
I assume there is a mistake within the documentation of 
parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> class. Below the 
"detailed description" part within the second box there is written 
&MyGeometry<dim>. Doesn't it have to be &MyClass<dim>?

With regard to the same topic: I would like to know, if it is possible to 
read from a .msh input file and refine afterwards for a parallel 
distributed mesh. Hence, using the procedure from the documentation by 
means of the set_boundary_ids() function there should be a way to reuse the 
predefined boundary ID structure from the input file, am I right? How can 
we reuse the initial boundary ID setting efficiently without much effort?  

In my case mesh refinement works for 1 core, but for several cores it fails 
with the following error:

Assertion failed in file 
../src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/src/ch3_progress.c at line 560: 
internal ABORT - process 0
Assertion failed in file 
../src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/src/ch3_progress.c at line 560: 
internal ABORT - process 4

I assume this problem rises from the boundary description since when I 
refine adjacent cells to other nodes not directly related to the boundary, 
it also works in parallel mode.

Kind regards,
S. A. Mohseni

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