Performance Suggestions

2003-08-16 Thread Grimes, Greg
Working with an Oracle database, there are several ways to fetch rows from table.  In 
terms of performance which best?  Here is a snippet from an existing script, are there 
ways to improve it?
my $sql = qq { SELECT a.duns_num,, c.last_upd, c.start_dt, c.end_dt FROM 
$schema.s_org_ext a, $schema.s_org_ext b,
$schema.s_quote_soln c
WHERE c.serv_accnt_id = b.row_id AND c.inv_accnt_id = a.row_id AND c.action_cd = 
AND c.last_upd >= ? AND c.last_upd < ? $id
ORDER BY c.start_dt};
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
my $rc = $sth->execute($strt,$end);
my $aref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
foreach (@$aref) {
$$_{STOPTIME} = $$_{END_DT};
$$_{STATUS} = 'A';

Would an ref cursor be better?


DBI DB2 - No more handles

2003-08-16 Thread James Collins

Help Tim!!! I'm been backwards, forwards, and all over this code. It is,
admittedly, processing millions of records, and the code is 3808 lines long.
But I am _convinced_ that I Connect to the various database connections at
the beginning of execution, discconect at the end, and in-between cycle
through a process of Prepare, Execute, Fetch or Commit and Finish over and
over of course.

Is there something I can call to clear used statement handles?

I am using Redhat 9 and DB2 Version 8 with the latest fixpacks all
properly bound up and everything. perl-5.8.0-88. Perl Client and DB2 server
are two different machines (Same OS config). Both equalised.

After approxiamately 50,000 iterations, it dies with the below...

prepare SQL statement: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0129E  No more handles.

CLI0129E No more handles.


A call was made to SQLAllocEnv, SQLAllocConnect, or SQLAllocStmt
but no more handles are available in the driver.

User Response:

Call SQLFreeEnv, SQLFreeConnect, or SQLFreeStmt to free up some
handles which are no longer being used in the application.

Re: Apache/Perl/Oracle9i

2003-08-16 Thread Andy Hassall
Kevin Moore wrote:
> I'm attempting to use perl DBI/DBD in a .cgi script to access an
> oracle
> database. I can run the script using perl file.cgi successfully but
> when
> I attempt to execute the same cgi script through apache I receive the
> following:
>>   Software error:
>> install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load
>> '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/DBD/Oracle/'
>> for module DBD::Oracle: cannot open shared object
 It _looks_ like you have a DBD::Oracle compiled against Oracle 8i
libraries, your local environment is set to an 8i ORACLE_HOME (so it works)
but your Apache server either is missing the required paths (ORACLE_HOME,
LD_LIBRARY_PATH) or it's pointing to a 9i home (since you mention 9i in the

Andy Hassall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) icq(5747695) (
Space: disk usage analysis tool (


2003-08-16 Thread Kevin Moore
Hi All

I'm attempting to use perl DBI/DBD in a .cgi script to access an oracle 
database. I can run the script using perl file.cgi successfully but when 
I attempt to execute the same cgi script through apache I receive the 

  Software error:

install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load 
'/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/DBD/Oracle/' for module 
DBD::Oracle: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/ line 206.
at (eval 4) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
at /home/httpd/cgi-bin/signup.cgi line 32
Are there environment variables I need to set to find the path to this 
file, if so, where can I find a list of these variables. The install of 
DBI and DBD were successful. Also, the oracle files/shared library files 
are indeed where they are supposed to be. Thanks for any help.



Re: DBD-Oracle-1.14

2003-08-16 Thread Andy Hassall
Wang, Yuting wrote:
> Hi, is DBD-Oracle-1.14 the latest oracle driver?


> is it compatible with Oracle9i? 


Andy Hassall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) icq(5747695) (
Space: disk usage analysis tool (

error with glibc connecting to mysql database using dbi

2003-08-16 Thread Siddhartha Basu
I am getting this following error in my redhat 9.0 linux box when i am 
trying to connect to the mysql server using the dbi.

install_driver(mysql) failed: Can't load 
for module DBD::mysql: 
symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link 
time reference at 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 229.
 at (eval 2) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected

This is the script that i have used for test purpose

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
my @arr = DBI->available_drivers();

foreach (@arr) {
print $_,"\n";
next if $_ =~ /proxy/i;
my @datasources = DBI->data_sources($_);
foreach my $val(@datasources) {
print "\tData Source is $val\n";
print "\n";
There were no error or problem before my upgradation to redhat 9.0 from 
8.0. Here are the softwares and their corresponding version that i have 
in my system.

I don't know exactly the DBD::mysql version installed in my system. But 
the driver is present as i am getting the man pages wiht 'perldoc 
DBD::mysql and the driver name as available drivers.

Any idea how to solve this problem. And why this happening.

Thanks in advance.


Re: SQL statement to find and delete double entries

2003-08-16 Thread M. Addlework

--- "Morrison, Trevor (Trevor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What would be an SQL statement that will find duplicate order numbers in
> table and then delete them?

Try a google statement, like "sql delete duplicate rows" 

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

RE: Double entries

2003-08-16 Thread Degey, Didier

Have u check the @new_orders used in the foreach where u execute 
The insert

Don't u have a primary key causing an error for duplicate entry ???
It's seems that u've got a db design problem too ...


Didier Degey
System & Network Administrator
TI Automotive Belgium

> -Original Message-
> From: Morrison, Trevor (Trevor) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: samedi 16 août 2003 17:50
> Subject: Double entries
> Hi,
> I am running the latest MySql on a Windows 2000 machine.  I 
> also use the
> control center gui to do all of my work.  I have a Perl program that
> parses online order data and then using Perl's DBI, I write 
> this data to the
> database.  Now,  It all works fine except that each order and 
> that orders' items
> are written twice to the database.  I have looked over my 
> code but only see
> one insert statement for the order information another for 
> the ordered items.  I guess I
> need a fresh set of eyes to see where my error is!
> I have included the code below with the database connection 
> information
> highlighted in red:
> Trevor
> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
> #
> # Main script
> #
> use strict;
> use MivaOrder;
> use Data::Dumper;
> #Use Perl's Database Interface (DBI) with the NySQL module to 
> connect the
> Maverick database
>   use DBI;
>   my %attr = (PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1);
>   my $dbname='maverick';
>   my $dbuser='root';
>   my $dbpass='';
>   my
> $dbh=DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:database=maverick;host=localhost;
> port=3306',"$d
> buser","$dbpass", \%attr) || die  "Unable to connect to 
> database maverick on
> localhost: $DBI::errstr\n";
> my @new_orders;
> #my $email = qw(c:\\maverick\\trevor_trial2.txt);
> open(ORDER,$ARGV[0]) or die "Error opening \"$ARGV[0]\": $!\n";
> my $order = undef;
> while() {
> # Keep appending to the order string until we reach the end 
> of the order.
>   unless(/^Site rating\.\.\: \"/) {
>   $order .= $_ and next;
>   }
>   # We are done with the order.
>   my $obj = MivaOrder->new($order);
>   #print Dumper(\$obj);
>   push @new_orders,$obj;
>   $order = undef;
> }
> my $sth1 =$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO
> miva_retail_orders(wholesale_company,order_number,date,credit_
> card_type,ship
> ped,shiptype,bill_name,bill_company,bill_addr1,bill_addr2,bill
> _city,bill_sta
> te,bill_zip,bill_country,ship_name,ship_addr1,ship_addr2,ship_
> city,ship_stat
> e,ship_zip,ship_country,email,bill_phone_number,bill_phone_num
> ber2,ship_phon
> e_number,ship_phone_number2,sales_tax,shipping_amount,coupon_t
> ype,coupon_amo
> unt,total) VALUES
> (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
> foreach my $new_order(@new_orders) {
> # Enter the database and write the data
> $sth1->execute($new_order->wholesale_company(),$new_order->ord
> er_number(),$n
> ew_order->date(),$new_order->credit_card_type(),$new_order->sh
> ipped(),$new_o
> rder->ship_type(),$new_order->bill_name(),$new_order->bill_com
> pany_name(),$n
> ew_order->bill_to_street(),$new_order->bill_to_street2(),$new_
> order->bill_to
> _city(),$new_order->bill_to_state(),$new_order->bill_to_zip(),
> $new_order->bi
> ll_to_country(),$new_order->ship_name(),$new_order->ship_to_st
> reet(),$new_or
> der->ship_to_street2(),$new_order->ship_to_city(),$new_order->
> ship_to_state(
> ),$new_order->ship_to_zip(),$new_order->ship_to_country(),$new
> _order->email_
> address(),$new_order->bill_phone_number(),$new_order->bill_pho
> ne_number2(),$
> new_order->ship_phone_number(),$new_order->ship_phone_number2(
> ),$new_order->
> sales_tax(),$new_order->shipping_amount(),$new_order->coupon_t
> ype(),$new_ord
> er->coupon_amount(),$new_order->total());
> }
> $sth1->finish;
> $dbh->disconnect;
> #==
> # Package MivaOrder
> #--
> package MivaOrder;
> use strict;
> use Carp;
> use English;
> use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
> my %fields = (
> wholesale_company =>undef,
> order_number  =>undef,
> date  =>undef,
> bill_name =>undef,
> bill_email_address  =>undef,
> bill_phone_number =>undef,
>   bill_phone_number2  =>undef,
> bill_business_name  =>undef,
> bill_to_street=>undef,
> bill_to_city  =>undef,
> bill_to_state =>undef,
> bill_to_zip   =>undef,
>   bill_to_country =>undef,
> ship_name =>undef,
> ship_email_address=>undef,
> ship_phone_number =>undef,
>   ship_phone_number2  =>undef,
> ship_business_name  =>undef,
> ship_to_street=>undef,
> ship_to_city  =>undef,
> ship_to_state =>undef,

SQL statement to find and delete double entries

2003-08-16 Thread Morrison, Trevor (Trevor)

What would be an SQL statement that will find duplicate order numbers in table and 
then delete them?



Double entries

2003-08-16 Thread Morrison, Trevor (Trevor)

I am running the latest MySql on a Windows 2000 machine.  I also use the
control center gui to do all of my work.  I have a Perl program that
parses online order data and then using Perl's DBI, I write this data to the
database.  Now,  It all works fine except that each order and that orders' items
are written twice to the database.  I have looked over my code but only see
one insert statement for the order information another for the ordered items.  I guess 
need a fresh set of eyes to see where my error is!

I have included the code below with the database connection information
highlighted in red:




# Main script
use strict;
use MivaOrder;
use Data::Dumper;

#Use Perl's Database Interface (DBI) with the NySQL module to connect the
Maverick database
use DBI;
my %attr = (PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1);
my $dbname='maverick';
my $dbuser='root';
my $dbpass='';
buser","$dbpass", \%attr) || die"Unable to connect to database maverick on
localhost: $DBI::errstr\n";

my @new_orders;
#my $email = qw(c:\\maverick\\trevor_trial2.txt);
open(ORDER,$ARGV[0]) or die "Error opening \"$ARGV[0]\": $!\n";

my $order = undef;
while() {

# Keep appending to the order string until we reach the end of the order.
unless(/^Site rating\.\.\: \"/) {
$order .= $_ and next;

# We are done with the order.

my $obj = MivaOrder->new($order);
#print Dumper(\$obj);
push @new_orders,$obj;
$order = undef;

my $sth1 =$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO
unt,total) VALUES
foreach my $new_order(@new_orders) {

# Enter the database and write the data



# Package MivaOrder
package MivaOrder;
use strict;
use Carp;
use English;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

my %fields = (
wholesale_company =>undef,

bill_name   =>undef,
bill_email_address  =>undef,
bill_phone_number   =>undef,
bill_phone_number2  =>undef,
bill_business_name  =>undef,
bill_to_street  =>undef,
bill_to_state   =>undef,
bill_to_zip =>undef,
bill_to_country =>undef,

ship_name   =>undef,
ship_email_address  =>undef,
ship_phone_number   =>undef,
ship_phone_number2  =>undef,
ship_business_name  =>undef,
ship_to_street  =>undef,
ship_to_state   =>undef,
ship_to_zip =>undef,
ship_to_country =>undef,

price   =>undef,

shipping_method =>undef,
shipping_amount =>undef,

sales_tax   =>undef,
total   =>undef,

notes   =>undef,
coupon_type =>undef,
coupon_amount   =>undef,


my ($self,$value) = @_;
$AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(\w+)/;
$self->{$1} = $value if($value);

Problems using DBD::Oracle 1.14, Returning an Oracle 9i RECORD datatype

2003-08-16 Thread Steve Edwards
Is it possible to return a RECORD datatype from Oracle 9i using
DBD::Oracle 1.14?

I've searched the archives and documentation and can find no mention of
not being able to 
yet I can't get it to work.

I have a package with the following function

TYPE User_Profile IS RECORD (

 FUNCTION UserInfo RETURN User_Profile;

It works fine in PL/SQL but when I use the following perl  v5.8.0 
script with DBD::Oracle 1.14

# Given an adnum and address return a list of customer that match
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_session_modes);
my ($dbh,$sth, @row);
#Connect to the oms database
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:oms","oms","oms", {PrintError => 1} )
or die "Can't connect to Oracle:oms: $DBI::errstr\n";
#$sql = "Select * from customer where adnum like $adnum_quoted and
upper(adstreet) like upper($adstreet_quoted)";

$sql = q{ BEGIN
:return := oms_pkg.UserInfo;
END; };
print "$sql\n";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Can't prepare statement:$sql: ",
$dbh->erstr(), "\n";
my $sth2;
$sth->bind_param_inout(":return", \$sth2, 0, { ora_type => ORA_RSET }
#while ( $row_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc') ) {
#   print
while ( $row_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
push @row, [ @$row_ref ];
# Print the array
foreach $row_ref ( @row ) {
foreach $row_ref ( @row ) {
print "@$row_ref\n";
#Be correct and disconnect
$dbh->disconnect or warn "Disconnection failed:

I works fine if I return an array of varchar2 as with the select * from
customers statement.
But with a function returning a RECORD datatype I get the following

$ ./FindCustomer.prl 
:return := oms_pkg.UserInfo;
DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-06550: line 2, column 24:
PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
ORA-06550: line 2, column 5:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for statement ``
:return := oms_pkg.UserInfo;
END; '' with params:
:return=DBI::st=HASH(0x30c8c)]) at ./FindCustomer.prl line 38.
DBD::Oracle::st fetchrow_arrayref failed: ERROR no statement executing
(perhaps you need to call execute first) [for statement `` BEGIN 
:return := oms_pkg.UserInfo;
END; '' with params:
:return=DBI::st=HASH(0x30c8c)]) at ./FindCustomer.prl line 47.

Any ideas,


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