
in an older version of DBI (i think it was 1.43) there was an warning
in line 1317.
"Use of uninitialized value in concatencation (.) or string at..."

in the 1.47 Version the bug is fixed in an (for me) unclean way:

my $key =  do{ local $^W; # silence undef warnings

if fixed that problem in another way with map.
I think it is the better way to do it.

my $key = join "~~", $dsn, $user||'', $auth||'', map { defined $_ ? $_ : '' } $attr ? ( @attr_keys, @[EMAIL PROTECTED] ) : ();

My patch is attached.

Regardz Jens Hinrichs

Attachment: DBI_1.47_patched.diff
Description: Binary data

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