 in ?? ()
#18 0x7fffe8f3 in ?? ()
#19 0x7fffe905 in ?? ()
#20 0x7fffe913 in ?? ()
#21 0x7fffecfa in ?? ()
#22 0x7fffed08 in ?? ()
#23 0x7fffed13 in ?? ()
#24 0x7fffee98 in ?? ()
#25 0x7fffeeaf in ?? ()
#26 0x7fffeec4 in ?? ()
#27 0x7fffeed6 in ?? ()
#28 0x7fffeef3 in ?? ()
#29 0x7fffef0e in ?? ()
#30 0x7fffef25 in ?? ()
#31 0x7fffef38 in ?? ()
#32 0x7fffef59 in ?? ()
#33 0x7fffef61 in ?? ()
#34 0x7fffef80 in ?? ()
#35 0x7fffef8d in ?? ()
#36 0x7fffef96 in ?? ()
#37 0x7fffefa1 in ?? ()
#38 0x in ?? ()
#39 0x0003 in ?? ()
#40 0x00400040 in ?? ()
#41 0x0004 in ?? ()
#42 0x0038 in ?? ()

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки http://www.dataparksearch.org/

2008-12-04 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки 

Maxime, а возможно ли сделать такое?


DataparkSearch Engine - open source search engine - [ Перевести эту страницу 
]DataparkSearch Engine is a full-featured open sources web-based search engine 
released under the GNU General Public License and designed to organize search 
www.dataparksearch.org/ - 13k - Сохранено в кэше - Похожие страницы

Чтобы при запросе некоторых ключевых слов или доменов выдавались результаты не 
по ревалентности и дате и прочее, а чтобы сразу ссылка на главнуюю страницу 


при запросе google
выдавалось http://www.google.ru/

при запросе dataparksearch
выдавалось http://www.dataparksearch.org/

вот это было бы здорово, если нужно в файле синонимов что-то прописать или 
что-то новое создать, сделаю!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки http://www.dataparksearch.org/

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки 

У вас в файле sections.conf уже указана секция url.host или url ?
Если нет, добавьте url.host и переиндексируйте. Если указана секция url, 
добавьте секцию url.host и также переиндексируйте.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Core was generated by indexer

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Core was generated by indexer

Is this the full gdb output ? It shows six threads running, but the listing 
provided for only one thread.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Core was generated by indexer

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: zabar
Subject: Re: Core was generated by indexer

Странно, было 10 нитей

Привожу новую кору для 15 нитей
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as amd64-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols 
Core was generated by `indexer'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so
Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15
Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypt.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypt.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
#0  0x00080180e1de in free () from /lib/libc.so.7
[New Thread 0x801b03980 (LWP 100449)]
[New Thread 0x801b03800 (LWP 100447)]
[New Thread 0x801b03680 (LWP 100441)]
[New Thread 0x801b03500 (LWP 100437)]
[New Thread 0x801b03380 (LWP 100434)]
[New Thread 0x801b03200 (LWP 100431)]
[New Thread 0x801b03080 (LWP 100424)]
[New Thread 0x801b02f00 (LWP 100416)]
[New Thread 0x801b02d80 (LWP 100414)]
[New Thread 0x801b02c00 (LWP 100368)]
[New Thread 0x801b02a80 (LWP 100346)]
[New Thread 0x801b02900 (LWP 100340)]
[New Thread 0x801b02780 (LWP 100337)]
[New Thread 0x801b02600 (LWP 100333)]
[New Thread 0x801b02480 (LWP 100292)]
[New Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100389)]
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 16 (Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100389)):
#0  0x00080185e59c in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1  0x00080182f418 in sleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2  0x0008009ed358 in sleep () from /lib/libthr.so.3
#3  0x0040613f in ?? ()
#4  0x00407255 in ?? ()
#5  0x00402e3e in ?? ()
#6  0x000800532000 in ?? ()
#7  0x in ?? ()
#8  0x0006 in ?? ()
#9  0x7fffe888 in ?? ()
#10 0x7fffe890 in ?? ()
#11 0x7fffe893 in ?? ()
#12 0x7fffe896 in ?? ()
#13 0x7fffe899 in ?? ()
#14 0x7fffe89c in ?? ()
#15 0x in ?? ()
#16 0x7fffe8c1 in ?? ()
#17 0x7fffe8db in ?? ()
#18 0x7fffe8e7 in ?? ()
#19 0x7fffe8f1 in ?? ()
#20 0x7fffe903 in ?? ()
#21 0x7fffe911 in ?? ()
#22 0x7fffecf8 in ?? ()
#23 0x7fffed06 in ?? ()
#24 0x7fffed11 in ?? ()
#25 0x7fffee96 in ?? ()
#26 0x7fffeead in ?? ()
#27 0x7fffeec2 in ?? ()
#28 0x7fffeed4 in ?? ()
#29 0x7fffeef1 in ?? ()
#30 0x7fffef0c in ?? ()
#31 0x7fffef23 in ?? ()
#32 0x7fffef36 in ?? ()
#33 0x7fffef57 in ?? ()
#34 0x7fffef5f in ?? ()
#35 0x7fffef7e in ?? ()
#36 0x7fffef8b in ?? ()
#37 0x7fffef94 in ?? ()
#38 0x7fffef9f in ?? ()
#39 0x in ?? ()
#40 0x0003 in ?? ()
#41 0x00400040 in ?? ()
#42 0x0004 in ?? ()

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] bugs in indexer (importing)

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: alex
Subject: bugs in indexer (importing)

hi (maxime)

I'm trying to feed some urls to indexer via (-i -f) and if I have the Robots On 
it will take some time to load them, but if I put Robots Off it will do it 
quite quickly.

with Robots on it's fetching the robots.txt for every new url; why is it doing 
so when -n 0 (to stop at 0 indexed pages)

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: rutube youtube

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Re: rutube  youtube

rutube похоже выдачу изменил т.к. последнее время нового в индекс не попадает
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: dzutaro
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi


найдите конфиг апача, например, у меня во FreeBSD, он лежит тут:


в нем должна быть строка вида

   SuexecUserGroup albert albert

перейдите в папку с search.cgi и выполните для него следующие команды:

chown albert:albert search.cgi
chmod 555 search.cgi
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки http://www.dataparksearch.org/

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Ivan Sokolov
Subject: Re: При запросе dataparksearch, чтобы выдавало первые ссылки 

 At 11:21:58  05/12/08, Maxime wrote:
У вас в файле sections.conf уже указана секция url.host или url ?
Если нет, добавьте url.host и переиндексируйте. Если указана секция url, 
добавьте секцию url.host и также переиндексируйте.

Раскомментировал url и url.host поставил 2048
Очень хорошо :)
Спасибо, все так и есть.
Только пришлось переиндексировать.

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

2008-12-05 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: alex
Subject: Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

well, with this config I want to seed some urls to the indexer, limit the range 
with Realm, let the indexer to jump out of the initial urls but maintain itself 
inside the realm.

how can it be done? (properly :-)
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

2008-12-06 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: alex
Subject: Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

if I feed the urls via URL will it complain about the missing server for them?

Server world url

seems to allow indexing of additional/imported urls.

Anyway, there are 2 bugs more:

1. in the indexer.conf, * in string matches or regex is greedy, meaning it 
won't match as desired. one should use .*?SMTH instead of .*SMTH in regexp to 
match anythingSMTH otherwise will just match anything

2. Realm seems to be ignored (doesn't work as advertised). disallow will do the 
job instead
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-12-07 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Альберт
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Проделал все как вы написали, не работает! :(
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] 4.51-07122008 compile error

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: Fox
Subject: 4.51-07122008 compile error

h.lo mod_dpsearch.c  touch mod_dpsearch.slo
mod_dpsearch.c: In function 'dpstoredoc_handler':
mod_dpsearch.c:163: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target 
mod_dpsearch.c:199: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
mod_dpsearch.c:295: warning: initialization discards qualifiers from pointer 
target type
mod_dpsearch.c: In function 'dpsearch_handler':
mod_dpsearch.c:548: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target 
mod_dpsearch.c:585: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
touch: setting times of `mod_dpsearch.slo': Function not implemented
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
make[2]: *** [mod_dpsearch.so] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/indexer/src/dpsearch-4.51-07122008/src'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: bugs in indexer (crawling)

If you feed the urls with URL command, you should have appropriate 
Server/Realm/Subnet command defined to have these urls accepted for indexing. 
Otherwise, you may feed these urls with Server page' command:
Server page url1
Server page url2

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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: bugs in indexer (importing)

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: bugs in indexer (importing)

By default, DataparkSearch checks urls against robots.txt rules before insert 
them into database. You may switch this by FastHrefCheck yes command in the 
latest snapshot.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Вывод searchd.core

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
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Name: zabar
Subject: Вывод searchd.core


gdb searchd /tmp/searchd.core
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as amd64-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols 
Core was generated by `searchd'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so
Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15
Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypt.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypt.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
#0  0x000801806df3 in _pthread_mutex_init_calloc_cb () from /lib/libc.so.7
[New Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100211)]
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 1 (Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100211)):
#0  0x000801806df3 in _pthread_mutex_init_calloc_cb () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1  0x00080180b85d in _pthread_mutex_init_calloc_cb () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2  0x00080180c473 in free () from /lib/libc.so.7
#3  0x0008006d8e33 in DpsResultFree () from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
#4  0x00404e31 in ?? ()
#5  0x0040548c in ?? ()
#6  0x004068a6 in ?? ()
#7  0x00402d6e in ?? ()
#8  0x00080053 in ?? ()
#9  0x in ?? ()
#10 0x0004 in ?? ()
#11 0x7fffef10 in ?? ()
#12 0x7fffef28 in ?? ()
#13 0x7fffef2b in ?? ()
#14 0x7fffef47 in ?? ()
#15 0x in ?? ()
#16 0x7fffef6c in ?? ()
#17 0x7fffef76 in ?? ()
#18 0x7fffef81 in ?? ()
#19 0x7fffef8e in ?? ()
#20 0x7fffefa1 in ?? ()
#21 0x7fffefaf in ?? ()
#22 0x in ?? ()
#23 0x0003 in ?? ()
#24 0x00400040 in ?? ()
#25 0x0004 in ?? ()
#26 0x0038 in ?? ()
#27 0x0005 in ?? ()
#28 0x0007 in ?? ()
#29 0x0006 in ?? ()
#30 0x1000 in ?? ()
#31 0x0008 in ?? ()
#32 0x in ?? ()
#33 0x0009 in ?? ()
#34 0x00402ce0 in ?? ()
#35 0x0007 in ?? ()
#36 0x000800508000 in ?? ()
#37 0x in ?? ()
#38 0x in ?? ()
#39 0x in ?? ()
#40 0x in ?? ()
#41 0x in ?? ()
#42 0x in ?? ()

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Maxime
Subject: Re: Не работает файл search.cgi

Проверьте, пишутся ли и какие сообщения в suexec_log при запуске search.cgi 
из-под браузера.
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Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Re: 4.51-07122008 compile error

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: Fox
Subject: Re: 4.51-07122008 compile error

./configure --prefix=/home/indexer/dpsearch --enable-shared --enable-pthreads 
--disable-parser --without-aspell --enable-file
 --enable-http --enable-ftp --disable-news --with-pgsql --enable-googlegrp 
--with-zlib --enable-apache-module
/usr/sbin/apxs -c -o mod_dpsearch.so -I./../include 
-I/usr/include/postgresql/libpq-4  -Wc,-O2 -pipe -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs  
-I/usr/include/apr-1  -DAPACHE2 \
-DDPS_VAR_DIR=\\\/home/indexer/dpsearch/var\\\ \
 mod_dpsearch.c --shared libdpsearch_mod.la libdpcharset.la ;
/usr/bin/libtool --silent --mode=compile x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -prefer-pic 
-O2 -pipe -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs  -DLINUX=2 -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE 
-pthread -I/usr/include/apache2  -I/usr/include/apr-1   -I/usr/include/apr-1 
-I/usr/include/db4.5 -O2 -pipe -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs  -I/usr/include/apr-1  
-I./../include -I/usr/include/postgresql/libpq-4 -DAPACHE2 
-DDPS_VAR_DIR=\/home/indexer/dpsearch/var\  -c -o mod_dpsearch.lo 
mod_dpsearch.c  touch mod_dpsearch.slo
mod_dpsearch.c: In function 'dpstoredoc_handler':
mod_dpsearch.c:163: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target 
mod_dpsearch.c:199: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
mod_dpsearch.c:295: warning: initialization discards qualifiers from pointer 
target type
mod_dpsearch.c: In function 'dpsearch_handler':
mod_dpsearch.c:548: warning: assignment discards qualifiers from pointer target 
mod_dpsearch.c:585: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
touch: setting times of `mod_dpsearch.slo': Function not implemented
apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536
make[2]: *** [mod_dpsearch.so] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/indexer/src/dpsearch-4.51-07122008/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/indexer/src/dpsearch-4.51-07122008/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

[dataparksearch] [Forum] Вывод indexer.core

2008-12-08 Пенетрантность DataparkSearchForum
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name: zabar
Subject: Вывод indexer.core

gdb indexer /tmp/indexer.core
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for details.
This GDB was configured as amd64-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols 
Core was generated by `indexer'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpsearch-4.so
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libdpcharset-4.so
Reading symbols from /lib/libthr.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libthr.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libcares.so.1
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libaspell.so.16
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.8
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3...(no debugging symbols 
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.3
Reading symbols from /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15...(no debugging 
symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /usr/local/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.15
Reading symbols from /lib/libcrypt.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libcrypt.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libm.so.5...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libm.so.5
Reading symbols from /lib/libz.so.4...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libz.so.4
Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.7...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.7
Reading symbols from /lib/libgcc_s.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
Reading symbols from /libexec/ld-elf.so.1...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /libexec/ld-elf.so.1
#0  0x0008018755eb in strncmp () from /lib/libc.so.7
[New Thread 0x801b03c80 (LWP 100466)]
[New Thread 0x801b03b00 (LWP 100464)]
[New Thread 0x801b03980 (LWP 100461)]
[New Thread 0x801b03800 (LWP 100455)]
[New Thread 0x801b03680 (LWP 100452)]
[New Thread 0x801b03500 (LWP 100448)]
[New Thread 0x801b03380 (LWP 100443)]
[New Thread 0x801b03200 (LWP 100438)]
[New Thread 0x801b03080 (LWP 100434)]
[New Thread 0x801b02f00 (LWP 100432)]
[New Thread 0x801b02d80 (LWP 100425)]
[New Thread 0x801b02c00 (LWP 100418)]
[New Thread 0x801b02a80 (LWP 100386)]
[New Thread 0x801b02900 (LWP 100357)]
[New Thread 0x801b02780 (LWP 100353)]
[New Thread 0x801b02600 (LWP 100349)]
[New Thread 0x801b02480 (LWP 100272)]
[New Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100335)]
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 18 (Thread 0x801b02180 (LWP 100335)):
#0  0x00080185e59c in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#1  0x00080182f418 in sleep () from /lib/libc.so.7
#2  0x0008009ef358 in sleep () from /lib/libthr.so.3
#3  0x0040613f in ?? ()
#4  0x00407255 in ?? ()
#5  0x00402e3e in ?? ()
#6  0x000800532000 in ?? ()
#7  0x in ?? ()
#8  0x in ?? ()
#9  0x0006 in ?? ()
#10 0x7fffe890 in ?? ()
#11 0x7fffe898 in ?? ()
#12 0x7fffe89b in ?? ()
#13 0x7fffe89e in ?? ()
#14 0x7fffe8a1 in ?? ()
#15 0x7fffe8a4 in ?? ()
#16 0x in ?? ()
#17 0x7fffe8c9 in ?? ()
#18 0x7fffe8e3 in ?? ()
#19 0x7fffe8ef in ?? ()
#20 0x7fffe8f9 in ?? ()
#21 0x7fffe90b in ?? ()
#22 0x7fffe919 in ?? ()
#23 0x7fffed00 in ?? ()
#24 0x7fffed0e in ?? ()
#25 0x7fffed19 in ?? ()
#26 0x7fffee9e in ?? ()
#27 0x7fffeeb5 in ?? ()
#28 0x7fffeec9 in ?? ()
#29 0x7fffeedb in ?? ()
#30 0x7fffeef8 in ?? ()
#31 0x7fffef13 in ?? ()
#32 0x7fffef2a in ?? ()
#33 0x7fffef3d in ?? ()
#34 0x7fffef5e in ?? ()
#35 0x7fffef66 in ?? ()
#36 0x7fffef85 in ?? ()
#37 0x7fffef92 in ?? ()
#38 0x7fffef9b in ?? ()
#39 0x7fffefa6 in ?? ()
#40 0x in ?? ()
#41 0x0003 in ?? ()
#42 0x00400040 in ?? ()

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Read the full topic here:

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