Re: [Dbmail-dev] revision 1984. double free

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
Huh, weird. I didn't recall that dm_list_free would free both the list
nodes and the memory each node points to. But ok, I guess it does!

Fixed in SVN.


On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 00:05 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> Hello
> valgrind output:
> x:/export/hda3/0TMP/dbmail-svn
> $ valgrind --leak-check=full -v  \
> --show-reachable=yes /usr/local/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd -n
> ==14890== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
> ==14890== Copyright (C) 2002-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
> ==14890== Using LibVEX rev 1367, a library for dynamic binary translation.
> ==14890== Copyright (C) 2004-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
> ==14890== Using valgrind-3.0.1, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework.
> ==14890== Copyright (C) 2000-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
> --14890-- Valgrind library directory: /usr/lib/valgrind
> --14890-- Command line
> --14890--/usr/local/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd
> --14890---n
> --14890-- Startup, with flags:
> --14890----leak-check=full
> --14890---v
> --14890----show-reachable=yes
> --14890-- Contents of /proc/version:
> --14890--   Linux version 2.6.15 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.4.5) #7 
> Jan 20 12:42:50 MSK 2006
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd (0x8048000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x1B8E4000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2 (0xB000)
> --14890-- Reading suppressions file: /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp
> ==14890==
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ (0x1B8FC000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ 
> (0x1B8FE000)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1B8F5CC0 (index) redirected to 0x1B901220 (index)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1B8F5E80 (strlen) redirected to 0x1B901490 (strlen)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1B91C000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
> (0x1B94D000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/mysql/ 
> (0x1B952000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BA6E000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
> (0x1BA91000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1BA97000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
> (0x1BACF000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1BAD7000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB24000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB28000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB2C000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB3)
> --14890-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
> --14890-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB43000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB55000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB6B000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB9F000)
> --14890--object doesn't have a symbol table
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BC21000)
> --14890-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BC4F000)
> --14890-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
> --14890-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA040 (memset) redirected to 0x1B901BE0 (memset)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA560 (memcpy) redirected to 0x1B9017D0 (memcpy)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9470 (rindex) redirected to 0x1B9010E0 (rindex)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9090 (strlen) redirected to 0x1B901470 (strlen)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB41B0 (malloc) redirected to 0x1B8FF85C (malloc)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB47E0 (realloc) redirected to 0x1B900BBA (realloc)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8B20 (strcmp) redirected to 0x1B901720 (strcmp)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB3E90 (calloc) redirected to 0x1B900B0F (calloc)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9FB0 (memmove) redirected to 0x1B901C10 (memmove)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB89B0 (index) redirected to 0x1B9011F0 (index)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8800 (strcat) redirected to 0x1B901280 (strcat)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB2090 (free) redirected to 0x1B900353 (free)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB93B0 (strncpy) redirected to 0x1B901590 (strncpy)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9290 (strncmp) redirected to 0x1B9016C0 (strncmp)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA240 (stpcpy) redirected to 0x1B9019A0 (stpcpy)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8BB0 (strcpy) redirected to 0x1B9014D0 (strcpy)
> --14890-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9DF0 (

[Dbmail-dev] Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script

2006-02-17 Thread Oleg Lapshin


> libSieve supports an early revision of this draft:

I try to use such sieve-script (is it correct?):

require "fileinto";
require "subaddress";

if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
fileinto "SPAM";}
elsif header :is "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" { 
fileinto "SPAM";} 
else {
fileinto "INBOX";}

But dbmail-lmtpd hangs in executing it.
Output from valgrind:

$ valgrind --leak-check=full -v \
  --show-reachable=yes /usr/local/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd -n
==30312== Memcheck, a memory error detector.
==30312== Copyright (C) 2002-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==30312== Using LibVEX rev 1367, a library for dynamic binary translation.
==30312== Copyright (C) 2004-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP.
==30312== Using valgrind-3.0.1, a dynamic binary instrumentation framework.
==30312== Copyright (C) 2000-2005, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
--30312-- Valgrind library directory: /usr/lib/valgrind
--30312-- Command line
--30312-- Startup, with flags:
--30312-- Contents of /proc/version:
--30312--   Linux version 2.6.15 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.4.5) #7 
Jan 20 12:42:50 MSK 2006
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/sbin/dbmail-lmtpd (0x8048000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x1B8E4000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/stage2 (0xB000)
--30312-- Reading suppressions file: /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ (0x1B8FC000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ 
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1B8F5CC0 (index) redirected to 0x1B901220 (index)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1B8F5E80 (strlen) redirected to 0x1B901490 (strlen)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1B91C000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/mysql/ 
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BA6E000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1BA97000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/dbmail/ 
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/local/lib/ (0x1BAD7000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB24000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB28000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB2C000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB3)
--30312-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
--30312-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB43000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BB55000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB6B000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x1BB9F000)
--30312--object doesn't have a symbol table
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BC21000)
--30312-- Reading syms from /lib/tls/ (0x1BC4F000)
--30312-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
--30312-- DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:50
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA040 (memset) redirected to 0x1B901BE0 (memset)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA560 (memcpy) redirected to 0x1B9017D0 (memcpy)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9470 (rindex) redirected to 0x1B9010E0 (rindex)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9090 (strlen) redirected to 0x1B901470 (strlen)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB41B0 (malloc) redirected to 0x1B8FF85C (malloc)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB47E0 (realloc) redirected to 0x1B900BBA (realloc)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8B20 (strcmp) redirected to 0x1B901720 (strcmp)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB3E90 (calloc) redirected to 0x1B900B0F (calloc)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9FB0 (memmove) redirected to 0x1B901C10 (memmove)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB89B0 (index) redirected to 0x1B9011F0 (index)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8800 (strcat) redirected to 0x1B901280 (strcat)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB2090 (free) redirected to 0x1B900353 (free)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB93B0 (strncpy) redirected to 0x1B901590 (strncpy)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9290 (strncmp) redirected to 0x1B9016C0 (strncmp)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCBA240 (stpcpy) redirected to 0x1B9019A0 (stpcpy)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB8BB0 (strcpy) redirected to 0x1B9014D0 (strcpy)
--30312-- REDIR: 0x1BCB9DF0 (memchr) redirected to 0

Re: [Dbmail-dev] Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 11:37 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:

> ==30312== Invalid read of size 4
> ==30312==at 0x1B926FF9: dbmail_message_get_envelope (dbmail-message.c:393)
> ==30312==by 0x1BA929ED: sort_getenvelope (sortsieve.c:306)
> ==30312==by 0x1BAA97BE: libsieve_do_getenvelope 
> (in /usr/local/lib/
> ==30312==by 0x1BAA64E1: (within /usr/local/lib/
> ==30312==by 0x1BAA68A9: libsieve_eval 
> (in /usr/local/lib/

Looks like I screwed up dbmail_message_get_envelope...


Re: [Dbmail-dev] Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 02:56 -0800, Aaron Stone wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 11:37 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> > ==30312== Invalid read of size 4
> > ==30312==at 0x1B926FF9: dbmail_message_get_envelope 
> > (dbmail-message.c:393)
> > ==30312==by 0x1BA929ED: sort_getenvelope (sortsieve.c:306)
> > ==30312==by 0x1BAA97BE: libsieve_do_getenvelope 
> > (in /usr/local/lib/
> > ==30312==by 0x1BAA64E1: (within /usr/local/lib/
> > ==30312==by 0x1BAA68A9: libsieve_eval 
> > (in /usr/local/lib/
> Looks like I screwed up dbmail_message_get_envelope...

Ok, it's because GStrings don't self-initialize like GLists do. Bah. I'm
just going to zap the set/get_envelope functions I wrote last week;
get_header("Return-Path") already has exactly the same information.

Grab SVN in a few minutes.


[Dbmail-dev] Re: Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script (and glib)

2006-02-17 Thread Oleg Lapshin

> Ok, it's because GStrings don't self-initialize like GLists do. Bah. I'm
> just going to zap the set/get_envelope functions I wrote last week;
> get_header("Return-Path") already has exactly the same information.

I download revision 1986

It works!
And there are no more Glib-CRITICAL errors

But, my sieve script:
   require "subaddress";
   if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
   fileinto "SPAM";}
don't work ;(

As I see in sort_getenvelope function:
sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "envelope",
dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Return-Path"));
and think, that "if envelope :detail" try to recognize Return-Path line from 
header of message - sender address, instead of recipient (in my case)...
Is it right?
or I am mistaken at all ...

Oleg Lapshin

Re: [Dbmail-dev] Re: Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script (and glib)

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 15:09 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> > Ok, it's because GStrings don't self-initialize like GLists do. Bah. I'm
> > just going to zap the set/get_envelope functions I wrote last week;
> > get_header("Return-Path") already has exactly the same information.
> OK
> I download revision 1986
> It works!
> And there are no more Glib-CRITICAL errors

Heh, I guess they were my fault, from the wrong use of GString :-[

> But, my sieve script:
>require "subaddress";
>if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
>fileinto "SPAM";}
> don't work ;(
> As I see in sort_getenvelope function:
> sieve2_setvalue_string(s, "envelope",
> dbmail_message_get_header(m->message, "Return-Path"));
> and think, that "if envelope :detail" try to recognize Return-Path line from 
> header of message - sender address, instead of recipient (in my case)...
> Is it right?
> or I am mistaken at all ...

Umm. *oh* Wow, ok, that's really stupid of me. The "envelope" is this
case is the envelope recipient, not the envelope sender. Duh.

Let's see how it works in SVN now...

Incidentally, I'd do some actual testing myself, but I'm shoehorning the
coding in during study breaks this week ;-)


[Dbmail-dev] Re: Problem with 'subaddress' in sieve script (and glib)

2006-02-17 Thread Oleg Lapshin

> Umm. *oh* Wow, ok, that's really stupid of me. The "envelope" is this
> case is the envelope recipient, not the envelope sender. Duh.
> Let's see how it works in SVN now...

You forgot to call dbmail_message_set_envelope_recipient somewhere...
(I can't found call to this function)

And one more while compiling:

creating dbmail-export
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I.-g -O2 -DSIEVE 
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   
-I/usr/local/include/gmime-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes 
-MT lmtp.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/lmtp.Tpo" -c -o lmtp.o lmtp.c; \
then mv -f ".deps/lmtp.Tpo" ".deps/lmtp.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/lmtp.Tpo"; exit 
1; fi
lmtp.c: In function `lmtp':
lmtp.c:619: error: invalid type argument of `->'
make[2]: *** [lmtp.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/export/hda3/0TMP/dbmail-2.1.4pre3/dbmail'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/hda3/0TMP/dbmail-2.1.4pre3/dbmail'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Oleg Lapshin

Re: [Dbmail-dev] revision 1984. double free

2006-02-17 Thread Matthew Sayler
On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 12:05:19AM +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> Hello

I would have thought revision 1984 would be doubleplusgood?


[Dbmail-dev] libsieve-2.1.8

2006-02-17 Thread Oleg Lapshin

I found in sv_parser/sieve.c:

} else if (!strcmp("envelope", req)) {
if (c->callbacks.getenvelope)
c->support.envelope = 1;
return c->support.reject;

May be there must be:
return c->support.envelope;

PS. after some twiks with dbmail code, my sieve script

require "fileinto";
require "subaddress";
if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
fileinto "SPAM";}
else {
fileinto "INBOX";}

don't work ;(
mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] was saved in INBOX folder, instead of SPAM

I try to do some tests later today.

Oleg Lapshin

Re: [Dbmail-dev] libsieve-2.1.8

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 19:51 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> I found in sv_parser/sieve.c:
> } else if (!strcmp("envelope", req)) {
> if (c->callbacks.getenvelope)
> c->support.envelope = 1;
> return c->support.reject;
> May be there must be:
> return c->support.envelope;
> ???

Yep, that's a bug in libSieve, too. Should be envelope.
You're really on a bug hunting roll -- keep it coming!

> PS. after some twiks with dbmail code, my sieve script
> require "fileinto";
> require "subaddress";
> if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
> fileinto "SPAM";}
> else {
> fileinto "INBOX";}
> don't work ;(
> mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] was saved in INBOX folder, instead of SPAM
> I try to do some tests later today.

Try adding this in sort.c, right above the Sieve section:

+  /* Give Sieve access to the envelope recipient. */
+  dbmail_message_set_envelope_recipient(message, destination);

/* Sieve. */
config_get_value("SIEVE", "DELIVERY", val);


Re: [Dbmail-dev] libsieve-2.1.8

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 09:18 -0800, Aaron Stone wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 19:51 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:
> > I found in sv_parser/sieve.c:
> > 
> > } else if (!strcmp("envelope", req)) {
> > if (c->callbacks.getenvelope)
> > c->support.envelope = 1;
> > return c->support.reject;
> > 
> > May be there must be:
> > return c->support.envelope;
> > ???
> Yep, that's a bug in libSieve, too. Should be envelope.
> You're really on a bug hunting roll -- keep it coming!

Actually I have to look more carefully, because the bug is a little more
than just a typo. It would only affect a client program that didn't
register a getenvelope function but tried to run a script that used the
subaddress extension. That's when it would explode. But not for DBMail.


[Dbmail-dev] authdriver=sql using ldap

2006-02-17 Thread Christian G. Warden
I'm using the debian package version 2.1.3+20060214-1.  I have the
authdriver set to sql, but dbmail-users -l, run from the init script, is
trying to connect to the ldap server.


[Dbmail-dev] libsieve-2.1.8

2006-02-17 Thread Oleg Lapshin

> Try adding this in sort.c, right above the Sieve section:
> +  /* Give Sieve access to the envelope recipient. */
> +  dbmail_message_set_envelope_recipient(message, destination);
> /* Sieve. */
> config_get_value("SIEVE", "DELIVERY", val);

Now it's OK
But there is also error while compiling:

if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -I.-g -O2 -DSIEVE 
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   
-I/usr/local/include/gmime-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include   -W -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes 
-MT lmtp.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/lmtp.Tpo" -c -o lmtp.o lmtp.c; \
then mv -f ".deps/lmtp.Tpo" ".deps/lmtp.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/lmtp.Tpo"; exit 
1; fi
lmtp.c: In function `lmtp':
lmtp.c:619: error: invalid type argument of `->'
make[2]: *** [lmtp.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/export/hda3/0TMP/dbmail-2.1.4pre3/dbmail'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/export/hda3/0TMP/dbmail-2.1.4pre3/dbmail'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I try to change line 619 in lmtp.c:

- dbmail_message_set_header(msg, "Return-Path", from->data);
+ dbmail_message_set_header(msg, "Return-Path", (char *)

and it is compiled now (and set correct value [for me])

Then, sort_getenvelope function returns correct value to libsieve.
But nothing happened.
I think, that libsieve don't execute 
 if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
command in sieve-script.

Oleg Lapshin

Re: [Dbmail-dev] libsieve-2.1.8

2006-02-17 Thread Aaron Stone
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 22:21 +0300, Oleg Lapshin wrote:

> - dbmail_message_set_header(msg, "Return-Path", from->data);
> + dbmail_message_set_header(msg, "Return-Path", (char *)
> (dm_list_getstart(&from)->data));

That's a correct fix.

> Then, sort_getenvelope function returns correct value to libsieve.
> But nothing happened.
> I think, that libsieve don't execute 
>  if envelope :detail "to" "spam1" {
> command in sieve-script.

I'll dig into it this weekend. It may be a semantic change in the
subaddress extension between the Cyrus implementation from like 3-4
years ago and the most recent ietf draft. Or something else. We'll see!

Thanks again for your diligent testing!


Re: [Dbmail-dev] authdriver=sql using ldap

2006-02-17 Thread Paul J Stevens
Sounds like a fuckup in the build. I'll fix this later this weekend

Christian G. Warden wrote:
> I'm using the debian package version 2.1.3+20060214-1.  I have the
> authdriver set to sql, but dbmail-users -l, run from the init script, is
> trying to connect to the ldap server.
> Christian
> ___
> Dbmail-dev mailing list

  Paul Stevens  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands

Re: [Dbmail-dev] authdriver=sql using ldap

2006-02-17 Thread Paul J Stevens
Fuckup confirmed. It's a static build that got out accidently. Lucky for
me I don't have anything but ldap/mysql deployed :-).

Thanks for the heads-up.

Paul J Stevens wrote:
> Sounds like a fuckup in the build. I'll fix this later this weekend
> (hopefully).
> Christian G. Warden wrote:
>>I'm using the debian package version 2.1.3+20060214-1.  I have the
>>authdriver set to sql, but dbmail-users -l, run from the init script, is
>>trying to connect to the ldap server.
>>Dbmail-dev mailing list

  Paul Stevens  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands

[Dbmail-dev] (no subject)

2006-02-17 Thread Leif Jackson
Current svn build problems... minor fixes.. Without sieve enabled there is
a missing ifdef and the Return-Path argument is of the wrong type...

diff -urN dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/lmtp.c dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/lmtp.c
--- dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/lmtp.c   2006-02-17 17:23:43.0 -0500
+++ dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/lmtp.c2006-02-17 17:44:23.244784376 -0500
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
return 1;

-   dbmail_message_set_header(msg,
"Return-Path", from->data);
+   dbmail_message_set_header(msg,
"Return-Path", (char *)(dm_list_getstart(&from)->data));
if (insert_messages(msg,
&headerfields, &rcpt) == -1) {
ci_write((FILE *) stream,
"503 Message not
} else {
diff -urN dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/sort.c dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/sort.c
--- dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/sort.c   2006-02-17 17:41:10.323157000 -0500
+++ dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/sort.c2006-02-17 17:41:45.705486863 -0500
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@

+#ifdef SIEVE
/* Sieve. */
config_get_value("SIEVE", "DELIVERY", val);
if (strcasecmp(val, "yes") == 0) {
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@

/* Sieve actions:
 * (m = must implement, s = should implement, e = extension)


p.s. Aaron & Paul I am excited to see all the great changes going into
svn! Thanks for all your time and efforts!

Sorry Subject Current svn build problems, minor patch Re: [Dbmail-dev] (no subject)

2006-02-17 Thread Leif Jackson
On Fri, February 17, 2006 5:35 pm, Leif Jackson wrote:
> Current svn build problems... minor fixes.. Without sieve enabled there
> is a missing ifdef and the Return-Path argument is of the wrong type...
> diff -urN dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/lmtp.c dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/lmtp.c
> --- dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/lmtp.c   2006-02-17 17:23:43.0
> -0500
> +++ dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/lmtp.c2006-02-17 17:44:23.244784376
> -0500
> @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
> return 1; }
> -   dbmail_message_set_header(msg,
> "Return-Path", from->data);
> +   dbmail_message_set_header(msg,
> "Return-Path", (char *)(dm_list_getstart(&from)->data));
> if (insert_messages(msg, &headerfields, &rcpt) == -1) {
> ci_write((FILE *) stream, "503 Message not
> received\r\n"); } else {
> diff -urN dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/sort.c dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/sort.c
> --- dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987.orig/sort.c   2006-02-17 17:41:10.323157000
> -0500
> +++ dbmail-svn-2.1.3-1987/sort.c2006-02-17 17:41:45.705486863
> -0500
> @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
> }
> }
> +#ifdef SIEVE
> /* Sieve. */
> config_get_value("SIEVE", "DELIVERY", val); if (strcasecmp(val, "yes") ==
> 0) {
> @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
> sort_free_result(sort_result); }
> }
> +#endif
> /* Sieve actions:
> * (m = must implement, s = should implement, e = extension)
> Thanks,
> Leif
> p.s. Aaron & Paul I am excited to see all the great changes going into
> svn! Thanks for all your time and efforts!
> ___
> Dbmail-dev mailing list