Dave Rolsky said:
> The more I think about this the more I'm convinced that the idea of
> datetime subtraction producing something other than seconds is a
> convenient fiction.  Similarly, date subtraction producing something other
> than a count of days is full of potential bugs.

I agree .. let DateTime::Duration just result in these two units so that:

Date     - Date     = d Days
Time     - Time     = s Seconds
DateTime - DateTime = (Date - Date) + (Time - Time) = d Days + s Seconds

Of course, then there's the normalization question:
2005-09-10T12:54 - 2005-09-09T12:57 =
a) 1 days, -180 seconds
b) 86397 seconds

Previously I campaigned for no mixing of negative/positive values in
durations, but now I'd prefer the first option. That way, DST won't matter
so much. On DST change-over I can still add 1 day, -180 seconds to 12:57
and end up on the next day at 12:54. With the second option I'd end up at
1:54 or 11:54.

I guess the first option is the equivelent of the 'Local' arithmetic and
the second is the equiv of UTC arithmetic.

If we limit durations to these two units (days, seconds) then everything
else can be done in DT:F:Duration... You have 30 days, your base is
November 1st, the number of 'months' in this duration is 1. It's December
1st, there's zero months..

I'm not campaigning to see a Duration limited to these two units, just a
substraction resulting in them. A duration can have 3 months, 1 hour.
DT:F:Duration will be able to do a 'normalize' without any
parsing/formatting which will mean that our 30 days from Nov 1st can be
turned into a Month if that's what you tell DT:F:Duration that's how you
want it.

Rick Measham

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