        I've attached two patches.  Both involve the meta data returned by


*** /usr/local/src/.cpan/build/DBD-Pg-1.11/   Tue Mar 19 20:46:56 2002
---       Mon Apr  8 22:36:12 2002
*** 146,169 ****
      sub table_info {         # DBI spec: TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, 
          my($dbh) = @_;
!         my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
!             SELECT c.reltype, u.usename, c.relname, 'TABLE', '' 
!             FROM pg_class c, pg_user u 
!             WHERE c.relkind = 'r' 
!             AND   c.relhasrules = FALSE
!             AND   c.relname !~ '^pg_' 
!             AND   c.relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' 
!             AND   c.relowner = u.usesysid 
!             SELECT c.reltype, u.usename, c.relname, 'VIEW', '' 
!             FROM pg_class c, pg_user u 
!             WHERE c.relkind = 'r' 
              AND   c.relhasrules = TRUE
              AND   c.relname !~ '^pg_' 
              AND   c.relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' 
              AND   c.relowner = u.usesysid 
!             ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
!         ") or return undef;
          $sth->execute or return undef;
--- 146,186 ----
      sub table_info {         # DBI spec: TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME, 
          my($dbh) = @_;
!         my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
!                       SELECT
!                         NULL::text            AS "TABLE_CAT"
!                       , u.usename     AS "TABLE_SCHEM"
!                       , c.relname     AS "TABLE_NAME"
!                       , 'TABLE'       AS "TABLE_TYPE"
!                       , d.description AS "REMARKS"
!                       FROM pg_user u
!                       , pg_class c
!                         LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description  AS d
!                         ON c.relfilenode  =  d.objoid and d.objsubid = 0
!                       WHERE c.relkind     =  'r'
!                       AND   c.relhasrules =  FALSE
!                       AND   c.relname     !~ '^pg_'
!                       AND   c.relname     !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+'
!                       AND   c.relowner    =  u.usesysid
!             SELECT 
!                                 NULL::text
!                               , u.usename
!                               , c.relname
!                               , 'VIEW'
!                               , d.description 
!             FROM 
!                                 pg_user u
!                               , pg_class c
!                                 LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_description  AS d
!                                       ON c.relfilenode = d.objoid and d.objsubid = 0
!             WHERE c.relkind = 'v' 
              AND   c.relhasrules = TRUE
              AND   c.relname !~ '^pg_' 
              AND   c.relname !~ '^xin[vx][0-9]+' 
              AND   c.relowner = u.usesysid 
!             ORDER BY 2, 3, 4
!         }) or return undef;
          $sth->execute or return undef;
*** 174,180 ****
          my($dbh) = @_;
          my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
!             select relname 
              from   pg_class 
              where  relkind = 'r' 
              and    relname !~ '^pg_' 
--- 191,197 ----
          my($dbh) = @_;
          my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
!             select relname  AS \"TABLE_NAME\"
              from   pg_class 
              where  relkind = 'r' 
              and    relname !~ '^pg_' 
*** 264,286 ****
      sub type_info_all {
          my ($dbh) = @_;
!       my $names = {
!           TYPE_NAME           => 0,
!           DATA_TYPE           => 1,
!           PRECISION           => 2,
!           LITERAL_PREFIX      => 3,
!           LITERAL_SUFFIX      => 4,
!           CREATE_PARAMS               => 5,
!           NULLABLE            => 6,
!           CASE_SENSITIVE      => 7,
!           SEARCHABLE          => 8,
!           UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE  => 9,
!           MONEY                       =>10,
!           AUTO_INCREMENT      =>11,
!           LOCAL_TYPE_NAME     =>12,
!           MINIMUM_SCALE               =>13,
!           MAXIMUM_SCALE               =>14,
!         };
        #  typname       |typlen|typprtlen|    SQL92
        #  --------------+------+---------+    -------
--- 281,324 ----
      sub type_info_all {
          my ($dbh) = @_;
!       #my $names = {
!     #      TYPE_NAME          => 0,
!     #      DATA_TYPE          => 1,
!     #      PRECISION          => 2,
!     #      LITERAL_PREFIX     => 3,
!     #      LITERAL_SUFFIX     => 4,
!     #      CREATE_PARAMS              => 5,
!     #      NULLABLE           => 6,
!     #      CASE_SENSITIVE     => 7,
!     #      SEARCHABLE         => 8,
!     #      UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE => 9,
!     #      MONEY                      =>10,
!     #      AUTO_INCREMENT     =>11,
!     #      LOCAL_TYPE_NAME    =>12,
!     #      MINIMUM_SCALE              =>13,
!     #      MAXIMUM_SCALE              =>14,
!     #    };
!       my $names =
!                       {   TYPE_NAME         => 0,
!                               DATA_TYPE         => 1,
!                               COLUMN_SIZE       => 2,     # was PRECISION originally
!                               LITERAL_PREFIX    => 3,
!                               LITERAL_SUFFIX    => 4,
!                               CREATE_PARAMS     => 5,
!                               NULLABLE          => 6,
!                               CASE_SENSITIVE    => 7,
!                               SEARCHABLE        => 8,
!                               UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE=> 9,
!                               FIXED_PREC_SCALE  => 10,    # was MONEY originally
!                               AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE => 11,    # was AUTO_INCREMENT 
!                               LOCAL_TYPE_NAME   => 12,
!                               MINIMUM_SCALE     => 13,
!                               MAXIMUM_SCALE     => 14,
!                               NUM_PREC_RADIX    => 15,
!                       };
        #  typname       |typlen|typprtlen|    SQL92
        #  --------------+------+---------+    -------
*** 324,348 ****
            # name          type  prec  prefix suffix  create params null case se 
unsign mon  incr       local   min    max
!           [ 'bytea',        -2, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',     'BYTEA', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'bool',          0,    1,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'BOOLEAN', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int8',          8,   20, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',   'LONGINT', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int2',          5,    5, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',  'SMALLINT', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int4',          4,   10, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',   'INTEGER', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'text',         12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',      'TEXT', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'float4',        6,   12, undef, undef,     'precision', 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',     'FLOAT', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'float8',        7,   24, undef, undef,     'precision', 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',      'REAL', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'abstime',      10,   20,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'ABSTIME', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'reltime',      10,   20,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'RELTIME', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'tinterval',    11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0', 'TINTERVAL', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'money',         0,   24, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '1', '0',     'MONEY', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'bpchar',       12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',    'max length', 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0', 'CHARACTER', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'varchar',      12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',    'max length', 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',   'VARCHAR', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'date',          9,   10,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',      'DATE', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'time',         10,   16,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',      'TIME', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'datetime',     11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',  'DATETIME', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'timespan',     11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',  'INTERVAL', undef, undef ],
!           [ 'timestamp',    10,   19,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0', 'TIMESTAMP', undef, undef ]
            # intentionally omitted: char, all geometric types, all array types
--- 362,387 ----
            # name          type  prec  prefix suffix  create params null case se 
unsign mon  incr       local   min    max
!           [ 'bytea',        -2, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',     'BYTEA', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'bool',          0,    1,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'BOOLEAN', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int8',          8,   20, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',   'LONGINT', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int2',          5,    5, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',  'SMALLINT', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'int4',          4,   10, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',   'INTEGER', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'text',         12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',      'TEXT', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'float4',        6,   12, undef, undef,     'precision', 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',     'FLOAT', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'float8',        7,   24, undef, undef,     'precision', 1, '0', 2,   
'0', '0', '0',      'REAL', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'abstime',      10,   20,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'ABSTIME', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'reltime',      10,   20,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',   'RELTIME', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'tinterval',    11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0', 'TINTERVAL', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'money',         0,   24, undef, undef,           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '1', '0',     'MONEY', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'bpchar',        1, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',    'max length', 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0', 'CHARACTER', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'bpchar',       12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',    'max length', 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0', 'CHARACTER', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'varchar',      12, 4096,  '\'',  '\'',    'max length', 1, '1', 3, 
undef, '0', '0',   'VARCHAR', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'date',          9,   10,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',      'DATE', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'time',         10,   16,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',      'TIME', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'datetime',     11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',  'DATETIME', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'timespan',     11,   47,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0',  'INTERVAL', undef, undef, undef ],
!           [ 'timestamp',    10,   19,  '\'',  '\'',           undef, 1, '0', 2, 
undef, '0', '0', 'TIMESTAMP', undef, undef, undef ]
            # intentionally omitted: char, all geometric types, all array types
*** /usr/local/src/.cpan/build/DBD-Pg-1.11/dbdimp.c.orig        Tue Mar 19 21:30:25 
--- dbdimp.c    Fri Apr  5 17:32:55 2002
*** 794,805 ****
              return 17;                /* bytea */
              if (DBIc_WARN(imp_sth) && imp_sth && name) {
!                 warn("SQL type %d for '%s' is not fully supported, bound as VARCHAR 
              return pg_sql_type(imp_sth, name, SQL_VARCHAR);
  static int
  dbd_rebind_ph (sth, imp_sth, phs)
--- 794,845 ----
              return 17;                /* bytea */
              if (DBIc_WARN(imp_sth) && imp_sth && name) {
!                 warn("SQL type %d for '%s' is not fully supported, bound as VARCHAR 
!                                               sql_type, name);
              return pg_sql_type(imp_sth, name, SQL_VARCHAR);
+ static int
+ sql_pg_type (imp_sth, name, sql_type)
+     imp_sth_t *imp_sth;
+     char *name;
+     int sql_type;
+ {
+     if (dbis->debug >= 1) { 
+               PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, "sql_pg_type name '%s' type '%d'\n", name, 
+sql_type ); 
+       }
+     switch (sql_type) {
+         case   17:            /* bytea */
+               return SQL_BINARY;
+         case   20:            /* int8 */
+               return SQL_DOUBLE;
+         case   21:            /* int2 */
+               return SQL_SMALLINT;
+         case   23:            /* int4 */
+               return SQL_INTEGER;
+         case  700:            /* float4 */
+               return SQL_NUMERIC;
+         case  701:            /* float8 */
+               return SQL_REAL;
+         case 1042:    /* bpchar */
+               return SQL_CHAR;
+         case 1043:    /* varchar */
+               return SQL_VARCHAR;
+         case 1082:    /* date */
+               return SQL_DATE;
+         case 1083:    /* time */
+               return SQL_TIME;
+         case 1296:    /* date */
+               return SQL_TIMESTAMP;
+         default:
+                       return sql_type;
+     }
+ }
  static int
  dbd_rebind_ph (sth, imp_sth, phs)
*** 1504,1510 ****
      STRLEN kl;
      char *key = SvPV(keysv,kl);
!     int i;
      SV *retsv = Nullsv;
      if (dbis->debug >= 1) { PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, "dbd_st_FETCH\n"); }
--- 1544,1550 ----
      STRLEN kl;
      char *key = SvPV(keysv,kl);
!     int i, sz;
      SV *retsv = Nullsv;
      if (dbis->debug >= 1) { PerlIO_printf(DBILOGFP, "dbd_st_FETCH\n"); }
*** 1522,1537 ****
              av_store(av, i, newSVpv(PQfname(imp_sth->result, i),0));
      } else if ( kl== 4 && strEQ(key, "TYPE")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
          retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)av));
          while(--i >= 0) {
!             av_store(av, i, newSViv(PQftype(imp_sth->result, i)));
!         }
      } else if (kl==9 && strEQ(key, "PRECISION")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
          retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)av));
          while(--i >= 0) {
!             av_store(av, i, &sv_undef);
      } else if (kl==5 && strEQ(key, "SCALE")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
--- 1562,1581 ----
              av_store(av, i, newSVpv(PQfname(imp_sth->result, i),0));
      } else if ( kl== 4 && strEQ(key, "TYPE")) {
+               /* Need to convert the Pg type to ANSI/SQL type. */
          AV *av = newAV();
          retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)av));
          while(--i >= 0) {
!             av_store(av, i, newSViv(sql_pg_type( imp_sth,
!                                                       PQfname(imp_sth->result, i),
PQftype(imp_sth->result, i))));
!               }
      } else if (kl==9 && strEQ(key, "PRECISION")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
          retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)av));
          while(--i >= 0) {
!             sz = PQfsize(imp_sth->result, i);
!             av_store(av, i, sz > 0 ? newSViv(sz) : &sv_undef);
      } else if (kl==5 && strEQ(key, "SCALE")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
*** 1547,1552 ****
--- 1591,1598 ----
      } else if (kl==10 && strEQ(key, "CursorName")) {
          retsv = &sv_undef;
+     } else if (kl==11 && strEQ(key, "RowsInCache")) {
+         retsv = &sv_undef;
      } else if (kl==7 && strEQ(key, "pg_size")) {
          AV *av = newAV();
          retsv = newRV(sv_2mortal((SV*)av));

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