Re: "The default datetime format for the object’s locale"

2012-10-24 Thread N Heinrichs
Short answer: As of DateTime v0.72 on my local machine, %c is not
directly configurable.

A little more info:

%c is hardcoded to use the locale's `datetime_format_default` (search
for "strftime_patterns" in

DateTime::Locale::ko does not override 'datetime_format_default'. Nor
does it override 'default_date_format_length', or
'default_time_format_length', both of which default to 'medium' (see

DT:Loc:ko's "medium" date/time formats are "\.\ M\.\ d\." and "a\
h\:mm\:ss", which is why you get the output below.

So without modifying/overriding DateTime::Locale::ko, or dropping your
use of %c in favor of a custom formatter, it may be difficult to fix
your problem.

If the locale's definitions for the 'medium' formats are
wrong/outdated (see you could
propose an update to the locale class itself, but I am unsure of the
"official" way to do this.


On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 2:36 AM, Bill Moseley  wrote:
> We have been using formats %c, %x and %X for localizing dates based on
> Locale.   Mostly works ok, but for Korean we are getting this:
> 2012. 10. 18. 오후 4:09:05
> where (I've been told) we would like this format:
> 2012년 10월 22일 월요일 오후 01:44 PDT
> Is this formatting done in DateTime?   I'm wondering how we can set the
> default format used by %c for a given locale.
> In a web app what we are currently doing is
> setting DateTime->DefaultLocale() per request.  The DateTime objects are
> inflated from database rows with DBIC.
> --
> Bill Moseley

DateTime::Locale::ja, multiple datetime formats

2012-09-20 Thread N Heinrichs

In CLDR version 1.7.1 [1] (on which DateTime::Locale::ja v0.45 is
based) the 'full' and 'long' datetime formats (incorrectly) differed
from the 'medium' and 'short' ones as follows:

full/long: "{1}{0}"
medium/short: "{1} {0}" (space between date and time)

(As of this bugfix[2] included in CLDR v21, all of the formats in
DT:Loc:ja correctly include the space.)

DT:Loc:Base's _make_datetime_format method does not accommodate
different datetime format: it simply uses the result of
$self->datetime_format (which, for DT:Loc:ja, is hardcoded to

I am not sure if any other locales require multiple datetime styles,
but it is apparent from CLDR's XML that this is supported.

Has anyone else seen a need for multiple datetime style support? Would
it be worthwhile for me to submit a patch for it?

Thanks much,



Re: DateTime performance

2012-05-05 Thread N Heinrichs
++ to using precomposed TZ object (as you observed, supplying only the
name as a string still results in lengthy DT:TZ object creation

If you use them, I would also precompose any necessary Formatter or
Locale objects.

Depending on how you're parsing the date strings and composing the DT
objects, `local $Params::Validate::NO_VALIDATION = 1;` can speed
things up for you.

If you're using a DateTime::Formatter class to parse strings into DT
objects for you, you might investigate using your own regex to chop up
the string and call DT->new directly.

This code (including comments) is from early 2011 and I unfortunately
do not have benchmark data handy:

# NOTE: This method is faster than using DateTime::Formatter::MySQL
# NOTE2: It's also faster than `split m#[ /:T-]#`
$timestamp =~ m!^
(?:\s+)?(\d{4,4})[/-](\d{1,2})[/-](\d{1,2}) # Required date portion
(?:[T\s](\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}))? # Optional time portion
(?:\s?([\w/\+:]+))? # Optional timezone
my ($y, $m, $d, $hr, $min, $sec, $tz) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);

On 4 May 2012 13:20, Philipp K. Janert  wrote:
> On Thursday 03 May 2012 02:14:45 you wrote:
>> > From: Philipp K. Janert []
>> > Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2012 8:29 AM
>> >
>> > Question:
>> >
>> > When using DateTime for a large number of
>> > instances, it becomes a serious performance
>> > drag.
>> ...
>> > Is this expected behavior? And are there access
>> > patterns that I can use to mitigate this effect?
>> > (I tried to supply a time_zone explicitly, but that
>> > does not seem to improve things significantly.)
>> Hi Phillip,
>> My #1 tip is to pre-prepare/cache the DateTime::TimeZone object and pass it
>> in to each creation of a DateTime object (via whatever mechanism you're
>> using to do that). I have seen a case where we were using time_zone =>
>> 'local' in a reasonably tight datetime object creation loop and saw
>> significant speed increases just by cutting out that chunk of processing.
>> In hindsight that was a silly thing to do but it became an easy win :-)
>> I apologise if this is what you meant by supplying a time_zone explicitly
>> in your comment above.
> I have tried to specify the timezone explicitly as a string:
>  $dt = DateTime->new( ..., time_zone => "America/Chicago" )
> which does not seem to help, but I have not tried to do:
>  $tz = DateTime::TimeZone( 'America/Chicago' )
>  $dt = DateTime->new( ..., time_zone => $tz )
> I'll try that the next time I have to process one of my data
> sets again. ;-)
> Thanks for the hint.
>> I can't recommend using a tool like NYTProf highly enough on a run of your
>> tool to spot the low hanging fruit. See
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew

Truncating to 'week' does not take Locale's first_day_of_week into account

2009-12-20 Thread N Heinrichs

I noticed that the truncate method uses $self->day_of_week instead of
$self->local_day_of_week in its "week" calculation.

I'm currently working around this by reimplementing the functionality
in my own code, but if a user has setup a Locale with, e.g. Sunday as
first_day_of_week, then it seems like that value should be used.

Would it be worthwhile for me to submit a patch that checks for the
existence of $self->locale and uses local_day_of_week if a Locale is

Or is this a behavior that I should continue to work around on my own?

Thanks much,

 - N. Heinrichs