the versions DBI y DBD are:
DBD::Oracle -- 1.16, DBI -- 1.50
I was working in oracle 8i with modules DBD::Oracle -- 1.12
DBI -- 1.30 without problems.

connect :
sub _connect
        my  $wdsn = "dbi:Oracle:orcl";

        $ENV { ORACLE_HOME } = "/ora8/soft/oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/";
        $ENV { ORACLE_SID }  = "epqdb";

        $dbh = DBI->connect ( $wdsn, 'user', 'pw')
        &error ( "BATCH", txt => "connect" );

        $dbh->{ AutoCommit} = 0;

prepare :
$sth_par = $dbh->prepare ( "select
                itmpar, texpar
                from useru.par
                where ciapar = ?
                and  fampar = ? ")
        $batch->error (txt => "p720");

execute :
$sth_par->bind_param ( 1, 0 );
$sth_par->bind_param ( 2, 'py-ley', DBI::SQL_CHAR );
print "p110 $dbh->errstr";


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: "John Scoles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 10 May 2006 09:25:02 -0500
Subject: Re:  problem DBD-Oracle-1.17 linux enterprise AS

If you could include which version of DBI, DBD:Oracle and some of your
original perl code it would give us a better idea on how to debug this.

So far a ORA-00600 error can be any one of a number of problems.  One is a
'time out error'  which might explain why it runs the second time.


John Scoles

""Oscar Gomez"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> i have this error when i made interface program perl with oracle 10g
> DBD module.
> DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:
> [kpofdr-long], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] (DBD ERROR: error possibly near
> indicator at char 37 in 'select
>                 itmpar, texpar
>                 from useru.<*>par
>                 where ciapar = :p1
>                 and  fampar = :p2 ') [for Statement "select
>                 itmpar, texpar
>                 from useru.par
>                 where ciapar = ?
>                 and  fampar = ? " with ParamValues: :p1=0, :p2='py-ley']
> ./ line 28.
> but,if I execute it for the second time it work ok.
> thanks
> --
> Open WebMail Project (
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> --
> Open WebMail Project (
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