Re: How to iterate through database tables

2009-02-03 Thread Douglas Wilson
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Deviloper  wrote:
> But some bad guy could showed up and force the poor developer not to use 
> perl-vars in SQL-Statements for security reasons.
> Is ist possible to use tablenames like normal bind-variables?
> Is there a better way to solve this problem?

Using perl vars is ok as long as you untaint them (you are using
taint checking in programs that use untrusted user input, right?).

This can be as easy as:

unless ( $table =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) {
  die "Bad table: $table";
$table = $1;

If only "trusted" users are using the program (e.g. in non-suid
command line utilities), then I don't worry so much about pasting
variables into SQL.

Re: How to iterate through database tables

2009-02-03 Thread Scott Smith
I think his issue is getting list to the server side without 
concatenating strings.

You can't use bind variables as table names or column names. 

You may be able to write a stored procedure which takes a table name as 
a variable, does the string concatenation on the server side, and uses 
Oracle's "execute immediate" to effectively "eval" the SQL there..


Dale wrote:

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Deviloper  wrote:


Hello there!

lets assume that one has a list of tables @db_tables. (For Example one per
Lets assume one wants to find some data in the tables. (For Example sold

select sales from $db_tables[0]; # gives all sold items in January

You could use a UNION in the database to combine the common data (you can
create a view and use that for your select):

CREATE VIEW v_combined_months AS
SELECT 'January' AS "Month",sales FROM jan_sales
 SELECT 'February' AS "Month",sales FROM feb_sales
 SELECT 'March' AS "Month",sales FROM march_sales


Re: How to iterate through database tables

2009-02-03 Thread pDale
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Deviloper  wrote:

> Hello there!
> lets assume that one has a list of tables @db_tables. (For Example one per
> Month)
> Lets assume one wants to find some data in the tables. (For Example sold
> Items.)
> select sales from $db_tables[0]; # gives all sold items in January

You could use a UNION in the database to combine the common data (you can
create a view and use that for your select):

CREATE VIEW v_combined_months AS
SELECT 'January' AS "Month",sales FROM jan_sales
 SELECT 'February' AS "Month",sales FROM feb_sales
 SELECT 'March' AS "Month",sales FROM march_sales
