Re: Announce: DBI 1.38 release candidate

2003-08-20 Thread Bjoern Kriews
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 4:49 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:
>I'd be grateful if you could take a moment to try out this
>release candidate of DBI 1.38:
Tim, thanks for including the HandleError stuff.

For the list:
It was an esoteric problem when there was a readonly return value (i.e. 
in outitems when you were trying to manipulate it in a HandleError sub.
Tim fixed it to check for that and sv2_mortal() it if required.

perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions'
  Perl: 5.008001 (RC2, threaded)
  OS  : darwin
  DBI : 1.38
  DBD::mysql  : 2.9002
  DBD::Sponge : 11.09
  DBD::ExampleP   : 11.10
All tests passed.

DBD::mysql complains about "do" and "rows" being doubly defined
in mysql.xs which I think it didn't do with 1.37 but I will
verify this with a possibly newer version tomorrow - this
one doesn't pass all tests against mysql 4.1.0 anyway.
I will feed it to a bunch of coworkers on our heavily
used test environment.
Regards, Bjoern

Re: Announce: DBI 1.38 release candidate

2003-08-20 Thread Bjoern Kriews
On Wednesday, August 20, 2003, at 11:45 PM, David Wheeler wrote:
Yes, but there are still the other ones:
> cc1: warning: changing search order for system directory 
> cc1: warning:   as it has already been specified as a non-system 
> DBI.xs: In function `dbih_clearcom':
> DBI.xs:978: warning: unused variable `Perl___notused'

wrt the include warning:
I assume you have perl in /usr/local ?
Apples gcc is nitpicking here but is has a point about search order.
wrt the other warnings:
I use apples gcc-3.3  (available on after free reg)
and I don't see any warnings (but I am not in /usr/local).
Regards, Bjoern

readonly return value in HandleError (+start of a patch)

2003-06-14 Thread Bjoern Kriews
Hi !

Following the DBI docs a coworker of mine tried to modify the return 
($_[2]) in a HandleError sub to implement automatic retry on error.

This works as documented with DBI::ExampleP and DBD::mysqlPP but not
with DBD::mysql (and presumably all Driver.xst based DBDs).
DBD::mysql uses DBIs Driver.xst Template to build itself and therefore
uses (among others) XST_mUNDEF to return an error condition.
This return value has the READONLY flag set and is aliased into the
HandleError-subs @_ by XS_DBI_dispatch.
Apparently the $_[2] access in the handler silently creates a local copy
to work on, while I would expect something like
"attempt to modify read-only value". (Why not ?)
My XS-knowledge is _very_ limited but I tried the following patch
(to the execute method only) and it fixes our testcase:
--- DBI-1.37/Driver.xst Tue May 13 16:00:10 2003
+++ DBI-1.37-test/Driver.xstSat Jun 14 12:49:44 2003
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 if (retval == 0)   /* ok with no rows affected */
XST_mPV(0, "0E0");  /* (true but zero)  */
 else if (retval < -1)  /* -1 == unknown number of rows */
-   XST_mUNDEF(0);  /* <= -2 means error*/
+   ST(0) = sv_newmortal(); /* <= -2 means error*/
XST_mIV(0, retval); /* typically 1, rowcount or -1  */
IMHO this is a slight problem with the HandleError interface,
I would suggest that XS_DBI_dispatch makes sure that READONLY SVs
on the return stack are replaced by a writable copy
before passing them to the handler, otherwise this will happen
Can someone with more experience please comment on this ?

Thank you very much, regards,


Testcase follows:

DBI 1.37, DBD::mysql 1.1027, perl 5.8.0 DEVEL 17013, Mac OS X 10.2.6,
also on 5.6.1 Linux x86
-- 8< --

use DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Devel::Peek;
sub handler {
warn Dumper( [EMAIL PROTECTED] );
 warn "before\n"; Dump( $_[2] );
 $_[2] = 42;
 warn "after\n"; Dump( $_[2] );
 return 1;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:host=localhost", undef, undef,
   { HandleError => \&handler } );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("GNARZ");
my $r = $sth->execute;